Chapter 210
"Amazing, my Captain Yan." Xu Yingning didn't interrupt before, just to see what Yan Yifeng's purpose in giving YouthK a drink, but he didn't expect him to cheat YouthK with a few words, but...

"So what if they agreed, what's the use of a week?"

Or just come here directly, for a week, tsk, even if Xu Chen has great powers, what can he teach them?
"One week is enough." Yan Yifeng said lightly.

To be precise, he doesn't want Xu Chen to spend a whole week, but to separate for seven days.

He only needs them to watch the game in the spring season. As long as they can arouse the interest of the elk, they will not lose.

Elk's mood fluctuated a lot since the captain made a bet with YouthK. Although his eyes were always on his phone, the page on his phone had been there for more than ten minutes, and he was obviously not thinking about it.

Yan Yifeng turned his head and asked him: "Can you show your full strength tomorrow?"

The elk was still silent, but he nodded slightly.

If the senior sister was watching, he didn't want to be too embarrassed.

Yan Yifeng smiled with satisfaction.

Since the elk joined the team, he was unwilling to come seriously, causing other team members to think that he came in through the back door.

Tomorrow he could tell them how terrible the people he dug up were.

Seeing the captain chatting with the elk, Shao Shuo hummed a little dissatisfied.

So what if you use all your strength?
Isn't that the kind of tepid tone?
It's not that he deliberately targeted his teammates, but that Elk's operations were so ordinary that few fans could notice him for a few months.

The player with the least presence in the team.

Only the captain has been paying attention to him.

Otherwise, he would have been replaced by someone from the second team.

He wasn't the only one who thought this way, the players of the second team who wanted to come up had already seen him unhappy for a long time.

He Qi almost drank a sip of Coke, lazily raised her eyes and asked, "Do you need me to be present tomorrow?"

Guo Xutao waved his hand. He felt that this kind of friendly match didn't need to waste the coach's personal time. Anyway, the boss was there, and the boss would help to make suggestions.

Besides, it's not an official game, and the other members of the Holy Grail will not work as hard as they would in an official game.

Maybe they don't have much interest in playing tomorrow's friendly match at all. After all, they should prefer the current beautiful coach.

Guo Xutao guessed right, except for Yan Yifeng and Milu who were more serious, the rest of the people didn't take them seriously at all.

In their view, no matter how powerful YouthK is, it will not be more difficult than Qunying.

Xu Mo looked a little cautious, "If the coach is okay, please help us."

Yan Yifeng would not propose a competition for no reason, there must be some secret means.

He Qi nodded, "That's fine, the strength of the Holy Grail is comparable to that of the heroes, so it's not bad for you to practice your hands in advance."

"Yeah." Guo Xutao made an OK gesture.

It was also for this reason that he agreed to the bet proposed by Yan Yifeng.

Taking Qunying's old opponents as a training partner before the official game may have unexpected gains.

Besides, after the Holy Grail can be completely smashed, there is no need to worry about them pestering their coach in private.

See how much he cares about the team, but no one is sure about his actions just now.

He is obviously so well-intentioned, why does no one understand?

Forget it, as long as he knows it.

Guo Xutao showed a helpless expression.

(End of this chapter)

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