Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 961 The ultimate series of tasks - the road to the emperor!

Chapter 961 The ultimate series of tasks - the road to the emperor!
Thinking of his scene at night, Li Guanghe couldn't help but shuddered.If my daughter-in-law saw this scene, the jar of jealousy would definitely be overturned.

"Ye Wenxuan, you're a fool, you were asked to write this script, did you do it on purpose..." Li Guanghe squinted at Ye Wenxuan.

Ye Wenxuan winked and smiled at Li Guanghe: "The plot needs it, the plot needs it!"

Li Guanghe was a little helpless, and lightly thumped Ye Wenxuan's chest.

Liang Hanzhong listened to the conversation between Ye Wenxuan and Li Guanghe with a smile on the side, and did not interrupt, being a very good listener.

At this moment, a series of voices came from Marven Ye's mind, making Marven Ye's gaze fixed.


"The ultimate series of missions begins!"

"One of the ultimate tasks - the road to becoming emperor: On the road of performance, the host has gone farther and farther. To be recognized by the world's fans, there are three stages of Chinese actor, intercontinental actor, and world actor. Whenever the host obtains an honor , you will get an unknown reward!"

"Mission Progress - The Road to Conferring the Emperor (0/3)"

A series of voices made Marven Ye stunned.

The ultimate series of missions, this mission is completely different from the previous missions, what is the significance of the ultimate mission?What does it mean?
Ye Wenxuan couldn't care less about chatting, and quickly called the system in his mind.

"What's the situation with the ultimate series of missions?"

"Through your hard work, you have already stood on the top of Asia. When you truly become the almighty king of the world, you will naturally know it. Now work hard to complete the first ultimate series of tasks. The rewards are extremely rich!" The system is cold The voice sounded, concise and to the point.

The system didn't want to say more, Marven Ye could hear it, and he didn't ask any more.

The boat is naturally straight when it reaches the bridge. Perhaps after completing the first ultimate series of missions, we can learn about the true source of the system.

Suppressing the messy thoughts in his heart, Ye Wenxuan didn't think any more.

Li Guanghe and Liang Hanzhong looked at Ye Wenxuan suddenly with gloomy eyes, not sure what happened to Ye Wenxuan.

"Xuanzi, what's wrong with you?" Li Guanghe asked softly.

Ye Wenxuan came back to his senses and smiled: "It's okay, I thought of something just now, let's go in, I guess the layout inside should be almost done."

Li Guanghe and Liang Hanzhong nodded upon hearing this, and the three stood up and walked into the auditorium.

The room is already full of group performers, each camera position has been set up, and the shooting of the first scene can begin immediately.

The three of them found their own seats and prepared, indicating that they were ready.

For Ye Wenxuan, Cheng Dongqing, who played the role of a teenager, has no pressure.Because Cheng Dongqing in the play is exactly the same age as Ye Wenxuan now.

However, Ye Wenxuan's current attire is very old-fashioned, with round eyes, messy hair and no style at all, it is completely different from Ye Wenxuan's previous appearance.

Ye Wenxuan's temperament began to become marginalized from the moment he sat in his seat.

Cheng Dongqing in the play has a very low sense of existence, referred to as the image of a local turtle.But on the outside, he looks inferior and cowardly, but in fact he is wise and stupid.Have faith, have pursuit.Coming out of the countryside, he has no retreat, he must stick to his beliefs, and must achieve his goals, at the expense of everything, even by all means.

At this time, Cheng Dongqing, played by Ye Wenxuan, has not yet shown his extraordinary side, but is just a chasing... a turkey!
The scene gradually became quiet. Zheng Yufei was wearing a director's vest and sitting at the back of the lecture theater with a monitor placed at the back.

"Every department is ready, the 30-second countdown starts now!" Zheng Yufei said holding the walkie-talkie.

The scene entered an extremely quiet mode, and the field manager also came to the camera with a beater.

After 30 seconds passed, the field manager accurately pressed the paddle.

"The first game, the first article, action!"

As soon as the voice of the scene manager fell, all the cameras were turned on at the same time, and the red lights flashed.

The lecturer standing in front of the classroom also began to speak lines.

The lecturer is an old actor, not a famous actor, nor an old actor, just a simple actor.

"Racism is very serious in today's American Empire. In American Empire, racial discrimination can never be eliminated. In American Empire, if a white person enters the elevator and three black people enter, for the white people..."

The lecturer narrated in a cadenced tone in front of the stage. His acting skills were average, but his lines were not bad.

The lecturer in this scene is mainly a foil, and the main conflict lies in the three leading actors and the extras.

When the old actor talked about the key points, Liang Hanzhong, who was sitting behind Ye Wenxuan, slapped the table with both hands, his face full of impatience.

Liang Hanzhong, who was wearing overalls, fully demonstrated the conceit and straightforwardness of Meng Xiaojun, and his acting skills were completely online.

"Teacher, have you ever been to the American Emperor? You read about the American Emperor from a book, right?" Liang Hanzhong frowned, his eyes were sharp, and his voice was filled with unbearable irritability.

The group performers around were also in an uproar in cooperation, and turned their heads to look at Liang Hanzhong.

Ye Wenxuan was wearing round-rimmed glasses, and looked back at Liang Hanzhong foolishly, his eyes were full of surprise, there was no image at all, but the image of the turtle was vividly displayed.

After Liang Hanzhong finished speaking, Li Guanghe stood up.

Li Guanghe was wearing a wig, his shoulder-length hair was slightly wavy, and he looked very unruly.

"Yes, teacher, practice is the only criterion for testing!" The micro-expression on Li Guanghe's face was vividly displayed, and he and Liang Hanzhong shared the same hatred.

Li Guanghe and Liang Hanzhong spoke to each other, completely setting off the atmosphere.The two played with each other and cooperated with each other.

Ye Wenxuan, who was sitting in front, remained calm on the surface, but secretly praised the two of them in his heart. The two of them did not ask for nothing, as expected, their acting skills are very online, and their strength is extraordinary.

Zheng Yufei, who was sitting behind the monitor, also nodded secretly, very satisfied with the performance of the two.

The scene quickly reached a climax. Meng Xiaojun and Wang Yang packed up their books and walked out the door from the aisle.

At this moment, a boy sitting in the aisle suddenly stood up.

"Sit down and listen before leaving!"

Li Guanghe had a look of disdain on his face, and frowned, "Who are you? It's none of your business?"

The group performer bowed his hands to the teacher on the podium, and said respectfully: "He is my teacher!"

"It's important to be a teacher, and it's also courtesy!"

As soon as the man said a word, all the acting students in the surrounding crowd stood up.

"What kind of troubled world is this? Call me!" the man in the aisle was very excited and shouted.

With this sound, Li Guanghe and Liang Hanzhong ran out at the same time, and the rest of the people also rushed to the door, wanting to hit someone.

At this time, Ye Wenxuan, who was standing on the other side, ran to the door in three steps and two steps, and blocked the rest of the people with his body. For a while, the scene was very lively!
(End of this chapter)

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