Chapter 266
"Although I don't know how strong the gods E and Z are that you mentioned, but I think this is already scary, okay?"

"Monster! Which hero can come and collect him? It scared me (crying"

"First of all, I know God E and God Z, and I didn't want to see this player destroy the character of the elves at the beginning, but now, sorry everyone, I have turned my back, and I want this player to go to the World Championship to torture other teams .”

"Upstairs +1, please forgive my betrayal, but I really think he can fight the Elven Array Master."

"Although not as powerful as God Z, this level is really passable."

"I don't want to express any opinions, so let's see what the officials think. I won't take the initiative to agree, but I won't strongly reject it."

"Although this player is very powerful, the elf kings in my heart are still those two, and I will only be those two gods in this life."

"I hope this Xu Mo will not stir up topics in the name of God Z and God E, otherwise I will go under his scarf to greet his family (chopper"

"Let YouthK enter the world competition, let those pretenders explode in place!"

"If Xu Mo fights the elves, YouthK's overall strength seems to surpass the Holy Grail of Heroes."

"If Xu Mo can maintain that strength all the time, that's right."

"Is no one curious about when Xu Da practiced the Elven Array Master?"


Although some people's tone was still very fierce, most of them had acquiesced to Xu Mo playing the profession of Elf Array Master.

In the circle of Wings of Hope, one has always relied on strength to speak.

Ji Xingzhou's black magician activated the blood-sucking formation after the blue value was almost recovered.

There is only one nanny and archer left in Qunying, and the game is over after 5 minutes.

"Congratulations to YouthK for winning the first round!" the cute host said loudly.

His face was a little red from excitement, and after just one game, the cute master was fanned by Xu Mo.

Xu Mo's expression remained unchanged. He was used to using optimization theory to deal with problems, so he calculated the whole process in his mind in advance.

"Boss, awesome!" Guo Xutao gave a thumbs up.

"That game just now was really good." Jiang Yiheng was full of admiration.

As for why he said "look"?
It can only be said that the only advantage of being eliminated early is that you can watch the game more comprehensively.

Qunying over there.

Yun Zhongnan took off his earphones, and after his character died, he began to slowly adjust his breathing, and now he has returned to the original Yun Shen.

"Brother, you are very happy."

He spoke in a volume that only the two of them could hear.

Jiang Yin was emotionless on the surface, but the light in his eyes could not be concealed.

"Yeah." He replied softly, stood up slowly, and walked towards the YouthK field regardless of the doubtful eyes of the players and coaches.

"Xu Mo, play well in the World Championship."

Win the first place for Huaxia.

Xu Mo held the earphone in one hand, and put the other hand on the back of the gaming chair, his eyes under the broken hair were dark and heavy.

"of course."

Jiang Yin smiled, and then looked at He Qi who was moving his legs because he stood for too long.

"Coach Xu, come to our apartment after the autumn competition is over?"

Everyone in YouthK looked at Jiang Yin covetously.

He Qi turned around and said calmly, "No."

If there is one, there are two, there are three. Once you agree to the first one, there is no end.

During the nearly two-month short vacation of the spring competition, she plans to take a few days off to go back to the company to look at the project. If she goes around every team's apartment, she won't even have time to rest.

Does she seem like such a free person?
He Qi turned to look at the team members, "Let's go, I want to sit on the sofa for a while."

Jiang Yiheng almost couldn't hold back his laughter.

social society.

"Let's go." Guo Xutao set off immediately.

Jiang Yin's eyebrows twitched when he heard it, but he had no choice but to go back to his team first.

There was a gap of two weeks before the spring competition started after the autumn competition, and he still had a chance to persuade Xu Chen to give them advice.

(End of this chapter)

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