Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 914 Abandoning pawns to save the car!

Chapter 914 Abandoning pawns to save the car!

Faced with Rockefeller's questioning, many executives bowed their heads, and no one wanted to be the leader.

"President, although the current situation of "Ant-Man" is not very good, it is not impossible to save it. We have a more obvious local advantage than Time Group. We can operate in the dark to increase our film schedule again, and then invite water The army discredited "Wind and Clouds" and brought back the image for us." A woman in her 30s next to Rockefeller suggested.

The woman is like a young woman who still has charm, with a capable temperament, and she is not afraid of Rockefeller's aura, and put forward her own opinions.

When Rockefeller heard the woman's words, his cold face softened slightly.The woman's name is Sandora, and she is the daughter of a shareholder on the board of directors.Skilled and talented.The two are family friends and are Rockefeller's right-hand men.

As soon as Sandora's voice fell, a middle-aged man in the fifth row across from him raised his hand, and said falteringly: "President, we have already practiced what Manager Sandora said, but we encountered Warner Bros. Obstruction. As a result, this plan did not work and failed..."

Rockefeller's face turned cold, thinking of the massive alliance between Time Group and Warner Brothers a few months ago.

Although the current Marvel Studios is gaining momentum, beating the eight Hollywood giants, but the background is still a little worse than the other side.After all, the eight Hollywood giants all have a history of hundreds of years, after all, they are not comparable to their decades of history in Marvel.

"Warner Bros. is only an alliance with Time Group after all, and it is impossible to spend money to help Time Group. The reason why we did not succeed is because we are not strong enough. If you continue to do this, I don't believe that Warner Bros. will make money." Let us fight to the death with blood!" Rockefeller said angrily.

The middle-aged executive nodded quickly when he heard what Rockefeller said.

"President, I don't think we can force this matter." Sandora frowned slightly, and expressed her opinion: "The eight giants in Hollywood have always been very hostile to us. If we go too hard, it is very likely that the other party will join forces to rebound."

"Warner Bros. owns 5.00% of the dry shares of Time Group, which is also a real benefit for them. They should be less likely to sit idly by. It can not only hit us, but also reap benefits. This kind of thing that kills two birds with one stone, they did not Reason not to do it."

Sandora talked eloquently, with a flash of wisdom in her eyes, quite like a female Zhuge.

Rockefeller lowered his head and pondered when he heard Sandora's words.He has always seriously considered Sandora's words.

"Then Sandora, what do you think we should do?" Rockefeller asked.

The rest of the group executives also turned their attention to Sandora and listened to her opinions.

"Abandon the pawns to save the car!" Sandora said softly.

Rockefeller frowned slightly, nodded slightly, and signaled Sandora to continue.

"We've been in theaters in Europe and America for almost ten days. Even if there is a lot of trouble, it's basically the same. Although the box office is a bit bleak, it's not that the loss is outrageous, it's just that it didn't meet the group's expected results."

"In my opinion, let's give up here in Europe and the United States. We will shift our strategic focus to Asia, which is the number one box office in the world. As long as we win the number one box office in the world, our box office will not be so bad this time." Go, you can still reap super high box office!"

Sandora's words made many people nod slightly.When Sandora didn't say anything just now, everyone's thinking was fixed on how to save the current box office in Europe and America.Now after listening to Sandora's words, everyone's thinking suddenly opened up, jumped out of this small circle, and looked at the world.

"Not bad, manager Sandora's opinion is very good, we really don't need to get entangled in this."

"Asia is the number one vote warehouse. As long as we win here in Asia, our prospects are still extremely bright."

"I think it's okay to do this, to avoid its edge. Once the craze of "Wind Up Clouds" is over, we will release it strongly, and no one in China can stop us."


There was a slight whisper in the meeting room, and everyone was discussing and agreed with this suggestion.

Rockefeller also nodded slightly, feeling that this is the only way to go at present.

Knocking on the table, Rockefeller said: "Now raise your hands to vote on Sandora's plan, and those who agree with this plan raise their hands!"

Soon, numerous hands were raised in the conference room, and everyone unanimously adopted Sandora's suggestion.

This matter ended here, Rockefeller glanced at the audience, his face was still very heavy.

"Although this matter has been resolved, I hope everyone is aware of one problem, that is, how should we go in the future!" Rockefeller stood up with a gloomy face.

"The scale of the Times Group is still small now, but once the scale of the Times Group expands and multi-line combat, how will we resist him then?"

"There is only a little bit of a good time for the release. We avoid it today and avoid him tomorrow. Are we going to avoid it in the future? The most fundamental problem for us now is how to get out of this suppression!"

Rockefeller knocked on the table again when he disagreed with each other, causing the relaxed meeting room No. [-] to once again have a heavy atmosphere.

But what Rockefeller said is indeed a question that should be considered at present.People without foresight must have near-term worries, and this is especially true for enterprises.

Just like Motorola and Nokia back then, because they did not see the future situation of the world clearly, they did not keep up with the pace of smart mobile phones in the world, and they withdrew from the stage of history.

Marvel Pictures is a good example, before silently researching film technology.When film technology finally leads the world and occupies the forefront of the world, it begins to show its fangs.In just over ten years, it has occupied the mainstream of the world and become a giant in the world film industry.

The same is true of the Times Group today.

"Now, it has come to a very critical moment. Each of you is an elite talent hired by the group with a huge annual salary, and you will be promoted at a critical moment." Rockefeller once again showed his tyrant side.

"After the meeting ended, everyone submitted some constructive proposals and opinions to me. Remember what I said, it is a constructive proposal. Don't fool me with uninspiring ideas. , Do you understand?!"

Many people nodded repeatedly and spoke in agreement.

Rockefeller nodded in satisfaction, saw Sandora, and asked, "Manager Sandora, do you have anything to add?"

Sandora shook her head, saying no.


(End of this chapter)

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