After the waste material goes against the sky

Chapter 299 Disaster Relief in Yunzhou [16]

Chapter 299 Disaster Relief in Yunzhou [16]

"Of course!" Tuoli sat beside Mo Zihan as if flattering, "Come on, let me feed you."

"I'll do it myself." With that said, Mo Zihan was ready to take the bowl and spoon.

"No! The things you made are so dirty, what if the toxin gets into the bowl by accident?" After finishing speaking, he couldn't help but feed Mo Zihan to drink spoon by spoon.

Feeling Tuoli's thoughtfulness, Mo Zihan also readily accepted his kindness.While enjoying the delicious supper made by his lover, he gently stroked his lower abdomen without showing any trace.

Five days ago, it should have come to her body, but now there is no movement, she knows the changes in her body.

Because in the belly she touched, there was already a crystallization between her and Tuoli.This crystallization will tie her and Tuoli's life together tightly, and they will never be separated.

It's just that she doesn't dare to tell Tuoli now, she's afraid that if she tells Tuoli, Tuoli will be shocked, and she doesn't even want her to touch these things.She didn't want to say it yet, because after all, there was Luo Yuxi between them, and she didn't want to put too much pressure on him.

"Your injury hasn't completely healed yet. You were already tired on the road, and today - you've been tired for a whole day. Go and rest." After drinking the white fungus and lotus seed soup, Mo Zihan held Tuoli's cheek, feeling a little distressed said.

"No. I want to stay here with you!"

"You'll distract me here. No, you have to go!"

"Okay, I'll go. I have to sleep before Choushi. I don't want you to be exhausted before the antidote is developed."

"Got it, go and rest!"

Seeing that Tuoli would not go away, and looked at her eagerly, Mo Zihan knew what he wanted to do, so he got up, kissed that slightly cool lips fiercely, and then left contentedly.

Although he promised Mo Zihan to rest, but as the emperor, even the people he loves are still fighting at night, how can he rest?

Calling Qianze, Qianrui and Liang Qiuhang, Tuoli began to visit every house in Yunzhou City. The purpose was to let all the people in Yunzhou City know that this plague was not caused by a witch who harmed the country and the people. A complete conspiracy, and the witch in their mouth is now working tirelessly to develop an antidote for them.

The dead bodies had been incinerated in time, and the poisonous spirit worms had been salvaged in time, preventing the lakes and rivers from further polluting and deteriorating.

Under the personal preaching of the emperor, the people all knew that this natural disaster was a man-made disaster, and they no longer drank the water from the moat, but instead drank the water from the underground well.The so-called large-scale infection brought about by this man-made plague was immediately and effectively contained.

Although the poisoned people are still not cured, their condition continues to deteriorate, and some people will die every day, but the people who are not sick, after knowing the strangeness, deliberately avoid the source of pollution, and there is no new plague.

Such a situation ignited hope for everyone.

Ten days later, Mo Zihan finally developed an antidote to restrain this new virus together with Doctor Huang after exhausting everything he had learned.

After taking it to critically ill patients, the phenomenon of vomiting, diarrhea and persistent high fever stopped immediately.

It was also during this period that the toxins in the Shenghun worm's body had been completely volatilized after brewing for 49 days, and the body could be opened at will. Mo Zihan then placed a laxative in the body of the Shenghun worm according to the type of laxative that was put in before. Understand the medicine, and then put all the Shenghun worms into the upper lake.

(End of this chapter)

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