After the waste material goes against the sky

Chapter 547 Destroy Luo Zhi [3]

Chapter 547 Destroy Luo Zhi [3]

"Are you here to ridicule my servant?"

The glamorous man narrowed his eyes slightly, and spit out a sentence from between his teeth, without any sympathy, he grabbed the little palace maid's wrist.If the court lady dared to say a wrong word again, he would definitely let her die on the spot.

"Your servant calm down, Tweety dare not! Tweety really wants to tell your servant."

"Hmph, I'm sorry you don't dare! What's the matter, tell me!" He was already in a bad mood today, and he didn't want to talk nonsense with these useless things anymore.

"Your servant, do you know why the imperial concubine comes to see Her Majesty the Empress every day?"

"Of course he is greedy for His Majesty's beauty!" The glamorous man replied without thinking.

"Wrong. The imperial husband doesn't love His Majesty, and even hates His Majesty."

What the little palace lady said made the beautiful man's eyes widen, and he grabbed the little palace lady's wrist again.

"Is this true? How is this possible? If he doesn't love His Majesty, why does he want to occupy His Majesty every day?"

The little palace maid glanced at the hand that grabbed her wrist, a trace of undetectable disgust flashed in her eyes, but she said with a smile on her face:

"Because the imperial husband has been poisoned by His Majesty, he must have fun with His Majesty every day, otherwise he will die from the poison."

"Gu poison?" The glamorous man repeated the words of the little maid, recalling the god insect that His Majesty had told him when he and His Majesty were close friends, and asked: "Is that Gu the god insect that His Majesty mentioned? "

The little maid nodded and said, "Not bad."

"Your Majesty really loves Nangong Jin so much? I would rather face someone who doesn't love her every day than spend time with us."

"Your Majesty, this servant can see that His Majesty still loves you very much, it's just that he was blinded for a while. When His Majesty changes his mind, he will definitely return to your servant."

"It sounds good. This Nangong Jin has been with her for two years, but she still doesn't get tired of her. When she gets tired of Nangong Jin, I'm afraid that this noble servant will already be old and frail."

Thinking of the emperor's reluctance to have a child with him, the beautiful man became depressed like a deflated ball.He could guess his tragic experience in the future, that is, when he grows old, he is rejected by others and kicked out of the palace.

"This servant has a way to make the emperor return to your side."

Although the little maid's voice was not loud, it really hit the beautiful man's heart.

"What can I do, tell me quickly!"

The little maid came to the door, carefully listened to the sound outside the door, and then said mysteriously: "Your servant, in fact, the servant's family is a declining medical family, and a secret medicine is passed down from the ancestors, called Tongxin pill."

"What is Tongxin Pill?" The glamorous man became interested.

"As the name suggests, after taking this medicine, Her Majesty the Empress will fall in love with you. As long as you want to do something, Her Majesty the Empress will do whatever you want."

While the glamorous man was shocked, he looked at the maid in front of him in disbelief.

"There is such a medicine in the world? Why have I never heard of it?"

Seeing that the glamorous man didn't believe it, the little palace maid said with some dissatisfaction: "Since your servant doesn't believe in the servant girl, it's useless for the servant girl to say more." After finishing speaking, she walked out.

But as soon as he took a step, his wrist was grabbed again.

"Tweety, it's not that I don't believe it, but that the medicine you said is too unbelievable. If it's true, I will definitely reward you!"

After hearing the beautiful man's words, Tweety immediately knelt down.

"Your servant, Tweety doesn't want any rewards.
(End of this chapter)

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