Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 921 "Little Lucky"

Chapter 921 "Little Lucky"

Ye Wenxuan looked at Wang Shiyu and Zhao Fei'er singing together, half of his face was dark.

"Who are you two talking about..." Marven Ye picked up the napkin on the table, wiped his mouth, and asked with a dark face.

Seeing Ye Wenxuan's dark face, Wang Shiyu and Zhao Fei'er were not afraid at all.In public, the two of them are not afraid of Ye Wenxuan, how can they be pressed to the ground and spanked...!

"Of course it's my husband. Hey, look, it's far worse than others." Wang Shiyu pursed her lips, with a sad look on her little face.

Zhao Fei'er also put on a resentful expression very cooperatively, and said softly: "I'm so envious of him, so-and-so is naturally my husband!"

Ye Wenxuan looked at the delicious food on the table reluctantly, sighed, and said, "Okay, okay, don't look so resentful, I'll play it for you two later, Isn't it just playing the piano!"

When the two girls heard the words, they immediately burst into smiles and gave Ye Wenxuan several compliments.

Marven Ye sped up the speed and scooped up the delicious food on the table, and soon he was full.

Wiping his mouth, he said to the two daughters-in-law: "Put on your hats and sunglasses, and we'll leave after I finish playing the piano. If anyone finds out, we'll die. And tomorrow's entertainment headline must be the three of us, When the time comes, it will definitely be GG."

When Wang Shiyu and Zhao Fei'er heard that Marven Ye was going to play the piano for them, they made an OK gesture, and then happily waited for Marven Ye to play the piano, their faces full of obedience.

Ye Wenxuan put on the peaked cap, the brim of the hat was pressed extremely low, and a pair of black-rimmed mirrorless glasses on his eyes.Bite the bullet and walked towards the piano in the restaurant. After handing over two hundred yuan to the pianist, Marven Ye sat on the piano in the restaurant as he wished.

The restaurant is a western restaurant, the grade is not low.The piano is a grand upright piano, the brand is a world-renowned brand, and the sound quality is not bad.

Marven Ye sat on the piano chair, then asked for a microphone and placed it in front of the piano.

Just playing the piano music, Ye Wenxuan didn't think it was interesting, if you want to come, you can come to the whole set, otherwise it's so low!
Ye Wenxuan's actions on this side attracted many people's attention.Many people were a little surprised when they saw the young man's attire.

It's so tightly wrapped, and it looks like it's going to sing?
Some of the people were interested, while others were slightly embarrassed.If the person sings well, it can be tolerated.If singing ghosts and howling wolves, it would be too disappointing.

Some young people were a little excited when they saw Ye Wenxuan's actions, and they all speculated about Ye Wenxuan's intentions.

"Is that young man proposing marriage? If so, it's super romantic!"

"Yeah, as long as he can sing well, I will cheer for him!"

"Hurry up, take a phone and record it. If it's a marriage proposal, it will definitely become popular on the Internet!"


Many young people who like to be lively quietly turned on the camera function and aimed at Ye Wenxuan in the center of the field.

Ye Wenxuan adjusted the microphone, and then tried the piano a little bit. After everything was ready, Ye Wenxuan calmed down.

"The name of this song is "Little Lucky". I gave it to my lover. Meeting you is my little luck!"

Ye Wenxuan's slightly deep voice made many girls onlookers cry, and a romantic atmosphere permeated the restaurant instantly.

But many people were a little confused by the "Little Lucky" Ye Wenxuan said, because they had never heard a song called "Little Lucky".Even searching online, I couldn't find it.

Could it be... is it original? !
Before they had time to think about it, Marven Ye put his hands on the piano, moving his hands frequently, and the crisp sound of the piano wafted throughout the restaurant.

Gentle and melodious, like gurgling water, refreshing, just the prelude is incomparably graceful.


I hear the raindrops falling on the green grass

I heard the get out of class bell ringing in the distance

but i didn't hear your voice

seriously call my name


Ye Wenxuan made some changes to his voice, becoming more gentle, and his voice became softer.Because Marven Ye's original voice is so recognizable, as long as there are fans of Marven Ye in the restaurant, they can definitely hear it.

So for safety's sake, Ye Wenxuan made some modifications.But the voice is still nice, and the emotion inside is still extremely sufficient.

Just when Marven Ye spoke, the audience fell silent.That faint happiness and sweetness arises spontaneously...


So you are the luck I want to keep most
It turns out we were so close to love
The decision to fight the world for me
The rain that accompanied me
It's all about you

spotless sincerity

The song soon reached a small climax, Ye Wenxuan's voice gradually became higher and more expressive.

The ups and downs of his hands on the keys, the rhythm of his body, and the emotion in his singing made Marven Ye look like a prince.It can capture the heart of any woman, and the singing voice can literally blow a woman's heart away.

Sitting in the corner, Wang Shiyu and Zhao Feier held their cheeks in their hands and looked at Ye Wenxuan not far away, their eyes were full of tenderness.

It is undeniable that Marven Ye's talent is like a deadly poison to women.Even if moths are flying to the flame, it is estimated that there will be a steady stream of women rushing forward and back.

Many young girls at the dining table, hearing the singing from their ears, involuntarily put their eyes on Ye Wenxuan who was playing the piano in the center.

Although most of Ye Wenxuan's face was blocked, only a small spot, and that slender and straight figure, were enough to make countless girls dream about it.

Handsome, romantic, and talented men are fatally attractive to any woman.

Many people say that girls are realistic now, but only because they can't find the man who can make them desperate.So when the illusion is disillusioned, they have no choice but reality.

Perhaps when many people look at the goddess whom they have been secretly in love with for a long time, when they fall into the arms of others, they will secretly curse, "golden girl".

In fact, this is not always the case. In this era, talented people have no money!
Therefore, instead of being resentful, it is better to let yourself become the person who makes you envious and jealous, and become the object of money worship in the eyes of others.

Many girls looked at Ye Wenxuan who sang affectionately, their eyes were shining, and they whispered softly.

"It's really handsome, it's a pity that I have a partner!"

"So what, as long as I swing the hoe well, there is no corner that I can't dig!"

"It's so manly, I feel like I can't control myself. It would be a shame to miss it!"

"Yixuan, you are the goddess of Tsinghua University, you, the goddess of icebergs who have been around for thousands of years, also have a heartbeat?!"

(End of this chapter)

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