After the waste material goes against the sky

Chapter 574 Evil Spirit Demon Cult [5]

Chapter 574 Evil Spirit Demon Cult [5]

"Ka——" There was a slight thought, but all the soldiers below heard it.

It was the sound of their comrades' breastbones and skulls cracking.

Big mouthfuls of blood flowed out from the soldier's mouth. His body struggled for a while, but he didn't move again.

Strangely, at this time, the trees did not grow thicker.

"Ghost! There's a ghost!" someone said, and the imperial guards, who were trying to stay calm, were suddenly in a panic and tried to escape in all directions.

Some lay on the ground, trying to escape from the underground gaps, and some scrambled to escape from the inconspicuous gaps, but all of them had only one fate, that is, they were stuck in the gaps by the suddenly thickened trees.

"Everyone, don't panic! The emperor and princess are still here, they will find a way to rescue us!" A high-ranking captain immediately shouted at the soldiers who were completely panicked.

Another lieutenant also knew that he must not get confused at this time, and shouted: "Don't panic, we have 5000 people. The enemy is just a suspicious formation. Let's stick together and try to break through from a corner. , chopping down trees, or throwing grenades, are you still afraid of these few trees?"

The soldiers who were still flustered gradually became quiet under the words of the two captains.

Seeing that his words were effective, the captain immediately said: "The outermost ones are in charge of watching these flowers and trees. If there is any change, they will immediately shout. We try to cut trees from here. We have 5000 people. If you don't believe it, you can't do it." Fall these trees down.

From now on, anyone who dares to say something like ghosts to disturb the morale of the army will be killed immediately! "

After all, we are well-trained soldiers, and we will do what we say.Pick up the sword and slash towards the big tree in one direction without mercy.

After a while, three towering trees fell to the side almost at the same time, and the soldiers who were squeezed between the two trees fell from the gap.

Everyone saw that the tree was no different from ordinary trees, and the panic under strong pressure finally receded a little.

Under the leadership of the two captains, everyone tried their best to cut down the tree.I hope to cut down this big tree that suddenly grew out of nowhere.

"Don't chop any more!"

Suddenly a soldier shouted from behind.


The two school lieutenants immediately stopped the soldier who was cutting the tree, and asked, "What's going on?"

"You cut one in front, and three grew here, and there were nine trees in total just now."

The soldier's words made everyone gasp. Although they were terrified to the extreme, no one dared to say something like "there is a ghost".

"Everyone gathers the grenades in their hands and blows up these trees quickly. I don't believe that the speed at which we blow up trees will be slower than the speed at which they grow." Captain Huo Dada said.

"Don't! Everyone, don't panic, we must have fallen under the illusion of an expert." A soldier loudly stopped the captain's order.

"What do you mean?" the lieutenant asked.

"I have heard people say that illusion is also a kind of witchcraft. The trees and grass we see now are illusions, but we have entered illusion, so the illusion will become real.

It must be that the evil spirits and the people of the Devil's Cult cast illusions and wanted to wipe us all out. "

"Then what should we do?"

"Doing nothing, leaning together, helping each other,

(End of this chapter)

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