Nine Heavens Ancestor

Chapter 146 The White Monkey Entering the Realm of Life and Death

Chapter 146 The White Monkey Entering the Realm of Life and Death
In the depths of the mountains, white mist shrouded the scene ahead.

The golden ape turned around and gestured to Gu Yifeng, then got into the white mist.

Gu Yifeng walked in with strides.

He has been following the golden ape, walking through the white mist for about half a day, and the white mist gradually dissipated.

What came into view was a beautiful mountain peak.

The mountain is lush and full of aura.

The scenery is beautiful, the waterfall falls from the sky, the river is clear, and the fish play in the water happily.

As soon as we came to this area, many apes ran over bouncing,

These apes are all relatively small in stature, and the tallest only reaches Gu Yifeng's waist.

Many apes surrounded the golden ape, chattering, pointing at Gu Yifeng with their little paws, gesticulating,

Gu Yifeng knew that they were communicating, but he couldn't understand what they were talking about.

The golden ape kept opening its mouth, chattering a lot.

In a short while, these apes kept jumping around Gu Yifeng, and some brave apes even jumped on Gu Yifeng's shoulders.

If you are pulling his ears, you are pulling his hair.

The golden ape stretched out its paw and pointed forward.

Gu Yifeng understood what he meant, nodded, and said, "You let me go with you, okay, lead the way."

Under the leadership of many apes, Gu Yifeng climbed the beautiful mountain range, and soon came to the halfway up the mountain,

There is a natural cave here, and there are stone tables and chairs in the cave.

In the depths of the cave, there is a trace of mist emitting.

A group of apes brought Gu Yifeng here, and the golden ape pointed to the place where the white mist emanated, chattered non-stop, and then knelt on the ground.

The same goes for the other apes, kneeling on the ground at the same time.

They seem to be praying for something from Gu Yifeng,

Gu Yifeng looked around, and he saw a white bed in the white mist, on which lay an ape.

The ape is covered in white hair, its eyes are slightly closed, and it is dying. It can only breathe in, but not out.

He asked; "You want me to save this monkey?"

The golden ape cheered and jumped around Gu Yifeng.

Gu Yifeng murmured in his heart, "This golden ape is not simple, it should have seen me enter the cave with injuries all over my body, and the injuries recovered within half a day, so I was brought here to save this monkey that was about to die. .”

After thinking for a while, he said, "I'll try, but I don't guarantee that I can save this monkey."

He walked towards the white jade bed.

The apes around suddenly quieted down, stood in place, and looked at Gu Yifeng eagerly.

He walked over, and a chill came over him, making him shiver uncontrollably,

The spiritual power turned into the remaining fire, and the chill in the body dissipated.

He began to check the white monkey's wounds,

After some examinations, he also understood the injuries in the monkey's body. All internal organs were damaged, and the meridian was completely severed.

"It was seriously injured. Fortunately, you met me, otherwise it would have died without a moment."

Hearing this, a group of apes were overjoyed.

They knelt on the ground again, kowtowing constantly.

The spiritual power in the ancient Yi style transforms into the remaining fire in the sky, the white flames separate and gather in the palm of your hand,

Immediately, the palm was attached to the white monkey's body, and the white flames entered the white monkey's body.

White flames with terrifying healing abilities.

The wounds in the white monkey's body slowly recovered. After about half an hour of touching, the wounds in its body also stabilized, but the wounds were too serious, and it might take a while to heal.

The white monkey opened its eyes, and got up from the white jade bed weakly, looking at Gu Yifeng in front of him with a pair of big smart eyes.

The golden ape jumped over in an instant, chattering in the ear of the white monkey.

The white monkey suddenly realized.

"Thank you for saving me."

A pleasant, pleasant voice resounded.

When the white monkey spit out human words, Gu Yifeng was startled, and retreated suddenly, staring at the white monkey warily.

A white light flashed in the white monkey's body, and then his body changed slowly, turning into a beautiful girl in a long white dress.


Gu Yifeng was dumbfounded.

The beautiful girl slowly got up from the bed and got out of bed.

She was about seventeen or eighteen years old.

Dressed in white clothes, as white as snow, with long black hair scattered behind her back, with exquisite facial features and a beautiful face,

A fairy who seems to have stepped out of a painting.

She has a unique temperament, like a fairy who does not eat fireworks.

Her skin was as fair as suet. Although she looked only seventeen or eighteen years old, her figure was quite good, with her front straight and her back curled up.

Gu Yifeng was completely shocked.

One is to be shocked by the fact that this white monkey can transform into a human form.

The second is to be shocked by her beauty.

He heard from his mother that all things in the world have spirits, not only humans can cultivate, but all beasts can cultivate, and if beasts want to become human, they must enter the realm of life and death.

In other words, this white monkey is a super strong man who has entered the realm of life and death,

", you..."

He was so startled that he couldn't even speak.

The girl in white moved slightly with lotus steps, and appeared in front of Gu Yifeng, with her white hands on her waist, squatting on her knees,

"I am also grateful for the kindness of saving my life, young master."

Gu Yifeng stepped back slightly, staring warily at the beautiful girl in white clothes in front of him.

"Wait... you, you can transform into a human form, are you a super strong man who has entered the realm of life and death?"

Yi Xin nodded lightly, and said truthfully; "Yi Xin hit the life-and-death calamity, passed the life-and-death calamity, but encountered an accident and suffered heavy injuries during the assault on the death calamity. If the young master hadn't rescued him in time, Yi Xin might be doomed, young master The flame is very special..."

Yixin fell into thought.

In the ancient books of the clan, she seemed to have read similar introductions.

After thinking for a while, she remembered.

"White flame, terrifying healing ability, the only one in the world that can have this kind of magical ability is the white flame among the remaining fires in the sky."

She looked up at Gu Yifeng.

"Are you a descendant of the Gu family?"

Gu Yifeng was completely shocked.

The body backed up involuntarily, staring warily at the beautiful woman in white in front of her.

What is her background? Based on the flame that I saved her, I figured out my identity, and she knows Tian Zan Huo very well.

Yi Xin hurriedly said, "My lord, don't worry, Yi Xin has no malice, you are Yi Xin's life-saving benefactor, Yi Xin will not do anything to you, and there is an ancestor's instruction in the family, when you meet the descendants of the Gu family, you should treat each other with courtesy. "

Gu Yifeng put down a lot of worries in his heart.

But he was still a little worried.

Tian Zan Huo is too involved, and there are only a handful of people in the entire continent who can recognize Tian Zan Huo. How could this white monkey know the existence of Tian Zan Huo.

"Yi...Yixin, how do you know Tian Zan Huo, with a trace of white flame, you know Tian Zan Huo, and you know Tian Zan Huo's ability."

He asked his doubts.

Yixin explained; "There are clear records in the ancient books of the family, and the truth is true. In the distant past, the ancestors of the Gu family once saved our family. Without the Gu family, our family would have perished long ago in the long river of history, so the ancient books of the family There are many things recorded in the ancient family."

Hearing this, Gu Yifeng finally understood.

However, he is still worried about this white monkey that can transform into a human form, after all, it is a residual fire.

If she had evil intentions in her heart, it would be too easy to kill him with her strength in the realm of life and death.

ps: Just to make a statement, it will be a matter of time before the book will be released, but definitely not now, it should be two or three months later, now there are three chapters a day, but as the plot unfolds, the update is crazily accelerated.

Explosion, there will be.

When enough manuscripts are saved, it will explode.

Now let’s explain the conditions for adding updates. A single reward of 1 book coins will add one chapter, and a single reward of lord will add ten chapters. Stay up late the next day to write.

(End of this chapter)

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