The eSports coach is a girl

Chapter 131 Wait for the coach to come down before you enter the house

Chapter 131 Wait for the coach to come down before you enter the house

After opening the door, He Qi took a few glances at Xu Mo and walked back, "Eat first, I'll come down after blowing my head."

The soft and continuous sound was quickly swallowed by the roar of the hair dryer.

The boy's eyebrows and eyes are delicate, and when the wind blows to his eyes, he will squint, as lazy as a cat basking in the sun.

Xu Mo leaned on the door frame, folded his hands on his chest, put his slender right leg on his left, and said casually: "Don't forget that there is something special in our apartment, maybe there will be nothing to eat when you go down .”

Jiang Yiheng, who was eating a small piece of sushi, suddenly choked. Guo Xutao handed him a glass of water while struggling.

He Qi was stunned, she hadn't eaten sushi for a long time and she was a bit greedy, but Jiang Yiheng couldn't eat it all by herself.

Silently turning the power to the highest gear, she solemnly confessed: "Go down first and ask them to save some for me. I'll go down in five minutes."

"Received." Xu Mo raised his eyebrows, and then looked at the nervous He Qi, and when he turned around, his black pupils were tinged with a smile.

Jiang Yiheng was performing a performance of swallowing a few small sushi at once under the watchful eyes of everyone, but he was picked up by the back of the neck when he stuffed the third one.

"Who...cough, sneak!" Jiang Yiheng yelled inarticulately, the fork in his hand was still reaching for the sushi on the table.

Lin Qingchen moved the sushi away under Xu Mo's hint.

Jiang Yiheng: "!!!"

Xu Mo kept pulling Jiang Yiheng out of the balcony.

"Boss, what's the matter, we can talk about it after dinner." Jiang Yiheng only thought that Xu Mo had some little secret to tell him alone, and hurriedly said that he turned to the room alone.

However, he forgot that the back of his neck was still in someone's hand, and he almost rushed towards the glass of the sliding door, but the person was still in place.

"You ate most of it by yourself before Coach Xu came. What do you want him to eat?" Leng Sen's warning voice faintly reached Jiang Yiheng's ears.

Jiang Yiheng immediately stopped moving, "Then, then I will eat slowly."

The coach made their faces look smaller, so they should eat more.

"Heh." Xu Mo obviously didn't believe in his control, "You can enter the house after the coach comes down."

"Ah..." Jiang Yiheng's whining voice gradually died down under his captain's blade-like gaze.

After entering the room, Xu Mo took a plate and picked out each of several signature flavors.

Guo Xutao sighed regretfully, "Unfortunately, the lobster flavor was eaten by Jiang Yiheng's bottomless pit alone."

"Eat separately in the future." Xu Mo said coldly.

"Hmm." Guo Xutao nodded desperately.

Lin Qingchen also silently nodded his head in agreement.

Ji Xingzhou pursed his lips, and while Jiang Yiheng was locked on the balcony by the captain, he quickly picked up some of his favorite food for Lin Qingchen.

Lin Qingchen has a relatively small appetite, seeing that Ji Xingzhou was about to pinch him the fourth one and stretched out his hand to stop him, "Ah Zhou, I can't eat that much at once."

Xu Mo looked over leisurely, and Ji Xingzhou looked at him calmly.

Xu Mo saw that what he had packed were a few ordinary vegan flavors, and there were still a lot in those flavor boxes, so he looked away and didn't bother with him.

When Ji Xingzhou saw that the captain started making sushi for the coach again, he turned his head and coaxed: "It's okay, eat slowly."

Lin Qingchen lowered his eyes, "Okay."

Guo Xutao was sitting at the outermost position closest to the stairs, when he heard someone coming downstairs and waved, "Coach, you're just here... Pfft!"

Guo Xutao covered his mouth in time so that no catastrophe could be caused.

Everyone heard the movement and looked towards the stairs, and saw the coach touched the black clip on his hair a little embarrassed by Guo Xutao's reaction, "What are you looking at!"

If it wasn't for blowing too fast and her hair curled up, how could she use clips to press down the curled hair.

She naturally knew how strange it was for a boy to hold clips, so she specially picked a thin clip that was not too obvious, but even if the color of the clip was similar to the color of her hair, her image suddenly weakened after wearing the clip.

(End of this chapter)

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