Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 962 Confused Li Guanghe!

Chapter 962 Confused Li Guanghe!

A voice came from behind, indicating that the first scene passed smoothly.

The group of group performers who were originally "scarce" suddenly became more friendly, and the three of Ye Wenxuan who were surrounded in the center were invited out of the crowd.

Teacher Ye is long and Teacher Ye is short. They are very polite.

Ye Wenxuan was also very kind to the group performers around him, patted the group performers in blue clothes, and asked with concern: "Brother, I accidentally bumped my elbow into your face just now, I'm really sorry."

During the tearing process just now, when Ye Wenxuan turned around, he accidentally elbowed the man's face, which was quite heavy.

The group performers in blue clothes waved their hands in flattery when they heard Marven Ye's concerned greeting: "Ms. Ye, it's okay, I'm fine."

Marven Ye nodded upon hearing this, and said with a smile, "Is it really all right?"

"It's all right!"

Marven Ye greeted a few words, then left the extras, and walked to the monitor behind.

The group performers in blue clothes looked at Marven Ye's back, full of excitement and heart-warming.

The group performers around were also grateful for Ye Wenxuan's considerate side, and their affection for Ye Wenxuan instantly soared infinitely.

"Ms. Ye is really friendly, and she still cares about us little group performers. It's incredible!"

"Ms. Ye's reputation has always been like this. It's good to be a famous person in the ensemble circle. Many people would rather ask for less money and want to join Ye Wenxuan's crew. In the crew with Ye Wenxuan, they never discriminate against ensemble performers, and treat everyone equally."

"Let me testify on this point, Mr. Ye really didn't say anything about the extras, he didn't put on airs at all!"


Ye Wenxuan didn't know that his little concern had aroused so many sympathies.

The three of Li Guanghe stood behind the monitor, watched the film just shot, and nodded in satisfaction.

Even Ye Wenxuan, who had seen the original version of the previous life, was very satisfied.

The starring lineup in this life is definitely better than the starring lineup in the previous life.Needless to say, Ye Wenxuan, looking at the acting skills of the whole world, there are definitely not many people who can perform better than him.

Li Guanghe and Liang Hanzhong are also top-notch niche students, and they are both popular based on their acting skills.

How could the combination of the three not be comparable to the previous life?
Especially in the scene just now, Ye Wenxuan felt the kind of comfort that he had not seen for a long time.There is no need to hide and hide, and you can completely let go of acting. This feeling is really great.

The first scene got off to a good start, and although NG is inevitable for the next scene, the progress of the filming is still very good.

It was night soon, and the crew also moved out of Beijing University and came to a retro bar in Wudaokou.

The main style of this bar is retro style, and the style of decoration is exactly what it looked like in the 80s and [-]s.So I was hired by the crew at night to facilitate the filming of the night scenes.

Ye Wenxuan and Li Guanghe were sitting at the bar counter, each drinking a glass of whiskey, while Zheng Yufei was setting up the scene and directing the group performance.

The two drank for a while, Ye Wenxuan looked around, and whispered in Li Guanghe's ear: "Don't say that brothers are not righteous, the supporting actress I found for you is definitely a big beauty, come on, you won't suffer!"

Li Guanghe had a strange expression on his face, and scolded with a smile: "Do you know who you look like now?"



Hearing Li Guanghe say that about himself, Ye Wenxuan was not angry, but just smiled, clinked glasses with Li Guanghe, and took a sip of whiskey.

After drinking, Ye Wenxuan snapped his fingers and waved to the not far away.

I saw a girl wearing a floral dress walking out from the darkness, walking from not far away.

With big golden waves, fair complexion like a white man, big breasts and round buttocks, she is a big beauty with the charm of an exotic beauty.

"Excuse me, this is Bernice, from the UK." Ye Wenxuan pointed to Bernice and introduced to Li Guanghe, then turned to introduce to Bernice, "This is Li Guanghe, the person who is acting opposite to you. "

Li Guanghe and Bernice shook hands, Li Guanghe didn't show the slightest bit of embarrassment, even though he was going to do a kissing scene soon, but with Li Guanghe's professionalism, there was nothing to embarrass him about.

The same is true for Bernice, she is generous, and foreigners are relatively open.For foreigners, kissing is a trivial matter, and there is nothing to be shy about.

Although Ye Wenxuan always teased Li Guanghe before, it was only teasing.Work is work, and life is life. Since I am an actor, this is always something that cannot be avoided.

Ye Wenxuan understood Li Guanghe's feelings for Zhao Jingou, and Li Guanghe naturally understood it. It was just a joke before.Li Guanghe would never betray Zhao Jingou, Ye Wenxuan believed in this very much.

The three of them chatted briefly on the side for a while, and sat at the bar counter, chatting happily.

At this moment, Li Guanghe's complexion changed when he was drinking, and his face turned green.

"I'm going, why is she here!" Li Guanghe panicked instantly.

Following Li Guanghe's gaze, Ye Wenxuan spat out a mouthful of wine, and his eyes were full of astonishment.

Because the woman standing at the door of the bar is Li Guanghe's wife... Zhao Jingou!

"Why is she here? I didn't tell her!" Ye Wenxuan quickly cleared up his suspicions and explained.

Li Guanghe said with a sullen face, "I owe it to you, I accidentally told her the address tonight last night."

Ye Wenxuan's gaze changed immediately, he really answered that sentence, no zuo no die!

Although confused, Ye Wenxuan and Li Guanghe both stood up and walked towards the door.

Everyone is here, so we can't just pretend we don't see them.

When the two came to the door, Ye Wenxuan greeted Zhao Jingou with a natural expression, and the showman mode was turned on.

"Daughter-in-law, why are you here?" Li Guanghe asked Zhao Jing'ou with a smile, but the smile was a little stiff, with an unnatural expression.

Zhao Jingou looked at the decoration of the bar, seemed quite interested, and said with a smile: "I just finished eating with Shanshan, and she came home, and I wanted to go home too. But I'm alone, I think I'm a little bored, so I came to see you. Sitting at home after eating, it's easy to gain weight."

"You didn't talk about it yesterday, just a few scenes tonight? The filming will be over soon, I'll wait for you here." Zhao Jingou smiled, her smile was very sweet.

Li Guanghe's scalp was numb, and his wife was sitting by the side, watching him kissing and making out with other women?

My goodness, there is nothing more exciting than this!

No matter what you think, this is a desperate act!
(End of this chapter)

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