After the waste material goes against the sky

Chapter 298 Disaster Relief in Yunzhou [15]

Chapter 298 Disaster Relief in Yunzhou [15]

"Princess Hui, this is called Shenghun worm. It is a very rare kind of Shenghun worm that was recorded in an ancient medical book that I have read." The imperial doctor said excitedly.

"I've never heard of it. Poisonous insects?"

Huang Taiyi explained: "The reason why it is called Shenghun worm is because this kind of worm is born without its own soul. It doesn't matter whether it is a pest or a beneficial insect. Their functions can be changed at will according to human wishes.

The worm's shell can be used to hold things, and they themselves will be synthesized with the things humans load them.

If it is loaded with good medicine for curing diseases, this kind of worm will combine with the medicine and become a medicine that is more precious than the loaded medicine.If they are equipped with toxins, they will mutate with these toxins and become poisonous insects that are more poisonous than these toxins.

What's more valuable is that these worms can be reused. As long as these worms are soaked in clean water for seven to 49 days, the contents of their bodies will be completely taken out of the body and become harmless insects.

At this time, according to one's own needs, the body can be opened again and filled with different things. "

"There are such bugs..." Mo Zihan couldn't help sighing.

"Then put them away and soak them in water. Show me one."

After putting the Shenghun worm in a container, Imperial Physician Huang carefully took one to Mo Zihan.

Mo Zihan poured a glass of clean water from a non-toxic kettle, and tested it with a test strip, and it was non-toxic.

Then put the Shenghun worm into the water, take it out shortly after, and test it with the test paper, the test paper turned dark blue.

He also forcibly opened the shell of the soul worm that had not been completely washed by the lake water. Although the soul worm died, the contents of its shell remained inside.

After sniffing it carefully, Mo Zihan smiled sarcastically.

Been doing it for half a day...

"Han'er, what kind of poison is in here?"

Mo Zihan was also smelled by Imperial Physician Huang, who could only sigh and shook his head.

"Your Majesty, there is no poison in it at all, but a general laxative that can cause vomiting. However, after being synthesized by Shenghun worms, this laxative is turned into a poisonous plague."

"Then now, do you have a way to suppress this plague?"

"My minister is incompetent. I have never seen such a poisonous plague. I have to rely on the princess for this matter, but I can help the princess to study together."

Physician Huang was very ashamed.Thinking that the chief imperial physician of his majestic imperial hospital, in such a short period of time, he was unable to play a role in the critical moment when he was used twice in a row.

"Then you can help the princess to study it together."

Tuoli didn't blame him, after all, he knew that Mo Zihan came from a millennium later, and he was well-informed, not something an old doctor could compare to.

"Thank you, Your Majesty! I will do my best to assist the princess and make an antidote." Huang Taiyi, who thought that the emperor would definitely blame her, immediately knelt down and thanked her.

Back at the Yunzhou prefect's mansion, Mo Zihan let the siblings take a bath, then extracted a little serum from the siblings and the patient's serum and started careful research.

Physician Huang has also been with her all the time, and as long as she has something she doesn't understand in terms of medical science or pharmacology, Physician Huang will immediately supplement her knowledge.

In this way, I have been studying until midnight, but there is still no result.

"Han'er, this is the white fungus and lotus seed soup I made for you, drink it while it's hot."

Seeing the emperor coming in, Imperial Physician Huang immediately excused himself to go out and boil it to see how effective the antidote he just made was.

"Did you really boil it yourself?"

(End of this chapter)

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