Nine Heavens Ancestor

Chapter 292 Hunyuan Dao Body

Chapter 292 Hunyuan Dao Body (3)

Gu Yifeng and the son of the God of War launched a fierce duel.

Gu Yifeng exerted his speed to the limit and pushed his strength to the limit before he managed to keep up with the speed of the Son of War God.

The strength of the son of the god of war is too strong, every time he meets head-on, he will be shocked by the terrifying power, and his blood will tumbling, the more he fights, the more frightened he becomes.

"What, is this power?"

The son of the God of War looked calm, as if he hadn't used his full strength yet. While fighting, he said, "That's too much power, isn't it? Is this your full strength? It's nothing more than that. I'm going to use my full strength next."

The son of God of War moved quickly and launched a fierce attack on Gu Yifeng.

His attack speed is quite fast, blasting a lot of punches in the blink of an eye.

Every punch contained terrifying power, and the void twisted by the powerful force.

The attack speed is too fast, even if Gu Yifeng has learned to flash and punch faster than the speed of his brain, he will not be able to receive a series of attacks from the son of the God of War.

In an instant, his whole body suffered many attacks.

Every attack is terrible, and the body is covered with scars and blood.

The son of God of War did not take advantage of the victory to pursue.

He stood in the void, with his hands behind his back, a faint smile on his handsome face,

Gu Yifeng kept panting.

Too strong.

This Son of God of War is too powerful. He used his blood to awaken, but he couldn't keep up with the Son of God of War in terms of speed.

He licked his bloody lips, his face ready to move.

"Fortunately, it is a descendant of the God of War of Hundred Clans, such a battle is interesting."

Gu Yifeng took the initiative to attack.

The fists radiated fire, and Kunpeng's secret technique was cast, and he appeared behind the son of the God of War at an extremely fast speed, and he just raised his hand to punch.

Ordinary False God Level [-] monks couldn't reflect it at all, but the son of the God of War did, and turned around with a punch.

fists crossed,

Gu Yifeng's arm was numb from the shock, and the muscles on his arm were injured by the terrible force, bloody and bloody, and bones could be seen vaguely.

But the son of God of War was not feeling well either, and there was blood in his fingers.

His face became gloomy.

"Damn human, let me see what tricks you can take on me,"

The son of God of War was injured, and he was angry.

launched a violent attack.

Gu Yifeng chose head-to-head. After a series of attacks, he was scarred and gasping for breath. Instead of head-to-head, he used flashes to avoid a series of attacks from the Son of God of War.

He didn't enter into a state of concentration.

He is understanding.

In the second stage of comprehension flash.

He dodged most of the attacks, but he would still be hit, and every time he was hit, it was like a mountain crushing him, making him feel uncomfortable all over.

Du Xi, Du Zhu and the others looked at the fierce battle in the sky with solemn expressions.

Son of War God is terrible.

They are very clear about how strong Gu Yifeng is. They can even break the heaven and earth lore formation, but now they are completely crushed by the son of the God of War.

The more serious Gu Yifeng's injury, the stronger his breath,

The son of the God of War made consecutive moves and fought against Gu Yifeng thousands of times, but he was still unable to defeat him. He was also quite shocked in his heart, no matter he was the one who could break through the heaven and earth lore formation, no matter he was the descendant of Gu Jingyun Man, this strength is really strong.


He didn't want to continue entanglement.

Put your hands together, and then open your hands, a mysterious and ancient imprint appeared in the palm.

This imprint was transformed quickly and submerged into Gu Yifeng's body in an instant.

At this moment, Gu Yifeng felt that his body was sealed and could not move.

He exerted all his strength, trying to break free.

The voice of the son of the God of War came: "It's useless, you still can't break free from my seal with your False God Four Realm, you are a genius, if you give you a little time, you will definitely be able to rise, but unfortunately you don't have this chance, "

A terrifying aura rose from his body, and this invisible aura gathered together to form an invisible long sword.

The long sword was too terrifying, and it swept towards Gu Yifeng with a mighty aura.

Du Xi and Du Zhu wanted to rescue them, but they were stared at by the masters of the Demon Palace. Under the pressure of the masters of the Demon Palace, they couldn't even move their bodies.

The invisible long sword swept over.

Gu Yifeng urged all his strength, but he couldn't break free from the seal of his body. His face was flushed, and beads of sweat rolled down his forehead.

At this critical moment, he raised his hand with difficulty, and a mysterious imprint appeared in his hand, and at the same time, the heavenly residue imprint on the center of his eyebrows suddenly manifested.

Tian Canyin turned into a cloud of fire, resisting the deadly attack of the son of the God of War.

call out!
A bright flaming sickle appeared in his hand.

The power of the whole body is submerged in the flame sickle, completely stimulating the power of the flame sickle.

The power of the flame sickle was fed back to Gu Yifeng, his strength increased again, and the seal in his body was lifted with a sudden force. With a roar, he rushed over with the flame sickle, raised his hand and a sickle appeared, and a mysterious imprint of the sickle manifested .

The son of the God of War looked shocked, and a long sword appeared in his hand, and the bright sword light manifested, resisting the attack of the flame sickle.

His body was forced back by a terrifying force, forcing him into the sky above the battle city.


The son of the God of War looked ferocious, and made a backhanded sword.

The bright sword energy erupted, approaching Gu Yifeng.

Gu Yifeng held a flaming sickle in his hand, and his breath was like a rainbow, and he rushed over quickly.

The sickle and the bright long sword collided.

The long sword in the hands of the Son of God of War was cut off in an instant, and his body was shocked by the terrifying force and retreated hastily, spurting out a mouthful of blood.

Gu Yifeng stood in the void, with a calm face, and said calmly: "Your cultivation base is at the fifth level of the Void God, and I am only at the fourth level of the Void God. You can't crush me, and my strength is only so. False God Fifth Layer, then it will crush you."

Gu Yifeng's voice resounded.

Du Xi and Du Zhu both heaved a sigh of relief.

They thought that Gu Yifeng would be defeated, but they didn't expect him to be so strong that even the Son of the God of War, who was resurrected by the Demon Palace, was beaten back by him.

"Ha ha."

The son of God of War wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, his tense expression eased, and there was a slight smile on his face.

"Interesting, it's no wonder that you are a descendant of Gu Jingyun, the flame sickle is strong, and my father was defeated by the flame sickle back then, but this is already your limit, but I didn't use all my strength, it's not just you who can use it With the awakening of my bloodline, I can also transform."

The Son of the God of War laughed lightly.

Immediately afterwards, the body changed drastically, changing from a human form to a black ape.

The black ape is two meters tall, has a rough body, is covered in black hair, and carries a terrible hostility.

Open your mouth, revealing two rows of sharp teeth,

A rough voice resounded.

"You can force me to become the main body, and you really have the ability, let you see how powerful the Hunyuan Taoist body is."

Gu Yifeng only felt an afterimage flash, and then a pair of fluffy fists hit him.

The force was terrible, like a mountain crushing him, his body fell from the sky, and before he fell to the ground, the building below was shattered by the terrible force.

Gu Yifeng took the lead on the ground and smashed a deep hole in the ground.

This scene made Du Xi and the others dumbfounded.

Du Xi took a deep breath: "Hunyuan Dao body, he... he is actually a Hunyuan Dao body, with the blood of the Heaven Swallowing Demon Ape, plus the Hunyuan Dao body, who can fight in the same realm?"

(End of this chapter)

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