The eSports coach is a girl

Chapter 132 Guo Xutao Wants the Coach to Dress as a Woman

Chapter 132 Guo Xutao Wants the Coach to Dress as a Woman

The soft and cute boy whose aura was destroyed by the clip looks soft and weak even if his eyes are sharp and cold. To describe it in one word, he is fierce and fierce.

He Qi didn't know that her aura had been damaged to the point where she couldn't bear to look directly at it.

"Cough." Guo Xutao turned his head first.

Damn, the coach will bend after watching for a long time.

Lin Qingchen's mind is full of thoughts: cute, so cute.

Ji Xingzhou frowned, and a thought suddenly popped up in his heart.

But the thought was a little scary, and he pushed it back.

Jiang Yiheng couldn't wait to open the door and run in, but when he turned around, he saw that He Qi didn't even care about sushi.

"Coach, you... are a little cute." He blushed and pointed at her, so excited that he couldn't even speak clearly.

"..." He Qi frowned, walked to the table in a few steps, and asked Xu Mo in a cold voice, "No one has touched this plate?"

Xu Mo's eyes were like lacquer, and it was too late to hide the astonishment in his eyes, he blinked deeply and then said lightly: "No."

"Then this plate will be mine." He Qi couldn't stand their stares, grabbed the plate from Xu Mo's hand, took a few packets of sauces and tableware, turned and left.

Seeing the coach walking back in a hurry, the door slammed shut, Guo Xutao and the others looked at each other for a while.

"Has the coach become angry?" Guo Xutao asked with some concern, "Will you not give us a holiday if you get angry?"

"Can you shut up?" Jiang Yiheng snapped back angrily.

"Okay." Guo Xutao raised his eyebrows, suddenly his eyes flashed, and an evil thought came to him. He whispered a word in Jiang Yiheng's ear, and then others saw Jiang Yiheng's face flushed at a speed visible to the naked eye. .

"You, you, you!" Jiang Yiheng couldn't help but condemn him, "How could you have such bad intentions! It's just... too shameful!"

Xu Mo subconsciously warned Guo Xutao, "You'd better be quiet."

Subconsciously, he felt that Guo Xutao's thinking was very problematic, and if he didn't stop it, it would lead to disaster.

Lin Qingchen didn't understand, so he turned his head and asked Jiang Yiheng, "What did he tell you?"

Jiang Yiheng's neck was even dyed a light pink this time, "It', I can't say it, I'd better eat."

Lin Qingchen looked at Ji Xingzhou in confusion.

Ji Xingzhou was standing a little behind Guo Xutao and Jiang Yiheng. After noticing Lin Qingchen's gaze, he said lightly, "Guo Xutao wants the coach to dress up as a woman."

Lin Qingchen's calm water eyes seemed to be splashed in circles by a stone, and a cool girl with long hair was quickly imagined in his mind.

It's over, it's getting cuter.

"This idea is not good enough." Ji Xingzhou shook his head, and bit his lower lip dumbfounded when he met Lin Qingchen's bright eyes.

Wouldn't Qingchen be interested too?

Once their idea is discovered by the coach, it will definitely be a death penalty.

If the coach and Guo Xutao had a carefree personality, they could still joke and encourage them, but the reaction just now was a thin-skinned innocent boy, so why not beat them in anger?
"Guo Xutao, I think you're full and you're crazy." Xu Mo said disgustedly, "If you want to be beaten to death, just say it, we can help you."

"No, no." Guo Xutao smiled awkwardly and waved his hands.

"Then go out and buy a bottle of soda for us, as there are no drinks in the apartment."

"Ah? No, boss, I haven't eaten much yet." Guo Xutao smiled wryly, "I was just joking."

Xu Mo smiled, "Are you going?"

Guo Xutao had no choice but to scramble to change his shoes and go out. Before leaving, he reminded them, "Save some for me so I don't eat it all!"

(End of this chapter)

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