Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 964 The feeling of being drained!

Chapter 964 The feeling of being drained!
"Okay, call it a day!"

The last one was shot very well, Zheng Yufei was very satisfied, and decisively called it over.

Hearing the words call it a day, several people breathed a sigh of relief.

The filming of this scene...was too difficult!
Ye Wenxuan and Zhao Jingou walked back to the set from the bar. Li Guanghe was watching the replay of the scene just shot on the side of the monitor. Seeing Zhao Jingou approaching, Li Guanghe had a somewhat unnatural expression on his face.

Zhao Jingou walked up to Li Guanghe's body expressionlessly, without making a sound.

Ye Wenxuan stood on the other side of Zheng Yufei, quietly staring at Li Guanghe and the two from the corner of his eye.

Among the four, only Zheng Yufei didn't understand anything, and was still commenting on the scene just now.

Seeing how much Zheng Yufei had said, Ye Wenxuan coughed dryly twice, patted Zheng Yufei's shoulder, and said with a smile: "It's already very late today, so let's call it a day and talk about it tomorrow."

Hearing this, Zheng Yufei raised his hand and looked at his watch, and found that it was almost eleven o'clock, so he nodded and didn't say any more.

Li Guanghe and Zhao Jingou walked towards the door. It wasn't until then that Zheng Yufei came to his senses and asked Ye Wenxuan in surprise, "Xuanzi, who is that woman next to Brother He?"

Marven Ye rubbed the bridge of his nose between his eyes, feeling a little helpless.

"That woman is Li Guanghe's daughter-in-law, Zhao Jingou!"

Hearing Ye Wenxuan's words, Zheng Yufei, who was packing up his things, froze suddenly, his eyes full of shock.

"I...I wipe it, doesn't that mean that just now..." Zheng Yufei pointed at the door with some stuttering, his face was full of astonishment.

Ye Wenxuan nodded a little dumbfounded: "That's right, Li Guanghe took more than a dozen kiss scenes in front of his wife, is it shocking? Is it stimulating?"

Thinking of what he said to guide Li Guanghe just now, Zheng Yufei's expression was extremely weird. In front of his wife, making him kiss more passionately, this... so embarrassing!
After Zheng Yufei was embarrassed, he was a little worried.

"Xuanzi, do you think Brother He thinks I'm teasing him on purpose?"

Ye Wenxuan patted Zheng Yufei's shoulder and said with a smile: "Brother He is not the kind of narrow-minded person. I will explain it to him tomorrow and it will be fine. Don't worry about it."

Zheng Yufei felt at ease when he heard this.


The next day, at 07:30 in the morning.

Weiyang Lake in Beijing University is the first scene to be filmed today.

Ye Wenxuan was sitting under a willow tree not far away, with Wang Shiyu sitting beside him.

Wang Shiyu is wearing an 80s long shirt for girls, and her hairstyle is no longer the current popular hairstyle. The two ponytails make Wang Shiyu look like a girl walking out of the misty rain in the south of the Yangtze River, beautiful and moving.

Both Ye Wenxuan and Wang Shiyu were wearing big padded jackets, which seemed a bit out of place with the people around them.

Because of the later scenes, two people need to jump into the lake.

In northern Beijing in April, although the weather has warmed up, the lake water has just been opened and the lake water is very cold.

Ye Wenxuan didn't care, as he was in good health, even going for a winter swim was a no-brainer.But Wang Shiyu is different. Wang Shiyu is a girl with a weak body, and she catches a cold easily.

Looking at the crew on the lake, Ye Wenxuan turned his head to Wang Shiyu and said softly, "Shiyu, why don't you use a substitute later, don't go into the water, it will be bad if you catch a cold."

Wang Shiyu was holding a cup of hot milk tea in her hand, her little face was rosy, very cute and beautiful.Wrinkling the cute little Qiong's nose, she said softly, "No, I used a stand-in in the first scene. It depends on what everyone thinks of me. I'm fine!"

"The water is very cold." Ye Wenxuan couldn't help pinching Wang Shiyu's little face, and said softly, "Don't be brave, be good."

Wang Shiyu still shook her head, her attitude was very firm.

"Stop talking, no substitute!"

Seeing this, Marven Ye felt a little helpless, but didn't say anything more.

Everyone has their own pursuits, and Ye Wenxuan is not good at interfering. Even though Wang Shiyu is his woman, he respects Wang Shiyu's choice.

"Then you can go into the water, but you have to wear a diving suit inside. This is my biggest concession!" Ye Wenxuan's eyes sparkled, and his words carried a firm tone.

Wang Shiyu's cheeks puffed up. Although she wanted to resist, she finally gave up and followed Ye Wenxuan's command.

Seeing Wang Shiyu agreeing, Ye Wenxuan smiled in satisfaction.

While Ye Wenxuan and Wang Shiyu were laughing, Li Guanghe came slowly from a distance, with one hand on his waist and the other on his neck, with a tired face.

Li Guanghe took 2 minutes to walk for a distance that could be covered in 5 minutes before reaching Ye Wenxuan's side.

Sitting on the folding chair beside Ye Wenxuan, he was slightly out of breath.

Ye Wenxuan frowned slightly, his face full of surprise. Although Li Guanghe's physical fitness was not as good as Ye Wenxuan's, he was still very good.How could this be so exhausting overnight?
"What's wrong with you? Could it be that your daughter-in-law abused you domestically yesterday?" Marven Ye had a smirk on his face, and there were two words written on his face... Gossip!
"Hey, don't mention it, the past is unbearable!" Li Guanghe waved his hand, his face full of worry.

Seeing Wang Shiyu sitting beside Ye Wenxuan, Li Guanghe said hello.

"Hey, tell me, what did your sister-in-law do to you when you went home last night? You must know that she didn't look very pretty when she left!" Ye Wenxuan asked urgently.

"I didn't say anything, it just ruined me all night..." Li Guanghe sighed.

Li Guanghe's face was full of tiredness, with obvious dark circles under his eye bags, and he was in poor spirits.

"How did you destroy it? Kneeling on the washboard? Or kneeling on the remote control?" Marven Ye gossiped.

Li Guanghe waved his hand, his face full of lovelessness.

"When I went home yesterday, she didn't say anything, she just asked me to take a bath. I was a little confused, but I went to take a bath obediently."

"After taking a shower, she threw me on the bed and teased me in all kinds of ways. She asked for it again and again, from 11:30 in the evening to 03:30 in the morning. During the whole time, there was no moment stopped."

"Do you know what it means to be drained? I feel that I have been drained now, and now my eyes are still shining!"

Li Guanghe spoke very slowly, as if he was describing a tragic fact.

"After finishing the work, she said flatteringly: Hey, now I'm not afraid of you messing with flowers and grass, just thinking, you are powerless!"

"After she finished speaking, she began to fall asleep by herself. I only slept for more than three hours, and then got up to work again. I suddenly discovered why life is so hard, men live so hard!"

Li Guanghe stared blankly at Weiyang Lake in front of him, his tone of grief was like a young daughter-in-law who had been raped.

As for Ye Wenxuan and Wang Shiyu, they were very happy...

(End of this chapter)

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