Chapter 981 Brand Effect!

After Ran Yirou finished speaking, Marven Ye nodded in satisfaction, and turned to look at the others.

"If you have any questions, let's ask them together and talk freely. As the saying goes, there is a specialization in the art industry, and the most perfect plan can be made through brainstorming." Ye Wenxuan said with a smile.

Hearing what the boss said, many people stopped hiding and pointed out various loopholes one after another. For a while, the entire conference room was very lively.

These directors also want to make a good impression in front of Marven Ye. After all, the group is about to launch a large-scale job fair around the world. In order to prevent latecomers from taking the lead, they also have a sense of crisis and want to show more.

Ye Wenxuan sat on the chair and listened very attentively. The directors in front of him were all selected industry elites. The questions raised by each of them were very valuable for reference, and many of their opinions were very constructive.

Many things that Marven Ye hadn't considered were gradually perfected by them.If what Ye Wenxuan provided was a skeleton, then now it is to strengthen the muscles and bones to shape the flesh and blood.

Xu Rou, who was sitting at the back, quickly recorded every suggestion or opinion put forward by the director, and the whole conference room was filled with a vigorous atmosphere.

In about 10 minutes, the director of the conference room basically considered everything that can be considered at present, and the discussion gradually came to an end.

Ye Wenxuan saw that no one had spoken, nodded slightly, and then said: "Let me tell you what I think."

Ye Wenxuan straightened his waist, crossed his hands and placed them on the table in front of him, with a serious face.

"First of all, if this program wants to achieve the effect we expected, it is far from enough to rely on the strength of our Times Group."

"To achieve the expectation of broadcasting programs globally simultaneously, our Times Group needs to cooperate with the rest of the entertainment companies. Try to draw local entertainment companies in each country as much as possible to achieve a republic."

"For example, Warner, which has a good relationship with our group, their Warner Records, South Korea's CJ Group, and Singapore's New Media Group..."

"We can work with these companies to develop this project so that we can achieve our goals."

Ye Wenxuan narrated his original thoughts, he paused, looked around, and gave the directors in front of him a little time to think.

"Mr. Ye, your idea is good. But if so many entertainment companies participate together, the profit of this project, our final income will not be too high. Even if we spend a lot of manpower and material resources, the final income is extremely low .” Sitting in the second row, Jiang Huan questioned.

Jiang Huan is still talking about one thing and another, with a very serious face. He is currently the financial director of Times Group.

For Jiang Huan's questioning, Ye Wenxuan had long been used to it, and he was not annoyed at being questioned in the slightest.

"Director Jiang is right. If we follow my plan, our profits will indeed be divided. But sometimes we can't just focus on the immediate benefits. We should have a long-term perspective."

Marven Ye stood up from the chair, put his hands behind his back, walked out from behind the table, and stood in front of everyone.

"Remember what I said this morning? What is one of our goals for the next five years? Pursue internationalization!"

"We may have fewer interests, but we can take this opportunity to connect our Times Group with entertainment companies in the entire world and form a vast spider web."

"Exchanging the interests of each other's friendship will completely open up the locality of our Times Group. Use this program to expand the brand effect of our group, and take this opportunity to spread the name of our Times Group to the whole world!"

As Ye Wenxuan spoke, he couldn't help becoming impassioned.

Li Yuxin, who was sitting in the first row, nodded in agreement when she heard Ye Wenxuan's words.

She is doing online promotion, and she is well aware of the importance of public opinion and resources. Compared with the brand effect of the whole world, the so-called little benefit is really insignificant.

"Why do so many world-class groups spend huge sums of money every year to shoot or promote things that seem to have nothing to do with their products? The fundamental reason is that they are building their brand effects and promoting their corporate culture. Thereby expanding their prestige and grabbing market share.”

"That's what we're going to do, we're..."

Marven Ye then talked for nearly half an hour, expressing all his thoughts.

Ye Wenxuan also solved many of the problems raised by the director before, which made the plan more complete.

After talking for such a long time, Ye Wenxuan was also a little tired. He returned to his seat, picked up the mineral water on the table, and moistened his throat.

"Do you still have any objections?" Marven Ye asked.

The directors in the audience looked at it in twos and threes, and shook their heads, saying that there was no problem.

"Since there are no problems, then directors can go back to work. I hope to see the detailed plan of this plan soon. This project is currently the most important project of the group, and no one can be sloppy." Marven Ye instructed.

After speaking, Marven Ye said to Shang Yiyun from the public relations department: "From now on, you can start contacting those entertainment companies. Don't disclose the specific plan. The current plan needs to be kept secret."

Shang Yiyun nodded skillfully, expressing OK.

Looking around for a week, Ye Wenxuan announced the adjournment of the meeting after seeing that there were no objections from the crowd.

All the directors stood up from their chairs, left the meeting room in twos and threes, and returned to their respective posts to work.

Ran Yirou stood up, but instead of leaving immediately, she walked to Marven Ye's side.

Ye Wenxuan tidied up the copywriting on the table, seeing that Ran Yirou hadn't left, a smile appeared on his face.

"Sister Yirou, what's the matter?" Ye Wenxuan asked with a smile.

Ran Yirou shook her head lightly, wrapped her hands around the copywriter, and the copywriter squeezed and deformed Ran Yirou's towering breasts.

"Your plan is a good idea. If it is well executed, it will indeed have a great influence. But..." Ran Yirou paused, and asked softly: "Can you guarantee that you will stand at the end? If you fail halfway, Then you can make a wedding dress for someone else."

"Since your debut, you have always been an undefeated myth. You have set the level of this competition so high, which is a challenge for any singer. There are so many crouching tigers, hidden dragons all over the world, you really ...are you confident?"

(End of this chapter)

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