After the waste material goes against the sky

Chapter 516 I am passionate [27]

Chapter 516 I am passionate [27]

Speaking of Yun'er, Ximen Yunhai smiled again.

"That's right. From the portraits drawn by the emperor, we can tell that Miss Yun'er is not only beautiful, but her smile is also very attractive."

"But she is a very confused girl, and there will always be various situations. The first time I met her, she went to a very high-end restaurant abroad to eat, and after eating, I realized that she didn't bring her wallet , there is no money to pay the bill, and she is alone there, making people want to help her."

"So the emperor helped her pay the bill?"

"En." Ximen Yunhai nodded.

"My name in my previous life was Ouyang Zheng, and I was an Interpol."

"What is Interpol?"

"Interpol is a police officer affiliated with Interpol Headquarters that specializes in arresting transnational criminals. In layman's terms, it is a senior police officer who travels between countries and specializes in arresting criminals."

Lin Zhonghe nodded clearly, and Ximen Yunhai continued: "At that time, I was dispatched to France by the Criminal Police Headquarters to secretly investigate an arms deal of a super mafia. This mafia has its own branches in all countries in the world. Big, black and white, and even their own army.

The name of this mafia is also Mingtang, that's why I don't like the killer organization of Mingtang so much. "

"I see." Lin Zhonghe said clearly.

He thought it was strange before. It stands to reason that the imperial court and the assassin organization have always gone their own ways without interfering with each other. He couldn't figure out why Ximen Yunhai would send people to encircle and suppress the Mingtang because the name of the Mingtang was not pleasant.

It turned out to be for this reason.He could only say that the Nether Hall here was unlucky, so he was so lucky that he had the same name as the emperor's deadly enemy in modern times.

"Interpol Headquarters has always wanted to destroy the Hades, but they can't catch their handle. After learning that they will have a large-scale arms deal in France, they ordered me to collect evidence of their deal no matter what.

But I met Yun'er in France, because I helped her solve her urgent need, so we left each other's contact numbers. "

Seeing that Lin Zhonghe didn't quite understand, Ximen Yunhai explained patiently: "With a phone, we can see and talk to each other even if we are thousands of miles apart."

Regardless of the surprise in Lin Zhonghe's eyes, Ximen Yunhai continued: "In this way, Yun'er and I became friends in France. I like her, and I can tell that she likes me.

On the day when the arms trade was about to take place in the Mingtang, I suddenly received a call from Yun'er. She went to perform in a French city called Provence, but she fell seriously ill, had a high fever, and had a headache and vomited.

On the phone, Yun'er's voice sounded very painful.At that time, I panicked, put down my work hastily, and rushed to Provence.

When I arrived at her place, she had a headache and passed out. I didn't know until I sent her to the hospital. It turned out that she had acute meningitis. Such a high fever is very dangerous. Fortunately, I arrived in time and saved her life. .

She stayed in the hospital for seven full days before being discharged, and because I had to take care of her, I missed the arms deal in the Hades.

Although I was punished by my boss later, I don't regret it at all.Because during those days, I had the best time of my life. "

Seeing that Ximen Yunhai's eyes were full of happiness and tenderness, Lin Zhonghe asked: "My lord, this painting you drew should be when you and Miss Yun'er were in Provence, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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