After the waste material goes against the sky

Chapter 546 Destroy Luo Zhi [1]

Chapter 546 Destroy Luo Zhi [1]

In the past two years, in addition to promoting Jialan and Mingtang, she also worked hard to find books about Gu art.

However, the books and applications of Gu art were burned half a century ago.It is impossible for her to learn from scratch now.

In the past two years, he has looked for many famous doctors and people who are good at using poison, but they only know the general idea.

Gu art was passed down from the Miaojiang area of ​​this mainland, and it is a kind of witchcraft.

Not everyone can master Gu worms proficiently.Because this Gu insect is extremely dangerous, if you are not careful, the person who uses the Gu will be doomed forever.

Legend has it that a pair of sisters were the last to use Gu.They are very good at using Gu and have high martial arts skills.

At that time, they didn't use Gu to kill people, on the contrary, they used it to save people.Many incurable diseases are cured through their Gu skills.

This pair of sisters is not only kind-hearted, but also very beautiful. In order to express their respect, the common people called them Xiangu, and the place where they lived was also called Immortal Gu Sect.

During that period of time, the Immortal Gu Sect became famous, and the two immortal aunts were so powerful in martial arts that almost no one in the martial arts world could match them.

Therefore, there is an endless stream of people who want to come to the Immortal Gu Sect to learn from a teacher, but they are always turned away.Even so, they still couldn't resist. People sharpened their heads and wanted to learn from teachers.

But later, for unknown reasons, the relationship between the two sisters appeared cracked, and after a while, the two suddenly disappeared, and then it was the legend that they died unexpectedly, and the Immortal Gu Sect naturally disappeared in this continent.

Since their death, there has never been anyone who is good at using Gu skills in the Jianghu.Over time, people don't even know what Gu is and what Gu is used for.

The only thing we know is that Gu is a kind of extremely pure worm, which resides in the human body.

But as for how to raise Gu, how to plant Gu, and how to drive Gu insects, they don't know anything.

And Mo Zihan naturally couldn't get any information about Gu.

Since Luo Yuxi can use Gu on the Empress Dowager and make her die as she pleases, then Luo Yuling will definitely do it.

This is what Mo Zihan is most afraid of.If any of her parents or Nangong Jin got a Gu, it would be troublesome.

But she just doesn't know anything about this stuff.
At night, a white steed carrying a man in a white brocade robe embroidered with dragons set off from the Nanyang Palace and rushed towards the Luozhi Palace in the west of the city.

Just as they were about to enter the palace gate, the galloping horse showed no signs of slowing down or stopping, and almost rushed towards the palace at the fastest speed.

When the guards at the gate saw the man, they didn't intend to stop him, but instead knelt down respectfully to him.

Without squinting, the man went straight to Xiaoyao Palace where the queen was.

Seeing that he was about to arrive at Xiaoyao Palace, the eunuchs and maids outside the palace gate had already knelt down to greet him, ready to come out to guide the man.

However, when the man was about to arrive at the palace, he patted the horse's back with his palm, took advantage of the situation, and flew directly to the queen's main bedroom on the second floor.

For the man's behavior, the maids and eunuchs of Xiaoyao Palace had long been familiar with it. They went straight forward, led the man's beloved horse to the backyard, and then went about their own affairs.

(End of this chapter)

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