Chapter 243
Shen Heng frowned dissatisfiedly when he saw that the fans' attention was shifted to the e-sports player behind him.

Gu Nan'an and Song Hanli were expressionless.

The host quickly started the first round of small games.

"The first mini-game is 'Don't Laugh'. Each guest imitates an animal. The type of animal cannot be repeated, and then learns the sounds of the animals one by one. The guest who laughs will be eliminated."

The host called on everyone to observe whether the guests laughed or not, and they must not cover up anyone.

The fans smiled and agreed.

"Let's first determine the types of animals that will appear. Where should we start...Let's start with Brother Chen who came up last!"

The host walked towards He Qi, "Which little animal is Chen going to imitate?" After speaking, he handed the microphone to him.

The young man seemed to have just come out of his own thoughts, and raised his eyes to look at the host upon hearing this.

"Turtle." He Qi said lightly, "a healthy tortoise."


Guests on stage: "..."

Fans present: "..."

The live broadcast immediately exploded because of He Qi's astonishing words.

"What am I talking about! Give me the microphone, Brother Chen, you will definitely stand in the cold!"

"Turtle...can a turtle bark?"

"Based on my many years of experience in raising tortoises, tortoises will bark when they are sick, but healthy tortoises... most of them don't bark."

"So you chose the tortoise just to be lazy?"

"The truth is upstairs."

"Brother Chen in society, I don't talk harshly."


It took the host a while to react, and he asked a little dumbfounded, "Brother Chen, can you change it?"

"No." He Qi replied firmly and decisively.

The host began to regret that he hadn't set the rules in advance.

"Okay." The host smiled awkwardly, "The guests in the back can no longer choose animals not to call to fool me."

The team next to him couldn't help but glance at the calm He Qi.

It's just you who don't follow the rules!

They also want to paddle (cry!
After everyone selected the animals to imitate in order, the host announced the start of the competition.

He Qi is the leader of the team.

So she was the first to turn around and look at Jiang Yin next to her.

He Qi: "..."

Jiang Yin: "..."

There was silence for about half a minute, and everyone looked at the two people who seemed to be still in a daze.

Phy's Su Qin couldn't help laughing.

"Da Su, are you laughing?" The host grabbed Su Qin out.

After Su Qin knew that he had lost, he couldn't help but walked aside and laughed.

The host glanced at the two people who were in a tense atmosphere and rubbed their temples helplessly, "Jiang Da, pass it on."

Jiang Yin nodded, he chose the dog, so he turned to Yun Zhongnan and yelled "Wow".

Yun Zhongnan blinked, turned around and meowed like a cat to the elk.

After hearing this, the elk didn't react at all, and then said "baa" to Yan Yifeng expressionlessly.

Yan Yifeng lowered his eyes and turned his head away, his shoulders trembled a few times before turning around and barking at Zhang Jiaojiao.

After the first round, several people were eliminated, and because there was no punishment, those who were eliminated also looked relaxed, and the guests who stood casually in the middle of the stand next to them continued to the second and third rounds.

He Qi didn't speak from the beginning to the end, and in the end, he and Jiang Yin, Milu, and Gu Nan'an kept repeating in circles.

The watching fans went from complaining at the beginning to having no idea later, and their eyes were blank.

They have also seen this game in variety shows, and they have never encountered such a situation!
Seeing that the fans at the scene showed signs of impatience, the host quickly ended the first mini-game, and asked the guests to rest for 2 minutes before continuing the second mini-game.

Zhao Sinan immediately went on stage and handed He Qi a water glass.

"I'm not thirsty yet."

He Qi politely declined.

Zhao Sinan put the cup away obediently on the surface, but inside he was making a big fuss.

Brother Chen, you have never opened your mouth, so of course you don’t feel thirsty!

(End of this chapter)

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