After the waste material goes against the sky

Chapter 597 Tianshan Sanctuary [1]

Chapter 597 Tianshan Sanctuary [1]

But the brothers in Mingtang are different.As soon as they heard that something happened to Mo Zihan, two hundred brothers gathered on the edge of the cliff. Each person's rope can be stretched to 20 meters long, and 200 brothers can have a rope 4000 meters long.

Of course, if the rope is stretched too long, no matter how strong it is, it will break easily.But Leng Feng and Yi Wuchen have their own way.

Collect the daggers made of fine iron on everyone's bodies, and pull the rope to slowly descend.Every time a certain distance is reached, use internal force to insert the dagger into the cliff, and only slowly dive down after the dagger is completely fixed in the cliff.

Unknowingly, the entire cliff was turned into a rock climbing area.Although the distance between the daggers was huge, it was a piece of cake for Yi Wuchen and Leng Feng who had internal strength and lightness skills.

Following the place where Mo Zihan happened all the way down, I finally saw the three of them at a position about 800 meters below the cliff.

After the two fixed their bodies first, Leng Feng took off his back and tied him to his back.And Yi Wuchen carried Nangong Jin on his back.

After untying Mo Zihan's hold on Nangong Jin, Yi Wuchen fixed the dislocated bone for Mo Zihan.

Although he experienced the pain of losing the bone, after the bone was attached, it did not affect Mo Zihan's skill at all.

So the cold wind was at the front, Mo Zihan was at the back, and the group of five climbed up to the top of the cliff smoothly.

At this time, the leader of the evil spirit has long since disappeared.

After the cold wind put down the jacket, Mo Zihan hurried over to check.

First look at the back of the hand bitten by the poisonous snake. Except for a little blackness and a little redness and swelling, there is no other obvious trauma.

She smelled the wound with the tip of the pen again, and she was not familiar with this poisonous smell.

Mo Zihan hurriedly took the universal life-saving antidote that he carried with him for Tuoli.This antidote directly solved the poison of seven insects and seven flowers in Tuoli within half a month.

Although the small snakebite was not a toxin she was familiar with, it should be able to be cured.Mo Zihan is very sure about his poison technique.
For the people of this continent, this day is definitely an extraordinary day.

Empress Luo Zhi was captured, and the Nanyang Dynasty suddenly launched an attack. They joined forces with the North Vietnamese Kingdom to attack Luo Zhi, but the Xiliang Kingdom closed the border and resolutely prevented Luo Zhi's refugees from fleeing to Xiliang.

Originally, Luo Zhi was supposed to be wiped out like this. In fact, after Luo Zhi's palace was blown up and all civil and military officials were detained, Luo Zhiguo was almost emptied by Nanyang.

But things took another dramatic turn.

When the Nanyang Emperor Nangong Jin was seriously injured, and the Beiyue Emperor was bitten by a poisonous snake in his body, after returning to the Nanyang Palace, he found that the Luo Zhi Empress Luo Yuling and the former Chaoyang Emperor Yuchi Haotian who had been under house arrest had been robbed.

No need to think about it, who can have such an ability, under the guard of so many imperial guards, can break through the prison without any effort.

But now Mo Zihan doesn't have so much time to take care of these things for the time being. For her, it doesn't matter even if the world is destroyed, as long as the people she cares about are good.


Seeing that she was still lying on the bed, not at all getting better because of her antidote, Mo Zihan frowned.

Back in the palace, she had already sucked up the poisonous blood on the back of his hand with a vessel,
(End of this chapter)

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