Rebirth of the Great Entertainer System

Chapter 980 High-quality version of "The King of Masked Singer"

Chapter 980 High-quality version of "The King of Masked Singer"

Ye Wenxuan talked a lot on stage, from the main direction of the next five years to the main strategic goals in the next five years, Ye Wenxuan talked a lot.

After talking about half an hour, Marven Ye walked off the round platform and replaced Ran Yirou to continue his speech.

Next was Ye Jiachen, the general manager of Times Film and Television, who spoke. After the three spoke in turn, the first staff meeting, which lasted for more than two hours, officially came to an end.

When Marven Ye said that the meeting was over, many people visibly jumped up. It was already noon, and they were already very hungry.

"After the lunch break, the executives above the director level gathered in the meeting room on the 71st floor. I have something important to talk about, and everyone arrived on time. The company's artists also came, and arrived on time at 01:30 in the afternoon."

When everyone was about to leave, Marven Ye added another sentence.

After hearing Ye Wenxuan's words, many high-level executives who had just got up paused slightly, and began to speculate secretly in their hearts.

Although Ye Wenxuan and Ran Yirou talked a lot just now, they didn't say anything about the actual details at all, just the direction and blueprint.

The afternoon meeting may be the really important meeting, and there may be some important things to talk about.

After Ye Wenxuan finished speaking, he walked off the stage, and Ran Yirou and the others also thought about going out the door.

It was time for the noon lunch break, and everyone present walked towards the restaurant downstairs.Many people expressed their curiosity about the company's restaurants.

The company has a dedicated Feixun public account, and one hour before lunch every day, the staff of the restaurant will post the lunch dishes to the public account.

Even Ye Wenxuan, as the company's big boss, came to the restaurant in the living area in person today, made dinner with the company's staff, and then ate together.

With Ye Wenxuan's picky mouth, after eating it, he also thought it was very good. He felt that the chef he hired with a high salary from outside was not in vain.

Seeing that many employees around were full of praise, Marven Ye also had a smile on his face.

Sitting opposite Ye Wenxuan were Ran Yirou and Ye Jiachen. As the two big female bosses of the group, they naturally received a lot of attention.

The two of them were very ladylike when they ate, they ate small bites, and they ate very vegetarian food. Looking around, there was basically no meat or fish.

On the first day of the group's official operation in the Times Building, Marven Ye took advantage of noon to make a tour of the company. Everything was thriving and lively.


After the lunch break, Marven Ye appeared in the meeting room on the 71st floor on time.

The conference room on the 71st floor is much smaller than the conference hall on the 50th floor.It can only accommodate less than 50 people, which is a small meeting room.

At the beginning of the construction, this meeting room was only used for leaders to hold meetings, so although the number of people accommodated was small, it was sufficient.

Ye Wenxuan sat at the front, and the group's top executives and artists also came to the meeting room one after another.

By 01:30, everyone was in place, no one was late, and everyone was very punctual.

Looking at the backbone of the company sitting in front of him, Ye Wenxuan got straight to the point and went straight to the point, without any further detours.

"As for the details of the company's future development, I have already discussed with Mr. Ran, and Mr. Ran will implement them one by one in the future. The important thing I want to talk about today is how to expand the group's international influence."

"Last year, I already won the status of Asian King, and this year, I am going to start trying to hit the position of world superstar."

After Ye Wenxuan finished speaking, he paused to give the people below a little buffer time.

"Xu Rou, send the copy that I asked you to print to everyone, and everyone will have a copy." Ye Wenxuan instructed Xu Rou who was sitting in the corner.

Xu Rou nodded, stood up, and began to distribute the copywriting one by one.

Many people took the copy and began to read it with doubts. Everyone's face changed after watching it.

Seeing the various expressions on everyone's faces, Ye Wenxuan already knew it in his heart.

The copywriting written by Ye Wenxuan is a variety show, which originated from a popular variety show in the previous life - "The King of Masked Singer".

However, the competition system has been modified a lot by Ye Wenxuan, and the layout has also been expanded countless times.

The king of masked singers in the previous life, all the singers are domestic stars.And this time, Marven Ye intends to expand the range of the whole world!

Ye Wenxuan wants to make this show a hit show all over the world. The masked singer will be a well-known singer from all over the world.

The singer may be a rock singer from the United States, a sweet queen from France, a powerful singer from South Korea, or an art master from China...

Diversified music elements come together to cover up the face and move people's hearts with singing.At that time, there will be infinite explosive power.

The conference room fell into silence for a while. The directors present are all experts, so they can naturally see the highlights and essence of this program.At the same time, Ye Wenxuan's ambition is also clearly known.

Gather famous singers from all over the world together, and then constantly PK, using the other party's reputation as nourishment for one's own side.

Whenever Ye Wenxuan beats a well-known singer, he will gain a point of popularity and a point of mystery.

The more opponents he defeats, the more popularity he will accumulate, and more and more people will look forward to him.

In the end, when Ye Wenxuan became the king of singers, taking off his mask at that time, he will instantly gain huge popularity. With the focus of public opinion, when the album is released at that time, it will arouse a torrent of support like a tsunami. God of War!
The people present looked at the plan and quickly guessed Ye Wenxuan's intentions.

"How is it? Do you understand?"

Ye Wenxuan drank his tea slowly, and after about 15 minutes, he asked questions to the higher-ups on the field.

"Mr. Ye, this plan is very innovative, but it is somewhat difficult to operate. First of all, it is very difficult to gather so many well-known singers to participate."

"Secondly, if you want to achieve global simultaneous TV broadcasting, there are too many countries involved, and there are great difficulties in it, and it is very difficult to do it."

Ran Yirou questioned directly, pointing to the nail on the head, it was a very critical problem.To carry out this plan, the two problems that Ran Yirou mentioned are unavoidable and must be resolved, otherwise all of this will be empty talk.

After Ran Yirou asked, the rest of the directors subconsciously nodded in agreement, agreeing with Ran Yirou's question...

(End of this chapter)

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