Chapter 208 Happy Enemy [9]

"Ao Deng, whether you believe it or not, in fact, from the beginning until now, I have never had the idea of ​​killing you."

Ao Deng was taken aback by Tuoli's words.

Tuoli asked him if he believed it or not?he believe.As long as Tuoli said, he believed it.He even believed that Tuoli wanted to kill him again and again, there must be some other reason.

"Yesterday when I invaded the imperial city, I asked Qian Ze and the others to watch you, because I was afraid that you would be too stupid to do something stupid. Later, when I went to Wang Zhang, I just wanted to explain this matter to you, and please don't leave me. But because of that Dead woman, I never have a chance to say what I want to say."

Thinking of what happened last night, Ao Deng blushed.

After returning to Fengyun Tower last night, he repeatedly asked Mo Zihan how he escaped.Mo Zihan was so entangled by him that he had no choice but to tell him in the end that she worked her fifth girl yesterday so that people outside would not think of going in to disturb them.

After returning to the bedroom, he thought about who the fifth girl was for a long time. He only knew Miss Lingyue and Miss Yuewu.

After thinking for a long time, I finally understood what Mo Zihan meant.

While being shocked, he couldn't help but sigh.

Fortunately, he and Mo Zihan are not enemies.Otherwise, I really don't know how he died.

It's just pity for his imperial brother, such a wise and mighty man, fell into the hands of a little girl, and was given by her...

Brother Huang, does this count as being raped?

Auden thought of exactly the same problem as Tori.Later he affirmed the answer.

Ao Deng coughed twice in embarrassment, and was so embarrassed that he didn't even know where to put his hands.

Tuoli motioned for Ao Deng to sit down, and continued: "Our two brothers grew up together, and our relationship has always been very good. Although such a thing happened now, it is not what I want to see.

You know how important my mother and concubine are to me, but she died tragically in Fengyun Tower because of your mother, how can you let me swallow this breath?

But many things I think we should look at separately.Now your mother and my mother and concubine are both dead, Zig has disappeared, and there are only you and me left in North Vietnam.I hope you can stay and help me, and sit and guard the country of North Vietnam together with me.

Of course, I can't force you either.If you really don't want to leave, I will never stop you.But you must tell me where you are going, at least let me build you a manor there, so that you can live comfortably.Otherwise... I'd be worried. "

Tuoli's words made Ao Deng shed tears.

He didn't expect that when his mother treated Tuoli and his mother concubine like this, he could do this for him so regardless of the past...

Empress, if you have a spirit in the sky, you must be able to see it!Brother Huang, it was never what you said!He has always been sincere to me!
"Then today, why did you burn Fengyun Building?"

When he said the words Fengyunlou, Ao Deng suddenly understood.

If it was just a misunderstanding before, surely what happened today is even more of a misunderstanding? !

Seeing that Ao Deng was crying, he took off his clothes and walked to Ao Deng's side, squatting down slowly, really like a big brother who took care of his younger brother, took out a handkerchief from his sleeve, and stretched out his hand to wipe Ao Deng's tears.

But after all the handkerchiefs were taken out, Tuoli realized that this was what he had snatched from Mo Zihan just now.

Somewhat regretting his carelessness, he actually took out the handkerchief.But they have already been taken out, if they are taken back again, it seems a bit petty.

(End of this chapter)

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