Chapter 211
This supper has mixed feelings.

Guo Xutao and Jiang Yiheng were satisfied, while Xu Mo, Lin Qingchen, and Ji Xingzhou were worried.

They took two taxis.

On the way back, He Qi was so sleepy that he yawned twice.

When Xu Mo saw it, he said distressedly, "Go to bed early when you go back tonight."

"Yeah." He Qi lazily replied, leaning her body and staring at the scenery outside the window in a daze.

Under the halo of the night lamp, those clear eyes without waves flickered on and off, and they were so beautiful that they were soul-stirring.

Xu Mo was fascinated, and unconsciously stretched out his hands to approach those eyes.

The other party seemed to be aware of it and turned around lightly, with doubts in his eyes.

Xu Mo was stunned, leaned over and opened the window on He Qi's side, "It's a bit boring."

He Qi curled her lips speechlessly, doesn't he have a window on his side, so it's okay to open the window on her side.

Xu Mo also realized that his explanation was a little weak, and fell into the depression of self-disgust after opening the window.

what happened to him.

Not too greedy.

He didn't want the other party to feel any trouble.

As long as he can accompany him, he will be satisfied.

Xu Mo looked at the hazy moonlight, listened to the almost non-existent breathing in his ears, and there was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

He Qi didn't know why she fell asleep, and when she opened her eyes again, she was already lying on her own bed.

The electronic alarm clock shows that the current time is 01:30 in the morning.

She got up and looked at her team uniform, then took the towel and went into the bathroom with some annoyance.

After taking a bath, she woke up a lot. She originally wanted to ask who brought her up, but it was too late and the team members should have rested, so she planned to ask again tomorrow to thank her.

While blowing her hair, He Qi fiddled with her phone to see if anyone was looking for her to handle business.

Manager Zhao seemed to let her call back when she was free at ten o'clock last night, but there was nothing else to do.

However, the management group of the fan group owner has been @'d several times.

He Qi clicked in and slid from the beginning to the end probably because she knew why they @her.

Want fan benefits.

And it's women's clothing benefits.

Anyone can, as long as there is one.

He Qi's eyes were a little strange, and she twitched her fingers to reply to them in the group.

"It's a bit difficult. After all, there are only zero and countless times for women's clothing. Don't fans have other benefits they want?"

I thought everyone was asleep, but a group of puppets returned to her not long after she sent it out.

"Since there was a team that said they would broadcast live broadcasts of women's clothing without getting a place in the Huaxia District, fans have wanted to broadcast live broadcasts of women's clothing."

"So cruel?"

"Yeah, so the fans collectively request that if the team members win the autumn game, they will also live broadcast once in women's clothing."

He Qi frowned, she couldn't force the live broadcast of women's clothing, and she didn't know if they were willing or not.

"Women's clothing is a bit difficult. I'll try my best. Don't have too much hope."

"Thank you Brother Chen! (Better Love"

"Brother Chen, if you go out, the welfare of women's clothing has at least half the success rate!"

"That's right, thank you Brother Chen!"

"It's okay, go to sleep, it's late."


After putting down the phone, He Qi began to dry her hair seriously.

It's just that she imagined what the team's women's clothing might look like.

All I can say is that the picture is too beautiful to look at.

Especially thinking of Guo Xutao's furious appearance wearing a small skirt, He Qi couldn't help laughing.

That may be the sense of sight that even makeup + photo software can't save.

Really unimaginable.

(End of this chapter)

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