Chapter 242
"First of all, this is a promotional event for the LW Huaxia finals. The players are the protagonists and the stars are the supporting roles. Secondly, the players are not inferior to the stars, especially Brother Chen. Finally, if you make trouble here now, you will only give Discredit your favorite star."

That fan choked, and then asked angrily, "Who do I rely on you!"

Jiang You smiled at her, "I'm a fan just like you."

"If they had that good looks, would they still play e-sports?" The fans rolled their eyes, "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, who knows if your favorite gamer has been beautified hundreds of times in your heart."

"Who knows." Jiang You replied lightly, keeping her eyes on the stage.

Brother Chen, where are you?

Seeing that Jiang You's focus was not on him, the fan pouted and turned away.

She wants to see where the gamers can see better.

The three stars walked in the front, and the shouts in the front row never stopped.

On the other side of the players, Yun Zhongnan and Jiang Yin from Qunying were the first to play.

The shouts of the celebrity fans dropped a lot in an instant, but it was not because they were not interested in the contestants going on stage, but because they were a little shocked by the appearance of the two of them.

Yun Zhongnan's silver hair glistened in the sun, and his delicate facial features were like sculptures.

But Jiang Yin next to him gave people the illusion of a gentle Jiangnan scholar, his eyes were broken, his pink lips were lightly pursed, and he glanced at the fans without focus after standing still.

Everyone in the place he swept was holding their breath, feeling a little nervous inside.

Is this really not a star but a game player?
Why is it different from the otaku they think?
Shouldn't it be wearing glasses, messy hair, bowed body, and being too scared to move when facing a lot of people?
While they were sluggish, the rest of the contestants took to the stage one by one, in all styles.

Although they are wearing very monotonous clothes, they are more eye-catching than the glamorous stars in front of them.

Until the last cold figure appeared, everyone's eyes were fixed on that boy.

Like wintersweet in the cold winter, standing still in the breeze, with broken hair fluttering, the scenery around him lost its color in an instant.

The eyebrows and eyes are like Dai, shining brightly.

Those shallow eyes had no warmth, as if looking at the crowd, but there was nothing in them, making one wonder what he was thinking at the moment.

"Is that a new boy group?" Suddenly someone in the crowd asked softly.

"Pfft—" Ai Ye couldn't help coughing a few times, "Except Brother Chen, the rest are all e-sports players."

Star fans gradually realized that the younger brothers who surprised them were actually e-sports players they looked down upon.

"I'll go, is the appearance of playing games so high now?"

"They all look good, especially the one on the far left."

"Does anyone know the name of that little brother?"

A male fan heard their question and told them, "That's Brother Chen, my male god."

"Brother Chen?" They looked at the list and finally found the name.

Xu Chen.

It turned out that the good-looking little brother was called Xu Chen.

"Brother Chen, I like you!" Jiang You was in a state of excitement after the boy took the stage.

The celebrity fan in front obviously didn't expect that gamers could look so good-looking, and they were really no worse than celebrities.

"What does this little brother think? It's a pity that he doesn't want to be a star with such a good looks, and play some games well."

(End of this chapter)

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