After the waste material goes against the sky

Chapter 261 Love Ding Fancheng [3]

Chapter 261 Love Ding Fancheng [3]

But Mo Zihan had something to say first, and he was not allowed to let go of any of them.Therefore, Yi Wuchen and Leng Feng had no intention of letting these five people go.

To fight is to die.If you don't fight, you will die.Run or die.

Looking at the corpses in the woods, Yi Wuchen asked: "You killed them all, don't you want to know who sent them?"

Mo Zihan got on his horse and galloped away.Seeing this, Yi Wuchen and Leng Feng immediately followed.

"There are only two people who want to kill me, both surnamed Luo. Now only one knows that I have left the palace, so she is the only one who will send a killer here to wait for me. For this kind of situation, just silence and let her wait for the news."

Seeing Mo Zihan's calm but obviously angry expression, Leng Feng and Yi Wuchen agreed to stop talking.

At first I didn’t think there was anything wrong, but that’s how people are, they can’t think about many things, and the more they think about it, the angrier they get.

Damn!Take off this bastard stinky man!
She rushed to the battlefield to help him out for him, but his woman secretly set up an ambush and sent a killer to assassinate her!How miserable is she living? !
This dead man has a lot of women around him, why should she treat him so well?

This kind of dead man should be a subjugated slave!

What is the difference between a person like him and Yuchi Haotian?Why was she so cruel to Yuchi Haotian back then, but she was so worried about him no matter what?
This stupid man, even if Nangong Jin has a strategic map, is he fighting so hard?

Isn't he the number one warrior in North Vietnam?
This stupid man, Nangong Jin started the war with such an excuse, he just handed her over.The legs are grown on her body, wouldn't it be good if she comes back then?
Faint Lord!

Along the way, Mo Zihan felt depressed because he couldn't convince himself.

Just at the moment when this depressed mood could not be vented at all, another wave of killers broke into the sight of Mo Zihan and the three of them.

Yi Wuchen and Leng Feng looked at each other, and slowed down wisely, not to compete with these people who were rushing to die.

Looking at Mo Zihan's rapidly changing figure, although they know that this is not some so-called legend of ghosts and gods, such elusiveness is only due to a kind of rapidity.But until now, they couldn't see her body trajectory from one position to another.

Looking at the depressed Mo Zihan, holding a dagger, he cut off the heads of those killers one by one as if venting his anger.Both Yi Wuchen and Leng Feng felt more than a little creepy.

I've seen a murderer, but I've never seen a murderer like this.

When facing a group of top killers, this woman with no inner strength is as sweet and angelic as she is usually.
What is beheading?This is called!

What is Rakshasa?This is!

From now on, don't provoke this woman casually!
Looking at the headless corpses all over the floor, Yi Wuchen and Leng Feng fell silent.

She finally realized how pale and powerless they had proposed to protect her all the way to her at the time.

He experienced three robberies along the way, all of which ended in the opponent's horrific failure, and there was no one who went back to report the letter.

In this way, the three of Mo Zihan arrived in Fancheng smoothly.

The once prosperous frontier city was devastated by the sudden war, with corpses everywhere.

Before the people of Fancheng experienced this war, they probably never thought that other countries would dare to attack North Vietnam.

It is this confidence,
(End of this chapter)

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