Chapter 207 Happy Enemy [8]

After that, he ordered everyone not to talk to her, not to talk to her, and most importantly, not to look her in the eyes.

After doing everything flawlessly and seamlessly, Tuoli finally left happily under Mo Zihan's extremely depressed eyes that wanted to kill someone.

There is coming and going for a long time, isn't it?Can't it be him who suffers every time? !
And Mo Zihan looked sadly at the doorway where no one was there.

Depend on!A dead man!Not to mention eating her up and wiping her clean, she didn't even wipe her mouth!
drawing?Draw a fart picture!

Didn't he know she couldn't move at all for 12 hours?
If you don't draw well, you are not allowed to eat? ? ?That is to say, she has to be hungry all day today? ?
Facial paralysis!Stinky fox! ——
After coming out of Zixin Bieyuan, she took off her clothes and felt happy.

This kind of carefreeness has never been experienced since childhood.

Somehow, conquering this dead woman gave him such a sense of pleasure.

In the final analysis, it's really because this woman is so hateful!

Directly ignoring the most real feeling in his heart, Tuoli directly attributed this pleasant feeling to making Mo Zihan feel embarrassed.

When he came to the East Palace, Ao Deng was placed in it by him.

Tuoli sighed, now, the misunderstanding between him and Ao Deng has deepened, I wonder if his explanation can be forgiven by him...

After seeing Tuoli enter, Ao Deng took out a dagger from his sleeve and placed it on the table in front of him.

It was given to him by Yi Wuchen in order to escape for their lives, and Hua Yuewu and Ling Yue took him to take the opportunity to escape and use this dagger to defend themselves.

Seeing Ao Deng's actions, Tuoli frowned.

"What are you doing?" Tori asked angrily.

"Everything was caused by me and the queen mother. This throne should belong to you, brother. Even if you don't believe me, I want to say that, in fact, since I was a child, I have no intention of being on the throne. If you want to, brother You can take them all.

If Brother Huang doesn't believe it, you can use this dagger to kill me with your own hands. In this way, no one can threaten your throne anymore. "

Ao Deng's indifference and resignation to death made Tuoli feel an unknown fire in his heart.

"In your heart, Brother Huang is such a person?" This question made me angry, but my heart was chilled.

This is the younger brother he has held in his hands since he was a child!He looks at him like this now.

Could it be that in his heart, he is someone who came to seize the throne in order to get close to him?Could it be that in his heart, he is actually a person who disregards siblings for the sake of the throne?

Ao Deng smiled lightly, and said: "No! In Ao Deng's heart, the emperor is closer than the father and mother. So as long as the emperor wants, as long as I can give, I can give it. Including my life. "

Ao Deng's words moved Tuoli.

Yes, this is their brotherhood.For Ao Deng, why is he not like this? !
But Tuoli couldn't agree with Ao Deng's next words.

"But Han'er is innocent. The unforgivable things she did to you were all to save me. So take it as my last request before I die, please let Han'er go. I promise, she will never I won't come to harass you!"

Tori shook his head.

(End of this chapter)

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