Chapter 288
In the next two days, He Qi finished the remaining half of the progress of the game, but she still didn't receive the notice from the club to ask her to ask for leave.

When bored, He Qi contacted Manager Zhao to inquire about the situation.

"I just received the notice from above this morning. I wanted to call you later, but you realized that you were calling."

Zhao Zhiheng was working on the PPT of the report, so he put his phone on the speakerphone and put it on the table.

"The leader said that it's okay to ask for leave, but up to ten days. Before leaving, I will accompany the team members to participate in a program. I will pass on the specific information to you later. It is a program organized by x company that is close to the lives of e-sports players. I received an invitation The holy grail and Yinglan in our team have already decided to go, but there is no news from Qunying."

He Qi on the other end of the phone seemed a little dissatisfied, and her voice was a little cold, "What program doesn't even let the coach off?"

"X Company made a 'I Hear Your Voice' to let fans know more about the life of idols. You are the only coach who was named and invited by the program team. The program team is relatively reliable, and the content of the event is quite good. It's normal, the pay is high, and after this event is over, you can basically meet the club's requirements, what do you think, Coach Xu?"

He Qi sneered, "It's a great honor for me to be appointed."

Zhao Zhiheng laughed, but he could only express sympathy.

"Come on, if you can't, just think about your vacation."

He Qi thought of the game test that Kmy told her before, and nodded decisively, "OK."
"I Hear Your Voice" will update an episode on time every Saturday at [-]:[-] p.m. on the video website owned by Company X.

The news that Wings of Hope's e-sports team will be invited in the next issue has long been posted on the Internet by X Company, and fans have expressed their anticipation.

The video is recorded and edited in advance. In order to ensure the effect of the program, the general program group will start recording two weeks in advance.

On the day of the recording, He Qi wore a white shirt with a gray knitted cardigan over it.

Comfortable and casual, it looks quite comfortable.

When the group arrived at the program group, they were personally received by the person in charge.

"We have specially prepared a lounge for each team. You can rest there for a while before the staff notifies you. We will send someone to notify you when it starts soon."

After everyone entered the lounge, the person in charge explained the flow of the show and the things to pay attention to.

They had learned this from the materials early on, and after repeating it, the impression was deepened.

"Thank you." He Qi said lightly.

"Coach Xu is polite." The person in charge gave her a friendly smile.

Just when a staff member came to inform him that the Yinglan team had also arrived, he hurriedly left after greeting the team members.

Drinks and fruits are neatly placed on the table in the lounge, and there are paper towels, water dispensers, disposable paper cups, and even mints.

"Isn't this too sweet?" Guo Xutao took a bottle of drink and unscrewed it as soon as he sat down.

"This is the hottest online program nowadays. Last year, we only invited Qunying and the Holy Grail. I didn't expect that we would be able to participate in the recording this year." Jiang Yiheng said happily.

He Qi walked to the sofa and sat down, took out her mobile phone and continued to chat with Kmy about the details of the test using the previous topic.

Guo Xutao took a few sips of his drink and looked at He Qi who was fiddling with his phone, "Coach, are you really only going to participate in one game then?"

He Qi didn't stop her fingers, and upon hearing the words, she replied, "Aren't there you guys?"

Guo Xutao choked for a moment. Although he didn't know what the program group meant, he must have specially invited the coach because he wanted him to participate more in the activities of the program, right?
(End of this chapter)

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