Chapter 265
The cute master quickly explained according to the battle situation.

"Xu Da added Spirit Blessing to all members (the team's attack rate increased by 5%, effective within ten seconds; blood recovery and mana recovery speed increased by 5%, effective within 1 minute), Lin Da's damage value reached a new high, Guo Ge blocked With the support of Qunying, Yunshen can't escape without using his life-saving skills!"

Of course Yun Zhongnan thought of the unparalleled mode, but he discovered a very fatal problem.

He doesn't have enough mana to use Musou mode.

It's just a little bit, but this little gap has become a horizontal ditch that Tao can't bridge.

In the end, Yun Zhongnan had no choice but to use the golden cicada to escape the shell, and withdraw his real body ten meters away from the original place.

Jiang Yin has been paying attention to the overall development situation, and then he discovered an unacceptable fact.

All members of YouthK seem to have undergone a qualitative change in their grasp of 'absolute control'.

A team can grasp the 'absolute control' to this extent.

Only one person can do this.

That is Xu Chen!
If only a few players have mastered the 'absolute control', maybe it's just a single individual with strong comprehension ability, but a team...

Who is Xu Chen? !

Another point, is Yun Zhongnan's blue value calculated accurately?
Only 2% of the blue value can use the unparalleled mode. Is this a coincidence or is it calculated?

Could it be that Xu Mo is really strong enough to arrange his team members clearly?

The shock in Jiang Yin's heart was indescribable, and his conjecture was confirmed in the next second.

Because that cold and dignified elf appeared in front of the assassin, his snow-white hands were placed on top of the assassin's head, his eyes were as frosty and empty, as if he was indifferent to everything.

Christian sacrifices.

Convert the enemy's HP into your own blue value.

The assassin fell in the elf-centric frost, his eyelashes covered in white frost.

The elf slowly withdrew his hand, and the frost all over his body due to the skill melted instantly.

"The Assassin of God Yun... is down!"

The audience was in an uproar, and many people hadn't even realized why the Elf Array Master appeared there.

"How did Xu Mo know that Yunshen would teleport to that place?"

"The key is he teleports too! So did Xu Mo use teleportation again?"

"Wait, I can't keep up with my train of thought, so when did Xu Mo plan all this?"

"When did you pass Ji Da to your side?"

"No, the teleportation has to be half a minute earlier, but it wasn't long before Ji Dagang was teleported when the elves killed the assassin."

"Um, so I figured out where to teleport myself a few seconds after I was ready to teleport Ji Da?"

"How am I blinded (black question mark"

"Upstairs +1"

"I'm afraid I'm dreaming, and I actually accepted such an unbelievable inference."

"It should be a coincidence, right? Otherwise, what kind of prediction is this?"

"God-level predictions can't predict such a later situation in advance, can they?"

"Is he really human?"


The host also looked confused, and they immediately asked to go back to half a minute ago and call out the screen of the Elven Array Master separately.

Then everyone saw that lonely elf began to chant the teleportation spell the moment Jiang Yin's immortal soul master fell down.

After reading one, wait for the skill to cool down and start reading the second one.

Everyone just felt creepy.

Is this really human?

This is the devil!
(End of this chapter)

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