Nine Heavens Ancestor

Chapter 202 is coming to an end, re-entering the mausoleum

Chapter 202 is coming to an end, re-entering the mausoleum

The appearance of powerful Tianjiao one by one made Gu Yifeng deeply aware of his lack of strength.

Even if he absorbed the energy of the Phoenix's blood essence and improved his realm, he was still a lot worse than this group of Tianjiao.

But he wasn't intimidated.

The more powerful Tianjiao appear, the more motivated he is.

He sat on the ground and began to heal.

The injury this time was not serious, and it was negligible compared with the previous few times.

With the Heavenly Remnant Body and Heavenly Remnant Fire, he quickly recovered from his injuries.

Then he started a crazy penance, and began to adapt to the weight of the armor on his body.

In the mountains, a figure was running continuously.

This is ancient style.

He didn't use spiritual power, but physical power. His running speed wasn't too fast, just like an ordinary person's. This speed could even be said to be slow for a monk.

After only an hour, he was exhausted.

He stopped and took Hundred Flowers Wine.

Absorb the energy of Hundred Flowers Wine to restore stamina.

Soon the physical fitness will be restored.

Then keep exercising.

He started exercising like crazy,

And other monks are also frantically eliminating other monks.

Time passes day by day.

Another month passed in the blink of an eye.

It has been 75 days since Extreme Survival, and there are 25 days left before the [-]th day.

During this month, the pressure of the formation gradually increased.

Gu Yifeng has already adapted to the weight of the robe on his body, but the increase in formations has kept his body tense, and his body has been bearing an unbearable weight for ordinary people.

But under such high-intensity pressure, the improvement of physical strength is also obvious.

During this month, a large number of Tianjiao were eliminated.

A month ago, there were about 200 people left in the Mountain and River Map. After a month of competition, there were only 50 people left in the [-] people.

These 50 people are all the top Tianjiao from the states in the Southern Region. They are all very strong in cultivation, and the weakest are in the tenth innate realm.

During this month's hard training, Gu Yifeng met many Tianjiao, but he never took off the robe. Every time he met other Tianjiao, it was a practice for him.

However, every time he was covered with bruises, and every time he was injured, he used the blood to awaken and used the Kunpeng secret technique to escape.

A picture of mountains and rivers, under a waterfall.

Gu Yifeng stood on a rock and let the waterfall wash his body.

His body was as motionless as a stone sculpture.


Suddenly there was a loud roar, and a powerful force burst out of his body.

Time seems to stand still at this moment, and the pouring waterfall stops flowing at this moment, and then the waterfall flows backwards.

Gu Yifeng's figure quickly dodges away.

The waterfall poured down again.

He stood outside the waterfall, watching the waterfall pouring down again, with a happy expression on his face; "After a month of penance, my breath has increased a lot, and my strength has also increased a lot."

"Extreme survival has passed 75 days, and the last 25 days are left. After ten days of penance, I will be able to enter the mausoleum and practice hard. I have an extra [-] days of practice, and I will be able to beat many Tianjiao."

Gu Yifeng is full of confidence.

He has worked very hard this month, and his physical strength, blood strength, and spiritual strength have all improved by leaps and bounds.

Of course, this was under the condition that he was constantly using Hundred Flowers Wine. Without Hundred Flowers Wine, it would be impossible for him to increase his strength so fast.

In order to prepare for the next retreat, Gu Yifeng left this area and searched for a hidden place to retreat while practicing.

Entering the mausoleum retreat this time means whether he can win the first place.

If you are interrupted on the way, it will all fall short.

In order to pass the ten days smoothly, he had to choose a hidden place.

Penance continues.

In the blink of an eye, another ten days passed.

While practicing penance, Gu Yifeng found an underground cave.

The entrance was located under a mountain peak, and it was relatively small. He searched for a lot of branches, began to cover up the entrance of the cave, and then entered the depths of the cave.

Sit cross-legged and relax.

I meditate in my heart and enter the mausoleum.

At this moment, he felt his soul go out of his body and fly into the sky.

Immediately afterwards, his eyes went dark, and he opened his eyes again, and he had already appeared in the mausoleum.

There is no life in this world, only a dead silence.

"Old Ancestor, disciple Gu Yifeng is asking to see you."

As soon as he entered the mausoleum, Gu Yifeng spoke loudly.

His cultivation base has reached the late stage of the tenth level of innate, his purpose this time is to step into the twelfth level of innateness, he needs the guidance of his ancestors.

Because he has no clue about the realm of the twelve innate supernatural powers.

A phantom figure appeared in front of him.

Gu Yifeng knelt down on one knee and said, "Ancestor, this disciple needs to practice hard, and wants to reach the Twelve Innate Realms within a hundred days, please ask the ancestor for guidance."

The phantom figure looked at Gu Yifeng who was kneeling on the ground, gave up slightly, and said, "Get up and talk."

Gu Yifeng stood up.

"My life has evolved to the third form. It is not difficult to reach the innate twelfth level within a hundred days, but it depends on what kind of supernatural power you have comprehended. It will be more difficult to enter within days.”

"No matter how difficult it is, the disciples have to try."

Gu Yifeng looked determined.

He must get No. 1 in the Southern Academy assessment this time.

"What kind of supernatural power do you want to comprehend, have you figured it out?"


With a look of embarrassment on Gu Yifeng's face, he said, "No, I didn't think about it."

The illusory old man just looked at Gu Yifeng.

Gu Yifeng thought for a while and asked; "Old Ancestor, this disciple has seen the teleportation supernatural power, this supernatural power is too scary, I want to comprehend the ability to restrain teleportation, this time the disciple is comprehending a special artistic conception."

"tell me the story."

Gu Yifeng explained; "It means that the physical body can dodge a series of attacks without the control of the brain. I don't know if the ancestors have any methods that can allow me to achieve this artistic conception."

Gu Yifeng also roughly thought about the supernatural powers he wanted to comprehend.

This idea originated from Yijingquan taught by Jiang Hao.

But he has been practicing hard for so long, and he can't punch faster than the brain's reaction speed.

The ancestor was the first guardian of the mausoleum, and his cultivation was as high as the sky during his lifetime, so he must have a way.

The unreal old man chuckled; "It's very difficult, but as long as you work hard, it's not impossible to achieve it."

"Ah, really?"

"The human body has unlimited potential, and you are still the body of the god of war. There are memory cells and sensing cells in the human body. As long as you can continue to practice hard, when encountering any attack, the memory cells and reflection cells of the human body will take the lead Exercise, the body will avoid a series of attacks without the reflection of the brain."

Hearing the old ancestor's words, Gu Yifen's eyes lit up.

If he could really cultivate this supernatural power, he would be able to crack Xiao Fei's teleportation.

"You can move in an instant, and you can appear in front of me in an instant to attack me, but I will actively dodge the magical powers, no matter how fast you are, you will not be able to attack me,"

"Ask the ancestors for advice."

"Go absorb the remaining fire first, and raise your life to a perfect form."


 Another three chapters are sent out at once, please recommend, please reward.

(End of this chapter)

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