After the waste material goes against the sky

Chapter 596 Evil Spirit Demon Cult [27]

Chapter 596 Evil Spirit Demon Cult [27]

"I don't know. I haven't seen this kind of snake."

"Then what symptoms do you have now?"

"Except for general numbness and loss of consciousness, there are no symptoms. Han'er, don't worry, I have already protected my heart veins with true energy, and the toxins will absolutely not get in."

"Okay, I believe you. Tuoli, if you feel uncomfortable, tell me right away."

"Don't worry, as long as I have any other discomfort, I will tell you immediately, and then we will find a way. Now I can't move, and Nangong Jin has suffered internal injuries. Hanging here is definitely not a long-term solution. We must find a way to go up or go down."

"Okay, I know. Don't worry, leave it to me."

After Mo Zihan finished talking with Tuoli, he turned to Nangong Jin. "Jin, are you alright?"

"...I'm fine."

Nangong Jin paused for a moment.Hearing the conversation between Tuoli and Mo Zihan just now made him envious of the frankness between the two of them.

Tuoli, as a strong man, was able to tell the full extent of the injury after being injured, and then handed over the rest to his woman with confidence.

But Mo Zihan believed his words completely, and would not suspect that Tuoli said that deliberately to comfort her at this moment.

While envious, he thought he couldn't do it.

At this time, Mo Zihan suddenly asked about his condition.He really wanted to tell Mo Zihan about his situation, but the words were stuck in his throat, but he couldn't say anything, and finally he could only say "I'm fine".

Only then did he realize why he and Mo Zihan couldn't get together.

Two people who love each other should be honest with each other at any time.

Back then, it was because of his own private thoughts that he pushed their relationship into the abyss.But now, he still can't be as frank as Tuoli.

"It's fine, if you feel uncomfortable, please tell me immediately."

"...Okay." Although he knew that Mo Zihan said such words at this time, it was more because they were in a deep danger, and anyone who made a mistake might be doomed.But with her concern, he still couldn't stop being moved in his heart.

"Han'er! Are you down there? Can you hear us?"

In the distance, the sound of cold wind came from above the cliff, Mo Zihan's heart was ignited with strong hope.

"Feng, I'm below. I'm not in any danger for the time being. I can't move. Find a way to pull us up!"

After Mo Zihan finished speaking, all the cousins ​​on the cliff were all boiling.In their hearts, their eldest sister was a godlike girl, and it was absolutely impossible for her to die so easily.

"Persevere, come down to save you immediately!" Leng Feng shouted excitedly towards the bottom of the cliff.

"Be careful!"

"Do not worry!"

Long after the martial arts incident planned by Ximen Yunhai, Mo Zihan modified the weapons of Brother Ming.Every killer in the Nether Hall has a dagger made of high-quality fine iron, and a rope wrapped around his waist for easy contraction.

Not only can the rope be retracted, but the front end also has a sharp tool that can be folded when retracted and rotated when used.

Even in Mo Zihan's dreams, she never imagined that the invention that shocked her brothers at the beginning could be used to save herself one day.

At this time, even if Nangong Jin's [-] imperial guards came, they didn't bring ropes, so there was no way to save them.

(End of this chapter)

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