Nine Heavens Ancestor

Chapter 201 The Terrible Twins

Chapter 201 The Terrible Twins

The two men were dressed almost the same, both in yellow robes, and their appearance was eight or nine points similar.

At first glance, they look exactly the same.

This is a pair of twin brothers.

outside world.

When many strong men saw the pair of twin brothers, the expressions on their faces became wonderful.

"Zhanzhou twins, tsk tsk, these are exciting to watch."

"The Zhanzhou Zhan Clan is a terrifying race in the Southern Region. Although the strength is lower than that of the Xiao Clan, it is because the Zhan Clan keeps a low profile. If the Zhan Clan acts high-profile, the number one family in the Southern Region may not fall to the head of the Xiao Clan. superior."

"Zhantian, Zhandi, these twins seldom go out of Zhanzhou, but they are very famous in Zhanzhou. It is said that the two brothers have the same heart, and they fight against the enemy together. Since their debut, they have not lost."

"During this period, the two brothers have been keeping a low profile. Even when the Phoenix blood essence came out, they didn't show up. They have become high-profile these days and have eliminated many top talents. Now they are looking for Shang Gu Yifeng. I am afraid they want to eliminate him. .”

The outside monks watching the excitement began to look forward to it.

I don't know if Gu Yifeng, who has advanced cultivation base, can win against the two brothers from Zhanzhou.

Two brothers stood in the distance.

One of them walked over on foot with a faint smile on his face, "Master Gu, our two brothers came to you, not to fight you, but to make a deal with you."

"Oh, really?"

Gu Yifeng cast a glance at the two of them, and said calmly: "What kind of deal, let's talk about it."

"It's almost halfway through 200 days of extreme survival, and those who are weak are basically eliminated, but there are still about [-] people in the mountain and river map. Most of these people are looking for alliances with strong people. The only one who has not formed alliances with other monks is you. .”

"So, you want to form an alliance with me?"

"That's right, you and our two brothers will definitely sweep everything. Xiao Fei and King Mourning are no match for you. By then, you will be firmly in the top [-]."

Gu Yifeng chuckled and said, "I don't need to form an alliance with you, I can also enter the top [-], this deal will not do me any good."

"So, are you refusing?"

Gu Yifeng nodded; "Well, you can say that."

Gu Yifeng didn't know what the background of these two people was, but now he didn't need to form an alliance with others at all, his goal was the championship, not the top [-].

The current him may not be enough to crush the pack, but at the end of the hundred days of extreme survival, it will be different.

The two Zhantian Zhandi brothers looked at each other and nodded in unison.

"Since you don't want to form an alliance, then I'm sorry, I can only eliminate you in advance."

The two rushed over almost instantly.

Gu Yifeng was carrying a weight of [-] jin, coupled with the suppression of the formation, it was extremely difficult for him to even walk,

But this was only without using spiritual power and blood power. As soon as these two people appeared, he stopped and secretly accumulated power to prevent them from suddenly making a move.

The moment they started, Gu Yifeng's aura suddenly rose to the extreme, he stood up from the ground abruptly, and met the attack of Zhantian Zhandi Lian brothers.

The two men were very aggressive and powerful, attacking left and right.

Gu Yifeng used his spiritual power, and also used his Yijingquan, the punching speed was extremely fast, but under the joint attack of Zhantian Zhandi, he was overwhelmed and soon fell to the disadvantage.

Just as he resisted the attack of one of them, the other suddenly got into trouble and slapped him with a palm.

A terrible storm of force swept across, his body was thrown out, smashed into pieces of big trees, and finally fell to the ground fiercely.


Gu Yifeng shouted.

The two who appeared in front of them stopped attacking.

Gu Yifeng got up from the ground, tidied up his messy clothes, and looked at the two men who were not weak.

He smiled and said, "The strength is not bad, do you want me to join forces with you to defeat other powerful enemies, and then push you to the first place?"

The two brothers nodded at the same time.

"You stole the phoenix blood essence under the noses of so many strong men, they hate you to the bone, especially Xiao Fei, he wants to get rid of you as soon as possible, as soon as you show up, you will be eliminated immediately, join us, We can ensure that you will safely enter the top [-] and join the Diyuan."

"The conditions are really attractive."

Gu Yifeng looked excited.

He looked at the twins.

Since they have the confidence to win the first place, it shows that their strength is very strong. Even if they have not stepped into the False God Realm, they have reached the peak of the Twelve Heavenly Layers.

If the two join forces, even a strong False God Realm will be beaten to the ground.

Gu Yifeng wondered why there were so many strong people in the final assessment of the Southern Academy.

In the past assessments of the Southern Academy, as long as one's cultivation had reached the Innate Eighth Layer, then one could safely join the Southern Academy. The strength of this year's Tianjiao is many times stronger than before.

"What are you thinking about, should you agree to cooperate with us, or should we eliminate you now?"

Gu Yifeng looked at the two, smiled, and said: "I admit that you are very powerful, but it is a bit of a dream if you want me to cooperate with you. If you want me to cooperate with you, you must catch up with me first."

Before Gu Yifeng finished speaking, he used the blood awakening, and at the same time the Kunpeng secret technique was displayed, a pair of huge wings of spiritual power appeared behind him, and the figure turned into a stream of light, quickly disappearing in this area.

The two of them seemed to have already calculated that Gu Yifeng would escape.

They did not chase.

"He got the blood essence of the phoenix. It seems that his cultivation has not reached the False God Realm, but after using the secret technique, his strength is very strong. His existence should be able to cause some troubles for Xiao Fei and others."

"Brother, what should we do next?"

"He is nothing to be afraid of. Let's look for other people to see if we can eliminate some strong opponents before we can survive for a hundred days. If we eliminate one, our chances of winning will be higher in the final battle."

The two exchanged in low voices.

This time they just passed by here and saw Gu Yifeng practicing here, so they showed up.

According to their initial thought, they wanted to win over Gu Yifeng.

After fighting against Gu Yifeng, they also probably learned about Gu Yifeng's strength. This power can't threaten them, but it can bring trouble to other Tianjiao.

The two quickly evacuated.

Gu Yifeng used the Kunpeng secret technique to escape quickly, and was relieved when he realized that the twins hadn't chased him.

Submerged in a mountain range, the blood was awakened, and he sat down on a rock, rubbing his chest, with a look of pain on his face.

"It's really powerful. If you make any move, you can hurt me. If you continue to fight, even if you break the shackles on your body and use the bloodline awakening, you may not be able to win. I didn't expect that the final assessment of the Southern Academy will appear. So much pride."

One Xiao Feixuan, one Xiao Fei, one King Mo Ning.

There are also Huo Wu from Xiao Feixuan's camp, Guan Hong and other Tianjiao.

None of these people are fuel-efficient lamps.

Now there is another pair of twins.

So many have appeared now, and it is unknown how many terrifying arrogances are hidden in the dark.

Gu Yifeng is deeply aware of his lack of strength, and he must seize the time to improve his strength, otherwise he may not be able to win the championship when the decisive battle comes.

(End of this chapter)

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