Nine Heavens Ancestor

Chapter 145 Escape

Chapter 145 Escape
Under the control of Gu Yifeng Tiancan Jue, all the flames in this area gathered together.

A large fireball with a diameter of hundreds of meters gathered in the sky,

The fire burned, and there was a sizzle sound in the void.

With the sound of Gu Yifeng, the big fireball swept across.

Wherever it passes, it seems that even the void will be pierced, becoming distorted and looking unreal.

Ye Yuan changed his face,

If he was hit by a big fireball, even if he entered the Ninth Layer of Innate Realm, he would be severely injured or killed.

He didn't dare to be careless, and quickly dodged away.

At the same time, the dragon soul's life swept across, resisting the big fireball that exploded.


Indistinctly, the sound of Longling resounded.

The illusory purple dragon greets the huge fireball.


The two Xeon forces collided, and the area suddenly exploded,

The illusory purple dragon was disintegrated in an instant, turning into some purple spiritual power and quickly sinking into Ye Yao's body in the distance.

And the huge fireball was shattered into pieces by the shock, turning into thousands of flames, sweeping in all directions like rain, and bombarding the ground mercilessly.

The area was on fire again, and the fire spread and continued to burn.

Ye Yao avoided Gu Yifeng's powerful blow before leaving.

When he realized it, Gu Yifeng had already disappeared.

He clenched his fists tightly, with a low face, and growled in a cold voice; "Brat, let me see how long you can escape, don't let me find you, otherwise you will have to live or die."

In the distance, many monks watched the battle.

Seeing such a fierce battle, they were all dumbfounded.

It wasn't until Gu Yifeng disappeared that they recovered from the shock.

These monks who watched the battle did not choose to stay, but fled quickly, for fear that Ye Yao would get angry and take revenge on them.

Honglian, who was hiding in the dark watching the battle, didn't stay too long.

She is a saintess of the Blood Refining Sect. Although her strength is relatively weak, she is a master of poison.

After a few days, she had collected 1000 yuan tokens, and now she only needs to find a monster beast of the sixth level of innate realm and kill it to get an inner alchemy of the monster beast of the sixth level of innate realm.

Then she's done the job.

Ye Yao's strength has reached the innate ninth level, and her life has awakened to the second form.

Even if Gu Yifeng used his blood madness, it would be difficult to kill him.

He did not choose to fight, but chose to flee.

Before the power of blood madness dissipated, he kept fleeing.

Instead of flying in the sky, he chose to escape in the dense woods.

After fleeing for more than an hour at a stretch, his blood madness slowly dissipated. At the same time, the injuries on his arms and body were also slowly deteriorating.

He did not continue to flee, but entered a rolling mountain range.

This mountain range is composed of countless peaks towering into the sky.

Hundred-meter-high trees stand in the mountains, their branches covering the sky and the sun.

He is hidden in it, as long as the breath is not leaked, it is difficult for outsiders to detect it.

At the foot of a mountain, I found a natural stone cave, covered the entrance with branches, and then entered the cave.

The cave is dark and damp.

Gu Yifeng sat on the ground, leaning on a rock,

"Innate Ninth Realm, natal awakened to the second form, the Tianjiao sent by Jiang Tailang to kill me is too strong."

Facing a strong man who was born in the ninth level and awakened to the second form, Gu Yifeng felt powerless in his heart.

With his current strength, he is no match at all.

Unless his spiritual power increases again and his life is awakened, it will be difficult for him to defeat Ye Yao.

"My destiny..."

Now he has no clue.

Moreover, he has only entered the innate seventh-layer Transcendent Realm, and if he wants to awaken his own life, his strength is far from enough.

He cannot enter the mausoleum now, and it is impossible to increase his strength in a short time.

He took a deep breath, and temporarily put these top-of-mind problems behind him, then sat cross-legged, and began to heal his injuries wholeheartedly.

The remaining flames separated from the sea of ​​qi, and some white flames swept across his body, and an inexplicable force began to repair his seriously injured body.

He was seriously injured, but under the treatment of the white flames of Tiancanhuo, his injuries recovered quickly.

In less than two hours, his injuries were basically healed.

It took nearly half a day, and the strength he consumed in the battle also recovered.

Get up and walk out of the cave.

"Now I can't show up rashly. Once the enemy finds me, I will be doomed."

Gu Yifeng walked in the dense area, thinking while walking.

Now he has collected a thousand tokens, only one monster inner alchemy is missing.

And it is impossible for him to find monsters to kill,

The enemy must be constantly looking for him. Once he shows up to kill the monster, he is likely to be discovered by the enemy.

"It seems that the only way to avoid being hunted down by the enemy is to find other strong men, take action against them, snatch the monster inner alchemy they killed, and take the inner alchemy and leave the Million Mountains as soon as possible."

Gu Yifeng was very unwilling to escape like this.

But in a short period of time, his strength could not improve, and he could not defeat Ye Yao.

He had no choice but to do so.

"I hope you don't go back to Zhongzhou so soon."

Gu Yifeng clenched his fists tightly, veins bulged on his arms, and there was a gloomy killing intent in his expression,


All around, there was a rustling sound.

He looked in the direction of the sound, and saw a golden-haired ape sitting on a big tree in front of him, shaking the branches, while watching him warily with a pair of big golden eyes.

That cautious look is so cute.

"Go aside, I don't have time to play with you."

Gu Yifeng ignored the golden ape and walked forward slowly.

call out!
The golden ape seemed to be able to understand Gu Yifeng's words. With a flash of his body, he appeared on a tree in front of him, waved his paws constantly, and chattered with his mouth open.

"What, what did you say?"

Gu Yifeng couldn't understand animal language, and looked at the golden ape on the branch in front of him with a puzzled expression.

The golden monkey kept waving its paws to point to the rear, and then jumped towards a tree behind.

"What do you mean?"

Gu Yifeng was puzzled, and after being dazed for several seconds, he jumped up and followed the golden ape.

Seeing Gu Yifeng following, the gold-threaded ape cheered continuously and accelerated its pace.

Gu Yifeng followed closely behind.

The golden ape continued to walk through the mountains, passed through many mountains, and finally appeared in front of a white mist.

The white fog was so deep that it was difficult to see the scene ahead.

The golden ape stopped, turned around and chattered to Gu Yifeng, and kept stretching its paws.

Gu Yifeng guessed its meaning.

Asked; "You mean this white mist is dangerous, let me follow you closely, don't get lost?"

The golden ape kept nodding its head and raised its paws, as if to say, smart, that's it.

Gu Yifeng didn't know what the golden ape was going to do.

But he heard his mother talk about all the beasts in the world.

Among the beasts, there is a kind of ape race, which is a race with extremely high intelligence. It acts as a peacemaker among the ten thousand races. Whenever there is a dispute between the beast races, the ape race will come forward to mediate.

He didn't know if the golden monkey in front of him was the ape family that his mother said, but he could feel that the golden monkey had no malicious intentions.

After thinking for a while, he nodded and said, "Although I don't know what you are going to do, you should lead the way, and I will follow you closely so that you won't get lost."

(End of this chapter)

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