Nine Heavens Ancestor

Chapter 293 Bloodline 2 Changes

Chapter 293 Two changes in blood (1)

The son of God of War who had become the main body was too terrifying and powerful, and with a single blow, he knocked Gu Yifeng's body down.

It fell to the ground, and even the ground was smashed into a deep hole.

In this battle, the top experts of the Five Great Courts, as well as many strong human beings, are secretly paying attention.

Since the formation of the Demon Palace in Zhanzhou, these powerhouses have been paying attention, but for various reasons, they can't make a move.

Only a few juniors can be sent to Zhanzhou.

They breathed a sigh of relief when they learned that the Demon Palace spent a lot of trouble just to revive the son of the God of War of the Hundred Clans.

But as the son of the God of War showed terrifying strength, they all looked dignified.

As for the purpose of the Demon Palace, they can more or less guess something.

Back then, the three great emperors of the Hundred Clans were killed, and the vitality of the Hundred Clans was severely injured.

Now that the descendants of Mingfeng are gone, the powerful Skeleton Race and the Demon Palace hidden in the mainland must resurrect the son of the God of War, and want to train him to be the next generation of emperor, and when the hundred clans appear, they will lead the hundred clans, otherwise the hundred clans will be scattered.

Gu Yifeng also showed terrifying strength.

Although he lost to the Son of God of War now, his performance satisfied many people.

Some people are satisfied, others are worried.

Many of the top human beings are worried that Gu Yifeng's potential is too great, and there will be threats in the future, and they all have the idea of ​​killing him.

Zhanzhou, Zhancheng.

Transformed into the main body, the son of God of War stood in the void. He was two meters tall, with a burly body, black hairs all over his body, and a burst of prehistoric hostility.

"The descendants of Gu Jingyun are nothing more than that."

The sound resounded like muffled thunder through the entire battle city.

"The remaining few people, kill."

The Son of God of War turned and left.

call out!
But at this moment, in the deep pit below, a flame burst into the sky.

A man in a mess appeared in the sky, the clothes on his body had been destroyed, his body was covered in wounds, and his body was covered in blood.

He kept panting, looking at the black sky-swallowing ape in front of him.

"I'm not defeated yet."

Gu Yifeng's voice came.

The son of the God of War of the Hundred Clans cast his eyes and chuckled: "This is not dead, it's still a little bit capable, but how many tricks can you bear with me?"

At this moment, Gu Yifeng's blood boiled again.

Like a volcanic eruption, an extremely powerful force awakens.

The fire light on his body gradually changed, from fiery red to dark red.

The color gradually faded, and then gradually became bright again, from the initial fiery red to the current orange.

Orange flames radiated from his whole body, his hair also turned orange, and the sky mark between his eyebrows also changed.

Gu Yifeng tried his best to mobilize the blood power.

Blood changes.

Last night, Boundless Fighting Intent appeared, and he received great benefits.

The potential of the physical body has been released, and the power of the blood has been improved.

In one night, he completely reached the state of two changes of blood vessels. At this moment, his strength has doubled, and he feels that his whole body is full of strength.

An invincible belief rose in my heart.

The son of the God of War of the Hundred Clans quietly watched Gu Yifeng complete the awakening of his blood, and chuckled lightly: "Hehe, interesting, really interesting, from what I understand, Gu Jingyun awakened his blood when his cultivation base reached the three realms of good fortune Two changes, and you have already reached this realm at the fourth level of False God."

Gu Yifeng looked calm, and made a hand gesture: "Let me see what is different about the so-called Hunyuan Dao Body."

"as you wish."

The figure of the son of the war god of hundreds of clans flashed, and he rushed towards Gu Yifeng suddenly. The wind swept past his body, and countless buildings below were destroyed in an instant.

This is the horror of Hunyuan Dao Body, just relying on physical strength is enough to destroy the world.

Punch out.

Gu Yifeng stood in the void, his body was full of orange flames, he raised his hand, and an illusory orange fist appeared, meeting the attack of the son of the war god of hundreds of clans.

The two forces collided and an explosion occurred. The aftermath of the explosion swept across like ripples in the water, and everything it passed was ruined.

The two collided head-on, their bodies backed up, and then quickly rushed towards each other, constantly attacking.

In the sky of the war city, a fierce battle broke out.

Gu Yifeng's power after the second bloodline transformation was too strong, even the Hunyuan Dao Body's Swallowing Demon Ape was no match. The one who was beaten retreated steadily, with scars appearing on his body, and black blood dripped down.

His blood is terrible, a drop of blood weighs a thousand catties, and if it drops on the ground, a deep pit will appear on the ground.

Jiang Tailang was dumbfounded.

His avatar has cultivated to the peak of the False God Realm, and he can see the strength of Gu Yifeng and the son of the Hundred Clans God of War.

Gu Yifeng's cultivation base is at the fourth level of the Void God, while the sons of the war gods of hundreds of clans are at the fifth level of the Void God, but the strength they displayed is actually comparable to the peak powerhouse of the seventh level of the Void God.

In other words, they can kill enemies beyond several small realms.

"Gu Yifeng is too scary. If he is allowed to grow up, there will be another Gu Jingyun in the future, and even a more terrifying powerhouse than Gu Jingyun. He can't stay, he must die."

He clenched his fists tightly, killing intent rose in his heart.

Jiang Chen was even more dumbfounded.

He knew that Gu Yifeng was the number one in the Southern Academy this year, and there was still a month before the competition in the Fifth Academy.

He didn't pay much attention to the competition of the Fifth Academy.

Because the Tianjiao of the other four courtyards did not pose any threat to him at all.

But now the power displayed by Gu Yifeng is so strong that even he feels powerless.

The fierce battle continues.

Gu Yifeng used the two transformations of the blood, and then used the flame sickle, combined with the Kunpeng secret technique, it had already flashed instantly, and the Heaven Swallowing Demon Ape with the Hunyuan Dao body was retreating steadily.

call out!
Gu Yifeng appeared behind the son of the war god of the hundred clans at an extremely fast speed, and mercilessly cut out the flame sickle in his hand.

The son of the God of War of the Hundred Clans reacted very quickly, but he was already injured, so he couldn't dodge Gu Yifeng's move at all. He was hit on the back, and the whole back was bloody and black blood continued to overflow.

He quickly retreated to the distance, gasping for breath, staring at Gu Yifeng with a calm face.

After a while, a chuckle came: "Hehe, the blood of the Gu family is truly miraculous. With the two changes of the blood, the power has been raised to such a terrifying level that even my Hunyuan Taoist body can't resist your attack. Didn't you ask me what stage I have reached in my cultivation?"

Gu Yifeng looked calm, but his heart was full of fighting spirit.

"Are you finally going to use the Sky Guard?"

"Then let me tell you, I have been practicing against the sky since I was a child, and now I have cultivated to the third stage of casting the ladder."

Gu Yifeng made a gesture of invitation, and said lightly: "Please, let me see how many ladders you can forge. If it is only the first step, then even if you step up to the first step and increase your strength, you will still be unable to defeat him." I have two bloodlines."

The aura of the black ape began to increase, and then he looked ferocious and terrifying, and a roar of Fen's anger resounded.

In a trance, Gu Yifeng felt a giant appeared in the world, and this giant stepped towards him.

He knew that the son of the God of War of the Hundred Clans had stepped out of the first ladder.

ps: During the Chinese New Year at my daughter-in-law's house, playing cards outside, it was too noisy, so I couldn't sleep, so I coded and wrote a chapter for two hours.

On the first day of the new year, I wish all book friends a smooth sailing and good luck in the new year.

I also hope that in the new year, Crazy Nine Heavens Saint Ancestor will become a hit. I hope that friends who think the book is good can help promote it and invite more friends to watch and read.

(End of this chapter)

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