The eSports coach is a girl

Chapter 112 See No Evil

Chapter 112 See No Evil
When returning the card, Lin Qingchen and Ji Xingzhou were still in a state of confusion.

It turns out that their coach is even invincible in playing cards!
Guo Xutao also watched a few games, and was circling around He Qi at this moment.

"Coach, how did you know there was a bomb outside in the last game? And just now, how did you know that the five cards in Lin Qingchen's hand belonged to three generations and two?"

He Qi raised her eyes lazily, with that cold look again, "Don't you remember the cards?"

Guo Xutao was silent for a long time, "Remember the cards?"

"Think about it." She patted him and went out with the things.

Guo Xutao stared at the coach Qingjun's back in a daze, and when he saw Xu Mo stand up, he leaned forward, "Captain, how does it feel to be abused? You have always won the cards before, and today you may lose in a row, right?"

"It's not bad." Xu Mo smiled easily, without any gloomy expression.

Guo Xutao frowned, and complained in his heart: Damn, the captain is Shaking M? !
After playing Dou Dizhu for an hour, He Qi felt that his cold was much better, and he was still humming softly when passing by the bathroom.

When He Tingyi came out to wash his hands, he looked at He Qi's back in the mirror and raised his eyebrows, seemed very happy?

After He Qi left, He Tingyi and Luo Miao had no reason to stay any longer, and went back after paying the bill.

He Qi called two taxis for them, one for Lin Qingchen, Ji Xingzhou, and Jiang Yiheng, and one for her, Guo Xutao, and Xu Mo.

Guo Xutao originally wanted to sit in the back when he saw the coach, and he still had a lot of questions to ask the coach, but as soon as he walked over, he caught a glimpse of his captain already sitting in the back, so he had to sit in the passenger seat next to the driver.

After returning to the apartment, He Qi went into the kitchen and made a simple hangover soup for them.

She cut the tangerine peel into small pieces, poured honey and warm water and stirred slowly.

They all drank a lot tonight, although they are not drunk, but their stomachs will always feel a little uncomfortable, which is not conducive to the training in the next few days.

She sent a message in the WeChat group asking them to come to the kitchen to get it. Everyone except Xu Mo came to get it. He Qi asked them to go back to the room to rest after drinking. squinted.He Qi thought that the alcohol might have made him more sensitive and emotional than usual, so she comforted him for a while, and waited for him to calm down before going back.

After waiting for a while, He Qi touched the cold bowl and frowned. She sent a message to Xu Mo alone, but there was no response. Finally, she went upstairs with the bowl.

After waiting for about 30 seconds, the door was finally opened from the inside.

The streamlined and strong muscles are well defined, the skin is as moist as jade, and the air is like floating clouds.

The man seemed to have just taken a shower, and there were still crystal drops of water on his hair, sliding down the lines drop by drop.

He Qi was stunned for two seconds, then put the bowl into his hand in one second, said "After drinking, wash the bowl in the kitchen" in two seconds, and left this place of right and wrong in three seconds.

See no evil, isn't it a place of right and wrong?
He Qi's steps became bigger and faster when he heard the deep laughter from behind.

As soon as he returned to his room, He Qi received a message from Xu Mo.

"I'm sorry I didn't see the message in the shower just now, thank you Coach Xu for the hangover soup."

He Qi was a little embarrassed at first, after all, she saw something she shouldn't have seen, but when she saw that the other party didn't seem to take it seriously, she realized that this seemed to be a normal operation between boys.

On the contrary, she seemed out of place like this, which was very strange.

(End of this chapter)

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