After the waste material goes against the sky

Chapter 573 Evil Spirit Demon Cult [4]

Chapter 573 Evil Spirit Demon Cult [4]

"Where is the agency?"

"Here." Cousin Ming opened up the area covered by grass on the mountain wall, revealing a raised stone with a similar color to the mountain wall.

Turn the stone secret door to "boom" and open.

The secret passage inside the stone gate is narrow, and only three people can pass through side by side.Nangong Jin ordered his [-] imperial guards to wait outside, and when he heard the signal from him, they attacked the stone gate together.

He, Tuoli, Mo Zihan, Yi Wuchen, Leng Feng and more than 100 killers from the Hades entered the stone gate.

Five thousand Nanyang imperial guards surrounded this small cave tightly, and there were fifteen thousand imperial guards waiting below. It is expected that the people inside would be hard to fly even with wings.

The soldiers waited outside respectfully, everyone's attention was focused on the long-disappeared figure inside the stone gate, no one spoke, and almost everyone held their breath to make sure that the emperor did not send them an attack signal.

But they didn't notice that when they focused all their attention in the cave, the scenery around them had changed a lot.

In a place that was already densely covered with trees and covered the sky and the sun, the number of trees suddenly doubled. In a short period of time, the number of trees had already doubled, and the land guarded by five thousand imperial guards was surrounded by an airtight wall. powerful.

A soldier suddenly felt itchy in his hands. He lowered his head and saw that the grass that only reached his ankles just now had grown wildly to his waist, and continued to grow at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"There is something wrong with this grass!" The soldier shouted.

When the other soldiers heard the soldier's call, they also immediately discovered the grass that had grown to their waists.

"It's not just the grass that has problems, but also the trees."

"No, we are surrounded and can't get out!"

The soldiers discovered the abnormalities here one after another.

They are all elite soldiers who went to battle to kill the enemy. Because of their great meritorious service, they were arranged to the imperial city and became the imperial guards that everyone admired.

The imperial guards, who were fearless in life and death, all changed their faces when they saw such a strange situation.

"The emperor, come out quickly, there is an ambush inside!"

"Your majesty, princess, come out quickly, there are monsters here!"

The soldiers shouted one after another while trying to break out from the gap between the trees.

The trees here are originally dense, but they can pass through at will.But I don't know when, there is almost no gap between the trees.

The soldiers came to a place where the gap was relatively large, and a dozen soldiers tried to climb over the gap here.

Because the gap is too high, it is not easy to climb out, so we decided to cooperate together.

The people below set up a human ladder, and let the kung fu brothers climb up first.

An agile soldier quickly came to the gap.There is enough space for one person to squeeze through sideways.

The soldier squeezed into the gap almost without thinking.

But the gap, which was originally enough for a person to pass sideways, suddenly became smaller when the soldier squeezed his body in.

"No, this tree has grown thicker!"

The soldiers who were about to squeeze outside were suddenly caught by the trees, and in shock, they retracted their bodies while yelling in fear.


Before the brothers below had time to think about what was going on, there was another scream.

I saw that the trees were still getting thicker, and the comrades who had squeezed in the middle of the trees just now were completely stuck in the middle of the trees.

(End of this chapter)

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