After the waste material goes against the sky

Chapter 260 Love Ding Fancheng [2]

Chapter 260 Love Ding Fancheng [2]

Originally planning to go to Fancheng alone, Leng Feng and Yi Wuchen were not at ease anyway, especially Leng Feng, who wanted to accompany him life and death.Mo Zihan had no choice but to take the two of them and hurried towards the battlefield.

The three steeds galloped swiftly towards Fancheng, and as soon as they passed the bustling town, murderous aura ensued.

Twenty men in black armor wearing iron chains and holding scimitars jumped over towering ancient trees like orangutans from the woods in front of them.

Yi Wuchen and Leng Feng patted the horse's back with their left hands, flew up, and met the two killers who leaped forward first.

The airflow coming against the wind changed suddenly, and the immortals rushing in front did not expect the martial arts of the guards around Mo Zihan to be so high.The murderous aura emitted instantly can change the surrounding airflow.The emotions of underestimating the enemy subsided instantly.

There were two loud bangs of "Dang", and the moment the weapons met, a dazzling electric light flashed.

When the flash of lightning disappeared and the surroundings returned to darkness, the two leading killers were still hanging on the chains, but the heads on their bodies had already landed, far away from the floating bodies.

The eyes of the killers in the rear widened suddenly, and following their main target's expressionless words, a trace of panic slipped through their hearts.

"Never let one go."

After Mo Zihan's words fell, Yi Wuchen and Lengfeng who had just sat on the horse immediately rose into the air, Yi Wuchen swung his sword down, and one of the killers landed, took over the floating rope and fought with the killer in the air.

Those who were shot down to the ground already had a cold wind waiting there, giving them a truly fatal blow.

The whole forest was full of swords and swords. The powerful internal force and sword energy caused the leaves to fly, and some small trees were even bent under the pressure, forming circular arcs with the airflow as the center.

With so many killers trying their best, they couldn't get close to Mo Zihan.

Mo Zihan saw that Leng Feng and Yi Wuchen were entangled by those killers, delaying their trip, frowned slightly, and jumped up, very quickly and accurately, stabbing the aorta of the neck of a killer in front of him.

Seeing Mo Zihan's attack, other killers immediately swarmed over and launched a siege, completely ignoring the fatal attack that Yi Wuchen and Leng Fengken could inflict on them, and rushed towards Mo Zihan in a reckless manner.

Like moths flying to a flame, when everyone fixed their eyes on Mo Zihan and was about to succeed, the person who was sitting upright suddenly disappeared, leaving everyone in vain.

Just when everyone was surprised and weird, the killers on the periphery suddenly felt murderous, and when they turned around to defend and attack inconceivably, what they saw was their targets smiling at them.

But at this time, they could no longer speak.

Like a ghost, Mo Zihan kept appearing and disappearing in the air out of thin air. Every time he appeared, a killer would die.

When the battle of life and death was one-sided from the very beginning, Yi Wuchen and Leng Feng also fought more and more courageously.

The people in black, who can already be said to be among the ranks of first-class killers, saw their compatriots being killed like ants by that seemingly inconspicuous woman. In addition to endless humiliation and anger, there was more in their hearts. fear.

When there were five people left, they finally chose to give up, scattered in all directions, and ran away desperately.

(End of this chapter)

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