Chapter 915 Gathering!

Ye Wenxuan, who was far away in the north of Beijing, did not know that because of his sudden birth, Marvel specially held a meeting for him.But even if he knew, Marven Ye wouldn't care.

Ten days have passed in the blink of an eye, the Spring Festival is coming to an end, and Beijing is full of vitality again.Many people rushed back from their hometowns to start a new and busy year.

In the past ten days, Ye Wenxuan led his two daughters-in-law to travel north and south, traveling back and forth in China's first-tier cities, and also went to the capitals of some major Asian countries to promote.

Although this year has been extremely hard, Ye Wenxuan is not alone, and has a very comfortable life with his two daughters-in-law.


After more than ten days of publicity, Ye Wenxuan took Wang Shiyu and Zhao Fei'er back to his home, and finally got some breathing time.

Sitting on the comfortable sofa at home, surrounded by two beautiful wives, I feel very happy.

The three of them lived in the new villa. After a year of renovation, the original rough house had already changed drastically.The style is diversified, integrating European style, modern style and Chinese style, without any unevenness, elegant appearance, comfortable and pleasant.

"Husband, you're calling! Husband, you're calling..." Ye Wenxuan's funny phone rang.

The voices are the ringtones recorded by Zhao Feier and Wang Shiyu respectively. The first sentence is called by Wang Shiyu, and the second sentence is called by Zhao Feier.The two took turns to record, and then forced it to be Ye Wenxuan's ringtone.

Hearing the ringing of the phone, Ye Wenxuan's eyebrows flashed with helplessness, he slapped Zhao Fei'er's round butt beside him, and said softly: "Fei'er, be good, help my husband get the phone."

After being spanked, Zhao Fei'er curled her lips slightly, rubbed her butt with her right hand, and then gave Marven Ye the phone with her left hand.

He brought the phone, glanced at the caller ID, and handed it to Ye Wenxuan: "It's Director Feng's call, answer it quickly."

Marven Ye straightened up and picked up the phone.

"Director Feng, what's the matter?" Ye Wenxuan said with a smile, his tone was humorous, without the slightest restraint from Feng Gang.

"Hahaha..." Feng Gang's hearty laughter came, and he said with a smile: "Brother has a game tonight, are you free, come out and let's catch up, I haven't seen you for a long time."

Marven Ye frowned slightly, and asked curiously, "Who is it?"

After all, Marven Ye and Feng Gang hadn't seen each other for a long time.I usually keep in touch with each other through WeChat and phone calls, but I rarely see each other.

Hearing Feng Gang's words, Ye Wenxuan was a little interested, but he didn't know who was there at night.If they were all people he didn't know, Ye Wenxuan didn't plan to go.

Feng Gang replied: "It's just some old friends, you all know each other. One is brother Chen Ming, and that boy Liang Weichao, Feng Yi, and some famous directors in the industry, people from the film and television industry."

Hearing what Feng Gang said, Marven Ye had no scruples and agreed directly.

Feng Gang also told Ye Wenxuan the location and time very simply, and then hung up.

Ye Wenxuan put down the phone, and Wang Shiyu asked curiously: "Who is it? Do you have a party tonight?"

Ye Wenxuan nodded and explained: "Director Feng set up a bureau, I'll go to have a look at it tonight, after all, it's been a long time since I caught up with you. Are you two interested, why don't you go together?"

Both Wang Shiyu and Zhao Fei'er shook their heads resolutely, with a lack of interest on their faces.

"Hey, it seems that Sister Shiyu and I will be alone in the empty boudoir again at night..." Zhao Fei'er pretended to be crying, and said pitifully.

As soon as Zhao Fei'er spoke up, Wang Shiyu followed closely behind: "Isn't it? I know that both of us sisters can't satisfy you..."

Ye Wenxuan's face darkened when he heard the words, and he coughed dryly: "Can you two talk well, as if I'm ungrateful and ungrateful!"

"Is not it?"

"It's not like, you are!"

Wang Shiyu and Zhao Fei'er retorted at the same time, very slippery.

"Hmph, it seems that you two girls are going to rebel, my husband will take care of you!" Marven Ye said with a smile and pointedly.

Wang Shiyu and Zhao Fei'er blushed when they heard the words, and secretly spat on Ye Wenxuan's dirty words.

"Since you are worried about my husband, why don't you feel relieved if you sleep together and squeeze him dry before my husband leaves..." Ye Wenxuan thought of a certain possibility, and felt slightly ashamed... No, it was excitement.

Ye Wenxuan has never unlocked the highest state of sleeping together.Marven Ye wondered for a while whether this realm only exists in theory.

The two little girls are usually quite relaxed, but facing Ye Wenxuan's request, it was absolutely non-negotiable, which made Ye Wenxuan very depressed.

But Ye Wenxuan believed that as long as he worked hard, he would be able to unlock it sooner or later!

Ye Wenxuan's words did not receive a response, one turned his head to play with his mobile phone, and the other watched TV on his own, ignoring Ye Wenxuan directly.


At night, Qiankun clubhouse.

The Qiankun clubhouse is a very famous clubhouse in the north of Beijing, and it is very strange to ordinary people.But for the rich and powerful in the upper class of Beijing, it is like a thunderous existence.

It is located in a secluded place on the second ring road in the north of Beijing, which is very rare in the second ring road full of high-rise buildings.

None of the cars parked in front of the Qiankun clubhouse cost less than one million yuan, and the people who came were basically either rich or expensive.

Ye Wenxuan was sent to the Qiankun club by Huang Tianlei at night, and then let him leave.Since Feng Gang set up a bureau, and there are people like Chen Ming, Liang Weichao, and Feng Yi in it, drinking must not escape.

Since he wanted to drink, Marven Ye didn't drive the car.

When you come to the gate of Qiankun Clubhouse, you usually need to verify your identity.But Ye Wenxuan didn't, just brushing his face was enough.With Ye Wenxuan's face, he doesn't brag, even if he is penniless, he can definitely live a handsome life.

Face brushing, this is the exclusive skill of all big coffees.

Ye Wenxuan, led by the waiter girl, came to the room reserved by Feng Gang.

The decoration inside the Qiankun Clubhouse is quiet and elegant, just like a place where ancient literati gather, the style is very tall.

Pick a waiter girl at random, and put it on the outside of the goddess level.This level of leisure venue is absolutely unimaginable for many commoners in their lifetime.

Ye Wenxuan came to the door, pushed the waiter away, opened the door and walked in.

The door was opened, and the eyes of the people inside also moved over. Seeing that the person who came was Ye Wenxuan, many people had a smile on their faces.

"Hey, Wenxuan is here." Feng Yi with a beard saw Ye Wenxuan and yelled.

Feng Gang stood up, walked towards the door, and welcomed Ye Wenxuan in. The two hadn't seen each other for a long time, and they were filled with joy for a while.

There were not many people in the room, a dozen or so, but everyone was a well-known figure in Huaxia and the entertainment industry, and they were all people with whom countless women wanted to shake the bed.

Moreover, Ye Wenxuan actually saw an unexpected person, who was also there...

(End of this chapter)

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