Chapter 919 Visit Xidan!
"Confidence?" Marven Ye frowned slightly, with a smile on his lips: "Which aspect do you mean, box office or word of mouth?"

"Isn't this the same thing?" Ran Yirou was dumbfounded by Ye Wenxuan's question.

"The word-of-mouth of this movie, I think as long as I look at it according to my expected development, the word-of-mouth should be good. But in terms of box office, it's hard to say. If you compare it with the Sansei III series and the Fighting Sky series , there is no comparison at all." Ye Wenxuan shrugged and answered objectively.

Ran Yirou nodded, without any objection in her heart.

"Then I'll help you prepare for this movie, and we'll discuss the details in a few days." Ran Yirou said bluntly.

Ye Wenxuan nodded, drank the coffee that had cooled down, and stretched his waist.

"If there's nothing else, I'll leave first. My two wives are still waiting for me." Ye Wenxuan said with a smile.

Ran Yirou rolled Ye Wenxuan's eyes, and spat softly: "Every day I know how to be a hands-off shopkeeper, hurry up, don't make trouble for me!"

Ye Wenxuan smiled, then stood up, bypassed Ran Yirou, walked towards the closet, and said as he walked: "Sister Yirou, I will give you half a month's leave in a few days, you should take a good rest. I have nothing to do in March, I Let’s take care of the company, you can play with confidence.”

Ran Yirou leaned on the sofa, hugged her hands, raised her chin slightly and looked at Ye Wenxuan, with a hint of suspicion on her face: "Really, can you sit on the bench? Besides, you can be busy with so many things in the company." are you coming?"

Ye Wenxuan put on his coat, gave Ran Yirou an ok gesture, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, you can go and play with peace of mind. Maybe you will meet someone you fall in love with at first sight during the trip, sister Yirou, your lifelong affairs will be settled. "

Hearing Ye Wenxuan's words, the smile on Ran Yirou's face gradually faded, and a look of complexity flashed in her eyes: "You don't have to worry about my affairs, hurry up and worry about your own affairs, we'll discuss about the holiday, I'll go first."

After speaking, Ran Yirou stood up, stepped on her high heels and left Ye Wenxuan's office.

Ye Wenxuan looked at Ran Yirou's back, a little stunned.

What's the situation, why are you suddenly unhappy? Did I say something wrong just now?

Shaking his head, Marven Ye turned off the lights in the office, then left the company and drove to Xidan.

When Ye Wenxuan drove to Xidan, the sky was already gray, and as the evening approached, the whole Xidan gradually became lively.

Marven Ye parked his car in the underground parking lot of the shopping center, then took the elevator and walked upstairs.

At the end of February, the climate in northern Beijing began to pick up, but the temperature was still around zero.Marven Ye was wearing a black woolen coat, a white turtleneck sweater inside, slim-fit jeans, and a pair of pure black Martin boots. He looked very handsome.

Coming to the women's clothing on the fourth floor, the main people who are constantly flowing inside are all young and beautiful beauties.Ye Wenxuan was inside, like a little green among thousands of flowers.Even though Ye Wenxuan was wearing a black super and a peaked cap on his head, he could still estimate Ye Wenxuan's appearance.

However, in public places, everyone is relatively restrained, and there is no such little girl's behavior as asking for a phone call.

The four floors of the shopping center are full of big-name women's clothing, many of which are luxury items from international big-name brands.It seems that there are many people on this floor, but in fact, most of them come here to shop, and there are very few people who can buy.

Ye Wenxuan wandered here casually like a stroll in the garden, looking for his two beautiful wives.

"Louis Dengwei? Isn't that LV?" Ye Wenxuan looked at the message on his phone and muttered softly.

Xidan Shopping Center occupies a very large area, and the area of ​​the first floor is also huge.Ye Wenxuan was so confused by himself that he managed to find the two girls.

Both Zhao Fei'er and Wang Shiyu also wore sunglasses, and caps on their heads, with their long hair hanging freely.However, with only a little bit of cherry lips and Qiong nose exposed, as well as fair skin, it can be seen that the two girls are definitely rare beauties.

The two girls carried all kinds of handbags in their hands. The brands on them were all famous international brands, each of which was very valuable.

Ye Wenxuan looked at the backs of the two girls and recognized them instantly.

After all, they are old couples, and Ye Wenxuan knows their depth, and Ye Wenxuan's length, they also know each other.

A smile appeared on the corner of Marven Ye's mouth, and then he walked in.

"Sister Fei'er, this bag is beautiful!"

"Shi Yu, I also think this bag looks good, but I don't know if there are other colors."

"Yeah, green is really not very pretty, it's a pity."

As soon as Marven Ye approached, he heard two people muttering.

The two girls were surrounded by several salesmen, all of whom were extremely respectful.Looking at the packages in their hands, they knew that these two girls were definitely big customers with extremely strong purchasing power.

When Marven Ye walked in, they just glanced at them and stopped paying attention.

"Ahem..." Ye Wenxuan walked behind the two girls and coughed twice.

The two girls turned their heads and glanced at Marven Ye, then gave him a blank look, and turned their heads to continue discussing the topic just now.

"Find a place to sit, good boy, Sister Fei'er and I haven't finished shopping yet." Wang Shiyu stood on tiptoe and touched Ye Wenxuan's head, telling Ye Wenxuan to find a place to sit in a coaxing tone.

The corner of Marven Ye's mouth twitched slightly, looking at the salespersons around him, he was considering whether to teach her a lesson.


Ye Wenxuan patted Wang Shiyu's butt with his big hand, then turned around and sat down on the other side.

It is very necessary to revive Husband Gang, otherwise these two little girls will not be able to go to heaven.If the husband's power is weak, how can the goal of being slept together be achieved!
Wang Shiyu turned her head and glanced at Ye Wenxuan with her beautiful eyes, her pretty face flushed with blush, and her little tiger teeth were exposed, looking extremely cute.

Ye Wenxuan shook his head with a smile, lowered his head and poked his phone, thinking about who he would like to play the supporting roles in the two films.

Although the protagonist of the movie "Chinese Partner" is Cheng Dongqing, the other two supporting roles are also crucial.

First of all, actors should not be too old. The main age must be under 40 years old. Otherwise, if they are too old, it would be too contrary to the original intention to act as a teenager.

Secondly, while he is young, he also needs online acting skills, at least not much worse than Ye Wenxuan.Ye Wenxuan set the threshold above S grade, if it is lower, it will really lose the original intention of this movie.

Adding these two conditions together, it will be very difficult, Marven Ye fell into deep thought...

(End of this chapter)

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