Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 920 Can't afford to provoke...

Chapter 920 Can't afford to provoke...

Ye Wenxuan crossed his legs and sat on the sofa silently considering candidates. After some time, Zhao Fei'er and Wang Shiyu came to Ye Wenxuan with their bags.

"Let's go, why are you in a daze..." Zhao Fei'er called softly.

Ye Wenxuan, who was considering the actor, was interrupted by Zhao Fei'er's voice and stood up.

"Have you finished shopping?" Marven Ye asked with a smile.

Both Wang Shiyu and Zhao Fei'er nodded, and looked at Ye Wenxuan pitifully.

Marven Ye: "???"

Under Ye Wenxuan's puzzled eyes, the two little girls lifted the bags on their arms, and their expressions became even more pitiful.

Marven Ye suddenly understood, holding his head a little helplessly.After taking the bags in their hands, they immediately smiled.

"Are you still shopping? Are you hungry?" Marven Ye stood between the two and asked with a smile.

Zhao Fei'er and Wang Shiyu walked out of the LV store with Ye Wenxuan happily, each with an arm.

"I'm hungry, I won't go shopping anymore..." Wang Shiyu stroked her belly and acted like a baby to Marven Ye.

Zhao Fei'er also nodded, with a tired face: "Let's find a place to eat, Shiyu and I have been shopping all afternoon."

Hearing what the two said, Marven Ye let go of the big rock hanging in his heart.It's good not to go shopping, it's good not to go shopping...

Ye Wenxuan has only heard of all the activities that the majority of male compatriots hate.But he didn't want to experience it at all, it was a lesson summed up by blood and tears, and Ye Wenxuan didn't want to try it himself.

"Do you know any good places?" Ye Wenxuan asked the two of them. He rarely comes here in Xidan, so he doesn't know much about the nearby restaurants.

Zhao Fei'er shook her head, she didn't quite know.The two turned their eyes to Wang Shiyu. Wang Shiyu tilted his head and thought for a while, then said, "I do know that there is a good western restaurant here. The steak is very good, and the environment is quiet. It's a rare place."

"Western food is fine. We eat Chinese food at home these days. It's good for a change." Zhao Fei'er echoed.

Since Mayfair and Shiyu agreed, Ye Wenxuan naturally had no objections, and took them directly to the underground parking lot, put all the bags in the trunk, and then drove to the western restaurant.

This western restaurant is located on the edge of Xidan, among high-rise buildings, on the first floor of a building.

Domestic western restaurants are not as particular about foreign countries, as long as they are well dressed.

The three of them walked into the western restaurant and asked for a seat at the edge of the restaurant, which was very remote. After all, the three of them were public figures, so they were a bit taboo.

Fortunately, the western restaurant is very high-end, and there are very few people in it, sitting loosely, the three of them did not attract attention.

Ye Wenxuan ordered several steaks and snacks, and then dismissed the waiter.

Looking at the two beautiful wives in front of him, a smile appeared on his face: "How many things did you two buy today, did you max out your credit cards!"

The two looked at each other when they heard the words, and the branches of laughter trembled instantly.

"Husband, our credit card is not maxed out, but your credit card is already maxed out. We wouldn't be so stupid to use our own credit card, your centurion credit card has been maxed out!" Wang Shiyu laughed , while talking.

Ye Wenxuan frowned, took out his mobile phone and went to the mobile banking, and sure enough, he saw a reminder that this month's credit limit had been exhausted.

Seeing the two people who were still laughing, Marven Ye couldn't help but smile a little.

The monthly overdraft limit of the Centurion credit card is 1000 million yuan. This month he spent a lot here and there, and there should be more than 400 million yuan left. It seems that the two of them should have used it up.

Ye Wenxuan curled his lips, and said calmly: "It's okay, the husband's money is spent for his wife. I am responsible for making money to support the family, and you are responsible for being beautiful. This one is not enough, let's change another one and continue to brush!" "

Zhao Fei'er and Wang Shiyu were very happy when they heard the words.But they couldn't help but feel sweet in their hearts, their worth is not bad at all, but Hua Ye Wenxuan's, they just feel satisfied in their hearts.

There is a saying that is good, a man who is willing to spend money for you may not really love you.But a man who doesn't spend money for you must not love you.

While the three of them were laughing, the dishes were served one after another.Although there were only three people, the table was quickly filled with dishes.

This is not a waste, it is ordered according to the amount that is just full.Ye Wenxuan eats a lot, so he naturally eats a lot.Marven Ye ordered four steaks for himself, otherwise he would not be full at all.

Zhao Fei'er and Wang Shiyu were already familiar with Ye Wenxuan's appetite, so they were not surprised at all.

The three chatted and ate.The lights were dim, and the melodious piano sound echoed in the ears, and the romantic atmosphere permeated everyone's hearts.

There is a white piano in the center of the western restaurant, which is played by a luthier.At this time, a young man trotted over and handed the luthier two hundred yuan, and then the luthier smiled and let the young man sit on it.

The man sat on the piano, waved to a girl not far away, then put his hands on the keys, and played slowly, the sound was like the sound of gurgling water, the sound of the piano was smooth, to the ears of ordinary people, Can't hear any flaws at all.

The man's piano skills can be regarded as a semi-professional level, and the piece is not difficult, so everyone present applauded and encouraged the man.

And the girl standing not far away was also touched by such a romantic move by the man, and looked at the man with watery eyes.It is estimated that as long as the man is a little stronger, he can hit a home run at night.

Marven Ye looked at it for a while, then withdrew his gaze.This level of playing made Ye Wenxuan look slightly sideways.It may sound perfect to the ears of ordinary people, but to the ears of a master pianist like Ye Wenxuan, it is full of loopholes, and it is no exaggeration to say that it is riddled with holes.

The many delicacies on the table are more attractive than the sound of the man's piano.

Zhao Fei'er and Wang Shiyu were sitting at the table with their cheeks in their hands, a little touched.

"Hey, it's so romantic. No one has ever played the piano for me. I really envy that girl."

"That's right, it doesn't matter whether this man plays the piano well or badly, at least it's his sincerity. I really want someone to play the piano for me."

"It's a pity, someone got it too easily, it's not romantic at all, and you can't count on someone."

"That's right, he is a world-class piano master, how could he play for our two little girls?"

"You're so blue and thin, hey..."


Ye Wenxuan, who was eating happily, suddenly felt a little hard to swallow when he heard the voice coming from his ear.

Damn, a woman's mind is really unpredictable, you can't afford to provoke her...

(End of this chapter)

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