Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 918 Public Service Advertisement!

Chapter 918 Public Service Advertisement!

Ye Wenxuan had been paying attention to the construction of the Times Building before.But recently, Ye Wenxuan has devoted himself to movies, so Ye Wenxuan left the progress of the Times Building to Ran Yirou.

After all, he was basically staying at QHD a while ago and had no time to watch the project, so he could only leave this matter to Ran Yirou.

Unexpectedly, the construction was completed now, which surprised Ye Wenxuan.

"Completed? How could it be so fast? There won't be any problem with the quality?" Ye Wenxuan asked suspiciously.

Ran Yirou shook her head and explained: "There must be no problem with the quality. I will go to see it every week, and I will check the materials and financial statements. It is absolutely impossible for shabby projects to happen, so you can rest assured about this."

"Times Building is currently completed, but the interior decoration is not yet finished, and it will take nearly two months, so it will take a while to move in, but now we can start thinking about these things."

After hearing Ran Yirou's words, Ye Wenxuan nodded secretly, feeling slightly aware.He was always at ease with Ran Yirou, since she said that the Times Building was fine, then presumably there should be no problem.

"Now that the Times Building has been completed, we can re-divide the division of our group's departments. We don't have to be as tight as we are now, and we can expand our enrollment as much as we want."

"After we hold the housewarming ceremony, we will hold a global job fair to recruit talents with great momentum. Our group's business can also officially begin to spread."

A flash of excitement flashed in Ye Wenxuan's eyes. The completion of the Times Building meant that the group could recruit employees without any scruples.The business of Times Film and Television can also be fully opened.

In the past, the role of film and television was to produce special effects for movies produced by the production group. Even if the outside business piled up, they never paid attention to it, and really had no time to pay attention to it.

But once the Times Building is completed and the manpower is sufficient, the business can be fully opened.It is estimated that the profits from outside business alone will be as high as several billion U.S. dollars every year.

When Ran Yirou heard Ye Wenxuan's words, longing flashed in her eyes, and Ye Wenxuan's words stirred up waves in her calm heart.

"We'll discuss this matter later," Ran Yirou ended the topic and continued, "Let's talk about the second matter."

Marven Ye nodded, motioning for Ran Yirou to continue.

"CCTV is going to shoot a public service advertisement, and I hope to invite you to be the spokesperson. Our group has always had a good relationship with CCTV, and this incident is very helpful to improve your image, so I will help you with the next step."

"The time will be around next week. The content of the public service announcement is about prohibiting drunk driving. CCTV has invited many celebrities, but they are all small roles. The main spokesperson is still you."

Marven Ye leaned on the sofa, felt a little guilty when he heard the words, and touched his nose.He was actually asked to be the spokesperson, or the spokesperson for drunk driving.

Although he loves to drink, he has basically never driven under the influence of alcohol, only twice so far.If he accepted this endorsement, Ye Wenxuan would never dare to drink and drive again, otherwise he would be really embarrassing if he was found out.

However, Ye Wenxuan didn't have the slightest resistance to being the spokesperson.Once CCTV's public service advertisements are launched, they will be played in a loop, which will greatly help Ye Wenxuan's exposure rate, and will be more beneficial to Ye Wenxuan's positive image, killing two birds with one stone.

"Okay, I know about this, just let me know when it's going to be recorded." Ye Wenxuan replied.

"The third thing is that the album of the seven girls from Girls' Generation will be released the day after tomorrow, and they are going the same way as you did back then. Signing sales during the day and holding a concert at night, you see... as a big boss, is it right? Support the employees below." Ran Yirou's words were ridiculed with a hint of deep meaning.

"Why do I feel that there is something in your words, don't hide it, say it quickly!" Ye Wenxuan scolded with a smile.

"That's okay..." Ran Yirou pursed her lips and smiled, "The night after tomorrow, you will be a guest guest and help the seven girls on stage!"

Ye Wenxuan was stunned, and then nodded with a wry smile: "Did you plan to do this a long time ago?"

Ran Yirou nodded her head as a matter of course, and said with a smirk: "We have already published the advertisement, and you are the only one who doesn't know about it!"

Ye Wenxuan chuckled twice, not paying attention.Even if Ran Yirou didn't say anything, if someone knew about it, she would help out.

"Okay, are you done with your business?" Marven Ye asked.

Ran Yirou nodded, and looked at Marven Ye with some doubts, not knowing what he was going to say.

"Now let's talk about my affairs. There are a few things that need your help." Marven Ye said bluntly.

"You said."

"I wrote a new script, which is an urban inspirational script. I plan to use this film to hit the film festival, so it has a lot of depth. I need to find two leading actors with senior acting skills, and a capable director, similar to Director Feng is like that." Ye Wenxuan handed Ran Yirou a USB flash drive.

After hearing Ye Wenxuan's words, Ran Yirou was stunned, and subconsciously took the USB flash drive that Ye Wenxuan handed over.

"Your style of painting has changed too quickly. The Dou Po series has just started. Why are you starting a new movie? And it's an urban inspirational movie. The span is a bit big. You're out of your mind!" Ran Yirou couldn't laugh or cry. .

Ye Wenxuan waved his hand, told Ran Yirou what Feng Gang said last night, and then told some of his own considerations.

After Ran Yirou listened to it, she pondered for a while, and felt that Feng Gang and Ye Wenxuan were right.Ye Wenxuan's development has indeed reached a bottleneck. He has reached the level of the Asian king in music. If he wants to develop further, he can only focus on the Grammys.

However, given Marven Ye's current strength, it is extremely difficult to win the Best Male Singer at the Grammys, and there is still a long way to go in the future.

And in TV dramas, Ye Wenxuan also won the Feitian Shidi award, so it doesn't make much sense to go up.

Now only in movies, Ye Wenxuan has nothing to gain.It feels a bit flashy and lacks some decent awards to enrich Ye Wenxuan's background.

"En..." Ran Yirou frowned slightly, and nodded her head frequently: "I think what Director Feng said is right, and your consideration is also right. You really need to calm down."

After saying this, Ran Yirou tilted her head and asked, "Then do you have confidence in the script you wrote?"

(End of this chapter)

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