Chapter 289
He Qi is exchanging with Kmy about the privileges of the account that the company gave her.

"I have applied for the highest authority of GAME MASTER (game manager) for you. When you come over, you will be the first player to try the game. Interesting enough?"

"Not bad, is there an elf skin on that account?"

"Knowing that you have an obsession with elves, I have already asked someone to buy it for you. It is still rare."

"(Love, when I go back, I will test the basic data first."

"Yeah, everything is ready, I'll wait for you to come back and test it yourself."

"Thank you, I still have something to do here and we'll talk about it when it's over."

"Waiting for you. (picture"

Kmy now took a selfie and came over, with enchanting eyes, pointing at her.

He Qi couldn't help laughing.

"What's so happy?" Xu Mo looked over curiously.

"It's nothing." He Qi withdrew her smile for a second, and when it was almost time, she got up and took a paper cup to the water dispenser to get half a glass of water.

Enough to keep her going for hours without getting thirsty.

Xu Mo just came over, and He Qi reminded after drinking: "Drink some water, I don't know how long it will take to record later."

"Okay." Xu Mo nodded but didn't intend to go back to get a cup or a drink.

He Qi looked at him suspiciously.

Xu Mo directly took the cup from her hand and went to the water dispenser to get water.

Then raise your head and drink it slowly.

He Qi was a little dazed looking at his Adam's apple rolling up and down.

The staff knocked on the door and came in to inform them that the show was about to start.

He Qi turned her head in response, and clapped her hands at the team members.


"Let's go." Jiang Yiheng patted Guo Xutao who was slumped on the sofa.

"Okay!" Guo Xutao jumped up, put the phone away and walked towards the door.

Lin Qingchen and Ji Xingzhou followed behind.

Everyone followed the staff to the gathering place. The members of the Yinglan team had already arrived, and the Holy Grail entered this place just like them.

"Brother Chen!" Zhang Jiaojiao happily ran over, "You are here too."

"Yeah." He Qi smiled lightly, "You all dressed beautifully today."

The members of YouthK looked at He Qi one after another.

The coach seems to be in a good mood?

Otherwise, he would never take the initiative to speak.

"Brother Chen, you are also handsome today." Zhang Jiaojiao was very excited.

Yan Xinran walked over with a smile, "You took photos of your fan benefits?"

He Qi nodded, and said regretfully, "It's a pity that we can't capture real people's beauty."

"It's already very good-looking." Yan Xinran glanced at the team members next to He Qi, "I can recognize some of them except Jiang Jiang, but I really can't recognize the other two."

"Coach Xu really doesn't want to see the Holy Grail women's costume?" Yan Yifeng walked over with the elk at some point.

He Qi immediately shook her head, "I don't want to."

She was only curious if she hadn't seen women's clothing before, but now she is no longer interested in women's clothing.

The faces of YouthK members finally changed.

Why do they all come to their coaches?

Qunying soon arrived.

Jiang Yin walked over to ask her directly.

"Coach Xu, I heard that you have asked the club for two weeks' leave?"

Guo Xutao and the others completely exploded.

How could this person know the inside information so clearly!
"Yeah." He Qi blinked her eyes with an innocent look on her face, "So I might not be able to visit your apartment, it's a pity, I'm sorry."

Everyone collectively complained in their hearts.

Where is the meaning of pity? !
(End of this chapter)

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