Nine Heavens Ancestor

Chapter 144 Give You a Gift

Chapter 144 A Big Gift For You

In the depths of a million mountains.

In a mountain range, there was a terrifying battle wave, followed by a fire in the mountain range, the fire continued to spread, and soon a large area was on fire.

This attracted the attention of many monks nearby.

Those who can go deep into this place are some extremely powerful monks.

They rushed to the place where the battle wave came.

I saw a thrilling battle in the dark.

These monks who came were completely dumbfounded and shocked.

"Isn't that Gu Yifeng, the master of Xuantianzong's Piaomiao Peak? Why is his strength so terrifying?"

"Who is his opponent? It's a new face. When did a terrible Tianjiao appear in Lingzhou?"

Many monks are puzzled.

I don't know where the night invitation came from.

But it was more shocking, shocked by the strength displayed by Gu Yifeng.

As we all know, his strength was very low a year ago.

One year.

In just one year, his cultivation has advanced by leaps and bounds, reaching such a terrifying state.

Among the many monks, there is also a woman.

She was wearing a long red dress, which was slightly transparent, and she could vaguely see her moving body and fair skin, alluring and charming.

She is Red Lotus.

This year's Qianlong list is number one.

Hiding in the dark, she saw Gu Yifeng fighting Ye Yao, her beautiful face was full of disbelief, and the shock in her heart could not be subsided for a long time.

"Is this the idiot that day in Wolongyuan?"

If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she wouldn't have believed it.

She couldn't believe it even if she saw it with her own eyes.


Guren took a deep breath.

"It's so scary. No wonder Du Xi, who doesn't even look down on the number one talent in the mainland, values ​​this kid so much. If he continues to practice at this speed, it's fine."

Seeing Gu Yifeng displaying such terrifying strength, Hong Lian felt powerless in her heart.

When he was in Wolongyuan a year ago, Gu Yifeng didn't even enter the Xiantian realm.

At that time, compared with her, Gu Yifeng was one in the sky and the other in the ground.

Now turn around completely.

within the mountains.

Ye Yao's aura continued to grow stronger, and terrifying spiritual power gathered above her head.

Gathered together, a purple illusory dragon was formed.

This giant dragon is more than 20 meters long. Its figure is illusory and unreal, but there is an invisible pressure sweeping over it.

This pressure crushed like a giant mountain.

It made Gu Yifeng feel as if a boulder was pressing on his chest, making him unable to breathe.

In a trance, the sound of Longlin resounded, shaking the void.

"So strong, is this his destiny, a purple dragon?"

There was a storm in Gu Yifeng's heart.


This is a divine beast, the supreme race in the mainland, which only exists in legends.

In the Tiancan Continent, no dragon creatures have appeared for many years.

Gu Yifeng heard his mother talk about the Dragon Clan.

He didn't expect that Ye Yao's destiny was actually a dragon.

Not only Gu Yifeng was shocked, but also the monks watching the battle in the distance were shocked.

Under the coercion of the dragon clan, they felt uncomfortable all over, and they didn't even have the courage to move.

Honglian also changed her face, and exclaimed; "The supreme dragon soul is born."

She is well aware of the horror of the dragon soul's original life, she secretly worries about Gu Yifeng, and wants to rescue him, but she is powerless and

With the strength of her natal six-layer penetrating realm, she might be killed by Ye Yao before she even got close to the battle area.

"Silly boy, if you can't beat him, just run away, don't try to be brave."

Honglian prayed secretly, hoping that Gu Yifeng would not be as stupid as before.

Ye Invitation stimulated his life, and an illusory purple dragon appeared in the sky above his head,

A purple robe flutters with the wind, and you have the aura of dominating the world. Looking down at Gu Yifeng, you are like a god judging sinners.

"Gu Yifeng, you deserve to die. It's your honor to die under the Dragon Soul's life."

Gu Yifeng's fighting spirit rose again, with a look of ready to move.

"Dragon Soul's original life is really strong. I didn't expect you to awaken the supreme dragon soul's original life in the beast soul's original life. But do you think you can crush me? You underestimate me, Gu Yifeng. To break the Dragon Soul's original fate, and let you go back to Zhongzhou in despair..."

"No, since you're here, let's throw your life in Lingzhou."

All the spiritual power in the ancient Yi atmosphere turned into the residual fire of the sky.

The sky remnant fire circulated throughout his body, combined with the power in his blood, the aura on his body rose again.

Even in the face of the invitation to use his own life, his aura is not inferior.

Vaguely, his body became transparent, and there seemed to be some mysterious innate characters circulating on the surface of his body.

And at the center of his eyebrows, a mark is faintly visible.

This is a flame imprint, the color is exactly the same as the sky remnant fire.

These Gu Yifeng did not notice.

He stared at the night invitation in the sky, and said, "Shoot, let me see the power of your dragon soul."

"as you wish."

Ye Yao looked calm, opened his mouth lightly, and the purple illusory dragon above his head let out a roar,

The terrible dragon's voice shook the ground


The purple illusory dragon burst out, and when it opened its mouth, a dragon's breath spewed out.

Gu Yifeng leaped, flew into the sky, slapped out with a palm, and the flame wave swept across.

However, under the bombardment of the terrifying dragon's breath, the flame wave was shaken back and counterattacked towards him.

With a thought, Tian Canhuo returned to his body.

He backed away quickly,

"What a terrifying dragon soul life. The night invitation to use the dragon soul's life is too scary. I'm only in the seventh level of innate. Even if I use the blood madness, I'm afraid I can't defeat it, and my blood madness can't fight for a long time."

Gu Yifeng thought of retreating in his heart.

But even if they want to withdraw, it will cause a little trouble for the night invitation.

"You also punch me."

After retreating, attack again.

The purple illusory dragon in the sky suddenly disappeared invisible.

"What happened?"

Gu Yifeng's expression changed.

At this moment, the purple dragon manifested behind him, and an illusory dragon claw grabbed his back.

It was too late by the time Gu Yifeng reflected.

The phantom claws plunged into his back, piercing his body,

He is a crippled body, and when he suffers a fatal trauma, the internal organs in his body will automatically shrink.

He suffered no fatal wounds, only some soft tissue injuries.

But the dragon claw was too terrifying, piercing his body, and a blood hole appeared in his body.

At the same time, the dragon's tail swept over, with terrifying power, it knocked his body into the air.

A deep hole was smashed into the ground,

Immediately afterwards, Gu Yifeng's body rushed into the sky from the deep hole on the ground.

His hair was disheveled, his body was covered in blood, and his expression was low and terrifying.

"You are very strong, beyond my imagination. This should be the first state of your natal life. If you use the second state of your natal life, I will die today. The green mountains will not change and the green water will flow forever. There will be a period later. Before leaving, send You have a great gift."

Gu Yifeng Mobilizes the Remnants of Heaven
This mountain range has been burning for a long time, and the flames spread very quickly, burning for several kilometers around.

At this moment, the flames with a radius of several kilometers quickly gathered together, forming a huge fireball.

The fireball swept across in a mighty way, attacking towards Ye Yao.

"Haha, Ye Yao, I hope you don't flee back to Zhongzhou in such a disheveled manner, otherwise I will definitely kill you in Lingzhou when I awaken my destiny."

(End of this chapter)

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