The eSports coach is a girl

Chapter 113 New Coach Introduction

Chapter 113 New Coach Introduction
After the roster for the second group match came out, He Qi was notified of the news of the introduction meeting, and the club set the time for the afternoon before the match.

After the news was released, more people began to pay attention to the name Xu Chen.

Although more and more Yangou joined Xu Chen's support group, more gamers questioned Xu Chen's ability.

"Is this little boy sure he can be a coach?"

"I'm afraid this person dares to be a coach without even playing many games?"

"What's going on with YouthK's club? Find a good-looking yellow-haired boy as a coach. This is not a production team. What is the club thinking?"

"He wasn't born when Stream's coach came out to work, right?"

"Just wait for YouthK to lose to Stream."


There was a lot of discussion on the Internet, but He Qi didn't even have time to look at the scarf.

They got Stream in the second group match, and He Qi was busy these few days tutoring and holding meetings alone, even on the day of the introduction meeting, she was still sorting out the latest data of each member.

If Manager Zhao hadn't called and told her to pick up someone in half an hour, she might have completely forgotten about the introduction meeting.

She hurried back to the room and changed into a dark blue suit, a blue striped shirt with a light blue twill tie, cool and steady.Gentleman socks and leather shoes make the whole person neat and tidy.

When Guo Xutao went to the toilet and came out of the training room, he happened to see a slender young man at the door. He froze in place. He quickly took out his mobile phone to capture a profile photo and sent it to the WeChat group with one click.

[gxt who loves to blow hair]: [photo] I rely on our coach to reach a new level.

[Ace Nanny]: Oh my god, handsome and crying, I want to marry him! (beep beep
Xu Mo's disgusted voice came from the training room, "Jiang Yiheng wipes his saliva so as not to dirty the keyboard."

Lin Qingchen looked up at them, then bowed his head to type.

[Lin Qingchen]: Does Coach Xu go alone?

[Gxt who loves fried hair]: Manager Zhao will also go.

[Ace Nanny]: I want to see it too.

[Gxt who likes to blow hair]: You can watch it after training, I guess.

[Ace Nanny]: Then it might be over when we go to the past.

[One Leaf Ark]: There is a live broadcast, starting on time at [-]:[-] pm.

[Ace Nanny]: Brothers, when the time comes, we will appreciate the beauty of our coach together?

[gxt who loves fried hair]: Yes, let's go together.

[Hehe]: I have no problem, as long as you can finish today's training before Coach Xu comes back.

[gxt who loves fried hair]: ...

[Ace Nanny]: ...

[Lin Qingchen]: I still have two hours to finish it, how about you, Ah Zhou?

[One Leaf Ark]: Almost.

Seeing this, Lin Qingchen said directly, "We'll watch together when the time comes?"

"Okay." Ji Xingzhou speeded up his hands.

"Captain, do you want to be together?" Lin Qingchen looked at the silent Xu Mo again.

"No, I'll go back to my room after I'm done." Xu Mo said lightly, his lustrous face shone with a soft light.

Jiang Yiheng thought that Guo Xutao was probably the only one with similar progress with him, so he had a private chat with him alone.

[Ace Nanny]: How far are you short?
[gxt who loves fried hair]: It will be around four o'clock in the afternoon.

[Ace Nanny]: What a coincidence, me too.

[gxt who loves fried hair]: ...

[Ace Nanny]: Why don't we watch the recording together at night?

[Gxt who loves fried hair]: Alright, then I'll go to your room at night.

[Ace nurse]: You can come to my room, but you have to take a shower before you come, or I will kick you out of bed.

[gxt who loves fried hair]: Why?
[Ace Nanny]: As for your stinky feet, don't you have any clues?
(End of this chapter)

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