Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 965 Treat kidney deficiency, drink kidney treasure!

Chapter 965 Treat kidney deficiency, drink kidney treasure!
"You're still happy, it's your fault..."

Li Guanghe looked at Ye Wenxuan with his small resentful eyes, his face full of grievances.

Seeing Li Guanghe's expression, Ye Wenxuan and Wang Shiyu became happier.

"Cure kidney deficiency, drink Shenbao, it tastes...excellent!" Ye Wenxuan laughed and read out the classic lines from his previous life.

Li Guanghe was full of doubts, what is a kidney treasure?Does it work?I think I should make up for it...

The three laughed for a while, Ye Wenxuan pouted at Zheng Yufei who was arranging seats on Weiyang Lake, and explained to Li Guanghe: "A Fei has never met Zhao Jingou, so he didn't know about it last night, so don't blame him."

"Hi..." Li Guanghe waved his hand and said with a smile, "I'm such a narrow-minded person. Besides, I really didn't let go last night. He was just doing his job. How could I blame him!"

Marven Ye smiled slightly and didn't say any more.Sometimes, some things don't need to be said, just pointed out.


"If you don't promise me, I'll pull you into the lake together!"

Ye Wenxuan wore round glasses and a giant blue plaid shirt. Although his tone was a little timid, there was a firmness in it.

Ye Wenxuan looked straight at Wang Shiyu, expressing Cheng Dongqing's psychology at that time very well.

Wang Shiyu gently stroked the hair around her ears, stood up, and glanced at the distant shore.

Turning around and jumping into the lake, all in one go, without the slightest reason.

Standing on the shore, Li Guanghe and Liang Hanzhong yelled at Ye Wenxuan, "Jump down, Cheng Dongqing, jump!"

The sound is very loud, and it is transmitted far away on the lake.

Ye Wenxuan, who was standing on the small wooden boat, spread his hands, looking embarrassed.

"I...I can't swim!" Marven Ye shouted loudly.


Such a simple role is naturally a pass.

Wang Shiyu was also salvaged by another boat at this time, sitting on the boat shivering, her little face turned pale with cold.

Ye Wenxuan rowed his oars, approached the shore, and arrived at the same time as Wang Shiyu's boat.

Ye Wenxuan trotted to Wang Shiyu's side, and asked with concern: "How is it?"

Wang Shiyu's lips turned purple from the cold, and she was trembling all over. Ye Wenxuan was very distressed when she saw it.

Wang Shiyu smiled and shook her head, her voice was very soft: "It's okay, it will be fine after a while."

At this time, Wang Shiyu's assistant also rushed over from not far away, holding a glass of ginger soup in his hand, and quickly gave Wang Shiyu a drink.

This is the only part of Weiyang Lake's scene. After filming, the crew began to retreat, rushing to the next filming location, the medical center.


After an hour's rest, Wang Shiyu returned to normal, her complexion was ruddy, she didn't cough or sneeze, and she seemed to be in good health, which made Marven Ye feel relieved.

The next scene is still that of Ye Wenxuan and Wang Shiyu. The roles of Ye Wenxuan and the three run through the entire film, so there are many and complicated scenes.But Wang Shiyu doesn't have many scenes, so he adopted the method of concentrated shooting. After all, Wang Shiyu's schedule is not very abundant.

Wearing a blue and white hospital gown, Wang Shiyu was lying on the hospital bed, with her hands hugging her knees, her little head resting on her knees, her face expressionless.

The wooden door of the ward was opened with a "squeak", and Ye Wenxuan walked in from the door, wet on his body.

Wang Shiyu raised her head lightly, seeing that the person coming was Ye Wenxuan, her cherry lips parted slightly, and said a word lightly.


Ye Wenxuan was indifferent, standing in front of Wang Shiyu's bed with a determined face, looking straight at Wang Shiyu.

"I told you to get out, did you hear me?"

Wang Shiyu's voice became louder. Although she was scolding Marven Ye, there was no disgust in her eyes, and she even didn't want to look at Marven Ye.

Su Mei in the play actually had a good impression of Cheng Dongqing at this time.But due to time constraints, and Su Mei's dedication to learning, Su Mei is avoiding this relationship.

Wang Shiyu expressed Su Mei's entangled mentality very well at this time, turning her face away from Ye Wenxuan.

But Ye Wenxuan remained indifferent, standing in front of Wang Shiyu's hospital bed, motionless.

Wang Shiyu sighed vaguely, and said, "Go away, it will be contagious."

The voice was very soft, with Su Mei's helplessness in it.

The climax of this scene came, and all the staff present held their breath.Li Guanghe and Liang Hanzhong also stood beside the monitor watching with great interest.

Ye Wenxuan took a deep breath, hugged Wang Shiyu's head with both hands, pressed his body on Wang Shiyu's body, and kissed passionately.

Wang Shiyu resisted, and Ye Wenxuan hugged Wang Shiyu tightly with both arms, preventing her from resisting.

The two kissed in private for an unknown number of times, and soon the rhythm went off track unconsciously.


Zheng Yufei called to stop, which made Wang Shiyu and Ye Wenxuan who were kissing passionately stop.

Zheng Yufei walked over from the monitor, and said a little dumbfounded: "Shiyu, this is a scene where Cheng Dongqing kisses Su Mei forcefully, you have to resist, do you understand resistance?!"

" are resisting, you are falling..."

Zheng Yufei looked at Wang Shiyu with a hint of ridicule, which made Ye Wenxuan and Wang Shiyu blush a little.

Mmp, once kissed, I can't help myself...

"Ahem, maybe I hugged her too hard just now, so she didn't resist obviously, it's up to me."

Ye Wenxuan took the initiative to take the pot over, fearing that Wang Shiyu would be thin-skinned and shy.

Wang Shiyu was indeed a little shy, because she was emotionally kissed by Ye Wenxuan just now, and this guy even stuck his tongue in, I really hate it!

Wang Shiyu gave Ye Wenxuan a coquettish look, Ye Wenxuan scratched his head, and the insiders present all knew it.

The relationship between Ye Wenxuan and Wang Shiyu is still being kept secret, so there must be some necessary cover-up.

"One more, all departments are ready!" Zheng Yufei returned to the monitor and directed into the walkie-talkie.

Everyone re-prepared and started re-shooting.

This one was shot very smoothly, Wang Shiyu struggled hard enough, if Ye Wenxuan hadn't hugged her tightly, Wang Shiyu would have kicked her out of bed.

The creaking sound of the hospital bed resounded in the medical room.

After the filming of this one, everyone continued to travel to various places in Beijing University, continuously filming, and the scenes continued to be filmed in an orderly manner.

At night, a phone call from Ran Yirou instantly excited Ye Wenxuan.

"Wind and Clouds" finally breaks through [-] billion!

The total global box office is as high as 100 billion Huaxia coins, and when converted into US dollars, it is as high as nearly 15 billion U.S. dollars. This is definitely the highest box office in China's history.

The news spread quickly, and the entire Chinese and even Asian media...shocked in an instant!
(End of this chapter)

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