Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 917 The Times Building is completed!

Chapter 917 The Times Building is completed!

Lying on the bed, slightly sideways, looking at the bright moon hanging high outside the window, Ye Wenxuan's mind was full of what Feng Gang said just now.

In the past two years, Ye Wenxuan has made many films, but most of them are commercial films, in order to cater to the market and make money.

Although each film was well received, Ye Wenxuan felt that he was not very happy acting.Kong has a lot of strength, but he can only deliberately suppress himself to help those around him, which makes Ye Wenxuan very unhappy.

And so far, although he is known as the King of Three Lives, his achievements in movies are few and far between.

"Perhaps, I can really consider what Director Feng said, and make some in-depth movies, otherwise I will really lose my ability." Ye Wenxuan sighed secretly.

Tossing and turning, Marven Ye fell into a deep sleep with thousands of thoughts on his mind.


The next day, Wang Shiyu and Zhao Fei'er went to bed together, and saw Ye Wenxuan in the living room, curled up, holding a laptop, busy with concentration.

The two of them did not disturb Ye Wenxuan, they quietly came to Ye Wenxuan's side, watching Ye Wenxuan's hands moving rapidly on the computer.

New script?
Both of them were insiders, so they could tell at a glance what Ye Wenxuan was doing. He was writing a script.

Looking at the script on the computer, the two couldn't help but indulge in it.

Ye Wenxuan played for more than three hours, with no distractions, until his fingers felt a little sore, and then he stopped.

As soon as Ye Wenxuan stopped, the two girls beside him also withdrew from their concentration and rubbed their sore eyes.

Only then did Ye Wenxuan notice Wang Shiyu and Zhao Fei'er. He was so obsessed with coding the script just now that he didn't notice them at all.

"When did you two come here?" A smile appeared on Ye Wenxuan's face, and he reached out to stroke the hair of the two beautiful wives, full of pampering.

"The two of us have been here for almost three hours..." Zhao Fei'er pouted and responded.

Wang Shiyu's eyes were full of curiosity, and she pursed her lips: "Wenxuan, is this your new script? It doesn't look like a fantasy script, it seems to be an urban inspirational entrepreneurial one?"

Hearing Wang Shiyu's words, Ye Wenxuan nodded.

"This movie is called "Huaxia Partners". It is a very inspirational story. The three protagonists in it are all based on successful people in reality, and they are practical. This movie is not fantasy, it is a bit More literary." Ye Wenxuan explained.

After careful consideration last night, Ye Wenxuan decided to move the "Chinese Partner" from his previous life to the screen in this life.This movie is a rare high-quality movie in the previous life, which is both popular and popular.

With this movie, the protagonist Huang Xiaoming has won numerous awards at major film festivals and successfully became emperor.Let him get rid of the title of the king of bad movies in one fell swoop, and this movie also won the best movie of the year.

A successful inspirational movie that is partial to literature and art, when the market was tested, it still managed to win nearly 5000 million box office.Compared with the investment costing less than [-] million yuan, it has already exceeded the cost return.

There are countless classic movies in the previous life, but Ye Wenxuan finally decided to choose this movie after careful selection.The main reason is that the role of Cheng Dongqing in the movie is very deep. First of all, the age span is very large, and his maturation process is also a very profound part.

With Ye Wenxuan's current level, looking back at the acting skills of the original version of Huang Xiaoming in the previous life, I feel that there are still many things that are lacking, and there are many areas that need to be improved.If Ye Wenxuan is allowed to act by himself, he is confident that he can portray this character more deeply and more attractively.

The other one is the two supporting roles in the movie. They also lack a lot of acting skills, and there is a lot of room for improvement.

Therefore, Ye Wenxuan felt that this movie was very suitable for him to act in, at least for Ye Wenxuan's current age group, it was very suitable.

When Zhao Fei'er and Wang Shiyu heard the name Ye Wenxuan said, they muttered the name of the movie, thinking it was very novel.

"Then will there be Shi Yu and I in this movie?" Zhao Fei'er looked at Ye Wenxuan eagerly and asked curiously.

Ye Wenxuan shook his head and said with a smile: "This movie only has one supporting actress, there is no heroine, and there are very few supporting actresses, and they are very empty, just a foil."

Hearing Ye Wenxuan's words, Zhao Fei'er curled her lips.

Looking at the time, it was almost noon.Ye Wenxuan saved the manuscript, then turned off the computer, and said to the two of them: "I'm going to cook, and I'll go to the company to take a look after the meal. You two can go shopping in the afternoon, and then I'll finish my work at the company. I'll go find you two, and then we'll go out to dinner, how about?"

Zhao Fei'er and Wang Shiyu immediately smiled like flowers when they heard the words, and stamped Ye Wenxuan's left and right sides at once.

At noon, the three had a simple meal at home.After eating, Marven Ye got dressed, drove his Bugatti Veyron, and galloped towards his company.

After the New Year, this was the first time Marven Ye came to the company.All the employees were full of vigor and re-entered the working state.

Seeing Marven Ye coming, everyone greeted Marven Ye one after another, and Marven Ye responded with a smile on his face.

Ye Wenxuan returned to his office, just as he took off his coat, Ran Yirou walked in from the outside.

It is still Ran Yirou's favorite white, a white knitted sweater, beige leather shorts, with a pair of white stockings underneath, and a pair of white high heels.As soon as she came in, the whole room brightened up.

"Hey, you came in time." Ye Wenxuan walked out of the desk, and sat on the sofa not far away with Ran Yirou.

Xu Rou came in from the outside, put two cups of hot coffee in front of them, and then left quietly.

"That's natural. When the big boss returns to the company, I, as a subordinate, shouldn't come to pay homage right away!" Ran Yirou's eyes flickered with anticipation, and there was a trace of anger in her tone.

Hearing Ran Yirou making jokes, Ye Wenxuan got used to it and smiled.

"Has anything happened recently?" Marven Ye asked routinely.

Ran Yirou nodded, then stretched out three fingers: "There are three things."

Ye Wenxuan picked up the hot coffee and took a sip, nodded slightly, motioning for Ran Yirou to continue.

Ran Yirou sat in a very ladylike posture, picked up the folder from one side, put it on her slender legs, and said, "The first thing is, the person in charge of the Times Building called me the day before yesterday. The project is about to be completed. We will be able to move into the Times Tower in a few months."

Hearing Ran Yirou's words, Ye Wenxuan's eyes widened. In surprise, he accidentally burned his mouth, full of surprise: "Times Building has been completed?!"

(End of this chapter)

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