Planar Causal System

Chapter 166 Han Fei Comes Out of the Mountain

Chapter 166 Han Fei Comes Out of the Mountain (Eighteen, Adding Changes to the Movement of Death)
Seeing an outsider, Tianming wiped away his tears, looked at Han Fei suspiciously and said, "Are you from Xiaoshengxianzhuang too? Why have I never seen you?"

There was a big difference between Han Fei when he was in Trick City and now. Firstly, his clothes changed, and secondly, his appearance became more mature. If he was about 20 years old before, he is now 25 or six years old. The sequelae of Guigu Turtle's Breathing Technique, he is equivalent to advance his own vitality, but it took eight years for four years, it seems to be profitable, but if life is not experienced every day, how can it be considered alive? ?

It seems that he is still at a loss, but he doesn't care, it's not bad to have his life back.

In addition, Tianming's attention was attracted by Li Xuanwei Zhuang Gai Nieyandan when he was in the organ city, and he didn't pay much attention to Han Fei. He only knew that he was one of the leaders of Quicksand.

At that time, Han Fei was dressed in gorgeous clothes, which were extremely flamboyant, but now Han Fei is dressed in Confucian clothes, plain and simple, and it's normal for Tianming not to recognize him.

Han Fei nodded, and didn't care how dirty the ground was. He imitated Tianming and sat down on Tianming's left side, and said with a smile, "Why, can you recognize everyone in Xiaoshengxianzhuang? We really met It's just that you forgot."

Tianming shook his head and said, "I really don't remember you."

Han Fei patted Tianming on the shoulder and said, "If you're talking to me as a Confucian disciple Ziming, you're right to call me Shigong. If you're talking to me as a Mohist tycoon, I can be quicksand The leader of the family can also be the head of the Legalist family, Han Feizi."

Tianming was taken aback, and instinctively took two steps back and said, "Are you with the villain Wei Zhuang?"

Han Fei smiled and said: "Why, the dignified Mohist giant also knows to be afraid?"

Tianming stood up and immediately picked up Feigong into the shape of a sword, pointed at Han Fei and said tremblingly, "Cut, I'm not afraid."

Han Fei shook his head and said, "Don't worry, since we are all wanted, we are not enemies, and enemies of enemies are friends, right?"

Tianming suddenly remembered the words of Gai Nie and Li Xuan. Gai Nie said that there are no grievances in the adult world, only pros and cons.

Thinking of this, Tianming put away Fei Gong, sat down on the ground again, and whispered to Han Fei, "Then tell me why I wasn't abandoned?"

Han Fei smiled slightly and said calmly: "Yan Danxiong, the giant of the Mohist school, has a great talent. We have also cooperated before, so I don't know what kind of person he is? You have great potential, but you just haven't realized it. If you don't believe me, let's try it? "

Tianming asked suspiciously, "I don't know what the boss of Juzi thinks, how do you say you want to try?"

Han Fei pointed to Wushuang and said, "Your Mo family is famous for its organ skills. The two of you chat every day, so you can be regarded as friends. If you repair him, the Mo family and Quicksand can truly abandon the past and establish a good cooperative relationship." , do you think you Mohist people can not recognize you as a giant?"

Tianming was stunned, and Li Xuan also told him similar things, but he thought it would be enough to deliver food, and he never thought that he could fix the organ man himself.

That's right, Big Wild Bear suffers so badly every day, why don't I think about curing him, he is an organist, and I am a giant of the Mohist family, so I can definitely do it.

I still need to be reminded by others that I am really too bad. Even if we are friends and we are all degenerates, we should do it.

But, can I really do it myself?Thinking of this day, Tianming asked: "Then why don't you find old man Ban, he is very good at organ skills."

No wonder he can help!Han Fei complained secretly in his heart, then walked in front of Tianming, put his hands on Tianming's shoulders, and said sincerely: "Then how can you show your ability as a Mohist giant? At that time, they will only admire Ban Just a master."

Tianming thought about it, it was true to say so, why didn't he think that he still had to rely on me, a giant.

Thinking of Tianming standing up this day, he saluted Han Fei in a strange manner: "Tianming, the giant of the Mohist family, thank you Han Feizi for reminding me." Then he shouted at Wushuang, "Don't worry, Big Wild Bear, I will definitely learn the mechanics and heal the disease." your!"

After speaking, he ran towards the distance.

Han Fei was a little dumbfounded, this kid really did what he said.

Han Fei looked back at Wushuang, and said calmly: "There is only so much I can do for you, it depends on luck."

Wushuang nodded. He also likes Tianming very much now, and he likes this child who always comes to him to complain.

As soon as Han Fei finished speaking, a figure appeared behind him. When Han Fei looked back, it was Wei Zhuang.

Master Xun was tasting tea in his room. Han Fei had already said goodbye to him, and he was just waiting for dawn.

After all, Han Fei didn't want to implicate Confucianism. Li Sin did everything he could. Han Fei's stay in these few days was already the maximum limit. He didn't want his mentor to be implicated.

As soon as Wei Zhuang received Zi Nu's information, he sent a message to Han Fei to tell him to pick him up. Now is the right time.

Although Master Xun felt a little bit reluctant, but there is always a banquet in the world. He has already seen through it at his age, and he only hopes that this apprentice can really win him over.

Before he integrated Legalism, Master Xun was very gratified. Although Han Fei was a loose man, he did not lose manners, and he was no less capable than the current Zhang Liang. He was his real favorite student. Fei has completely recovered to the former Han Fei, and going out from Confucianism this time must be a sleepy dragon ascending to heaven, right?

Han Fei smiled and said, "You're here, how are you getting ready? Brother Wei Zhuang."

Wei Zhuang snorted, and said calmly: "It's already done, the gold and other things have been transferred, and the empty shell left is full of traps, let Li Si go slowly, the new stronghold has been built, it is absolutely safe. "

Han Fei shook his head and said, "Nothing is absolute, it's just relative. How about those Korean people?"

If Li Xuan was around, he would definitely complain about it. Nothing is absolute. In fact, this sentence is already absolute.

Wei Zhuang said calmly: "Very well, there are [-] tribesmen and [-] elite soldiers, but the maximum combat power and equipment that can be maintained is only [-]."

Han Fei's eyes flashed brightly, and he said with a faint smile, "That's enough. I will make good use of the gift that Brother Li left for me. Overthrow Daqin and restore Korea to me within five years."

Wei Zhuang raised his head slightly, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and said playfully: "How much do you want for this Daqin country?"

A cold light flashed in Han Fei's eyes, and he smiled and said, "I want 99 for the country of Great Qin."

Wushuang looked at them puzzled, not knowing what they were talking about.

The two looked at each other at this moment and laughed loudly at the same time, just like back then!
(End of this chapter)

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