After the waste material goes against the sky

Chapter 515 I am passionate [26]

Chapter 515 I am passionate [26]

But looking at the portrait, this woman is so beautiful and gentle, the sun is shining brightly, in this world, he has never seen anyone more beautiful than her.

The truth is that it can only be found in paintings, but not in the world.

Coupled with the fact that there is a distance of 1000 years between this woman and the Lord, she may never meet again in this life.Let me ask, who else can compare to this woman's position in the Lord's heart?

Could it be that his Patriarch really can only stare at this portrait for the rest of his life?
"My lord, is this woman called Yun'er?" This was the first time Lin Zhonghe heard Ximen Yunhai say the name of his sweetheart, so he couldn't help asking.

"En." Ximen Yunhai looked at Yun'er in the painting with eyes full of tender love, and the corners of his lips slightly raised.

"My lord misses Miss Yun'er so much, presumably Miss Yun'er on the other side will also miss my lord so much."

Lin Zhonghe's words made Ximen Yunhai's slightly raised lips gradually calm down, and his soft eyes were replaced by infinite pain.

Lin Zhonghe had seen this expression countless times, and every time he would feel distressed because of Ximen Yunhai's injury.

"My lord, don't be like this. As long as your hearts are connected, you can miss each other even if you are far apart, right?"

Ximen Yunhai looked at Lin Zhonghe, and after a long time, he said slowly and with great difficulty: "Yun'er...she is dead."

I don't know how much pain he felt when he said these words, but after he finished speaking, he covered his heart, and it was difficult for him to even stand up.

Lin Zhonghe was shocked, and quickly helped Ximen Yunhai to sit on the dragon bed, and quickly gave him another pill.Then she sat behind him, crossed her legs, put her hands on his back, and slowly breathed into his body, until she felt that the internal force in his body had been adjusted smoothly, before she dared to stop.

"My lord, before you practiced internal strength, you became obsessed and hurt your heart just because you thought of Miss Yun'er. The miscellaneous family told you that you should adjust your breathing well under such circumstances, think more about happy things, and don't think about those things." sad thing."

Ximen Yunhai smiled wryly, "Teacher, if you are sad, you can stop it, then everyone will live happily. Teacher... I don't know why, I really miss Yun'er tonight... What should I do?"

Seeing Ximen Yunhai weeping, Lin Zhonghe felt extremely uncomfortable.

Ximen Yunhai was born and grew up by him.And he is also the eunuch selected by the imperial concubine from the people with the strongest martial arts to protect the prince.

Later, he became the emperor, and he not only followed him as the chief eunuch, but also became the Xichang Palace.The status in Xiliang can be said to be an extremely human minister, with one person under ten thousand, and his status is even higher than the prime minister.

Ximen Yunhai's kindness to him for knowing him, and his affection for Ximen Yunhai as a teacher and apprentice made him regard him as his master, his apprentice, and his own child.

So seeing him so sad, his heart was almost pulled together.

"My lord, don't be too sad. The miscellaneous family is stupid, and I don't know how to persuade the emperor. If the emperor doesn't dislike it, can you tell the miscellaneous family about you and Miss Yun'er? At least the emperor can have an audience who can express the sadness in his heart. speak out."

"Yun'er... her name is Baiyun, she is a very sunny girl, she likes to laugh, her eyes are curved, she is very pretty. And I will always be attracted by her smile, no matter how she smiles at me How many times, as long as I see her smile, I will be very happy."

(End of this chapter)

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