Planar Causal System

Chapter 167 Unparalleled Restoration

Chapter 167 Unparalleled Recovery (Twenty, Adding Changes to the Movement of Death)
In the afternoon, Mohist stronghold.

Li Xuan and Gai Nie are quietly watching Xiaoyu practice martial arts. Xiaoyu is practicing Gongsun Jianwu, and he uses an ordinary bronze sword. Li Xuan is already thinking about when to grab a name for Xiaoyu. sword.

How superb are Li Xuan and Gai Nie's swordsmanship?A day's work has improved Xiaoyu's swordsmanship by a large margin. The angle of Xiaoyu's sword and some redundant movements were slowly corrected by the two of them. Now it only needs to practice for a while.

At this moment, Tianming walked over in a low voice, he didn't seem to notice the crowd, he was holding a Rubik's Cube in his hand?
Tianming took a look at Li Xuan when he walked up to Li Xuan. He went to Master Ban to learn mechanism skills, but Master Ban gave him a Shangtong Mofang, and asked him to come back to him when he returned to his original state.

He turned around for a whole day and didn't find out why. Robber Zhi and the big hammer just hit him, so he's a little depressed now.

Tianming said to Li Xuan and Gai Nie: "Uncle, brother Li Xuan, they said that no one can unlock this thing except the boss and old man Ban, and it is used to harm people. Is this true?"

Li Xuan took Shangtong's Mofang in one hand, and spun his hand rapidly, and it took less than a minute to restore Shangtong's Mofang to its original shape.

Then Li Xuan looked at the stunned Tianming, scrambled the Rubik's Cube again, and handed it to him
Li Xuan said to Tianming: "Who said that only the two of them can get better at this thing, let's have fun, the rules of this thing have to be discovered by yourself to have the opportunity to comprehend the mechanics."

Tianming took Shangtong's Mo Fang in a daze, and murmured, "How long did it take you to solve this Rubik's Cube?"

Li Xuan shrugged and said: "The first time I played it, I solved it for three or four days. The method was taught to me by others. Now that I know it, it's not difficult. Let's study it slowly."

Tianming nodded, took Shangtong Mofang, and said in a low voice: "Brother Li Xuan, such a smart person, has used it for so long, can I really do it?"

Gai Nie also followed suit: "If you want to do it, you must first start with wanting to do it. The key is, do you really want to do it? Tianming."

Li Xuan smiled and said: "Of course, where there is a will, there is a way. You have done so many things that others can't. Now don't kneel in front of a little Shang Tongmo. Give up before you succeed."

Tianming nodded vigorously, and continued to play the Rubik's Cube.

Gai Nie said to Li Xuan: "Have you played with this thing before?"

Li Xuan nodded and said: "Of course I have played it, and the principle master I said did it for me. I didn't expect Mojia to test the aptitude of organ skills. It's a bit interesting."

Gai Nie once again set his sights on Xiao Yu. He didn't expect Li Xuan to play with such a complicated thing, so he couldn't understand it.

In fact, Li Xuan played with this thing before time travel, and there were no toys at that time. The orphanage gave these children a few Rubik's Cubes to pass the time.

Li Xuan didn't understand the transfer for three or four days. It was the little friend who found the rules and taught him. It can be said that Li Xuan's qualifications are very worrying.

Seeing that Xiaoyu was a little tired from practicing, Li Xuan stopped directly, and then the few people dispersed, and Li Xuan also took Xiaoyu back to the inn.

Li Xuan has already approached Zhang Liang, and he also promised to pay attention to the movement of the General's Mansion, as soon as there is news, he will come to the Mohist stronghold to discuss countermeasures with everyone.

For the rest of the time, Li Xuan basically played chess with Master Xun, wandered around the city, and practiced sword with Xiao Yu.

He also knew about Han Fei's departure. He was chasing a more distant goal. Now there are many things waiting for him to do, and it is impossible to spend all the time in Xiaoshengxianzhuang.

Tianming finally spent another two days untying Shangtong Mo Fang, and began to learn mechanism techniques from the master, and only took three days to study and understand how to repair Wushuang.

In the afternoon, Little Sage Village.

ding ding dong.

Tianming was busy working on Wushuang, and when he was done, he looked at his finished work and nodded in satisfaction.

Now Wushuang's body is covered with a few huge wooden boards and bronze gears, and on the wooden boards on his shoulders, there are two large characters of Tianming crookedly written.

Wushuang was actually repaired by Tianming, as expected of a man with the halo of the protagonist...

Tianming patted his hands and smiled, "How about it, Big Wild Bear, I'm amazing. You won't feel so uncomfortable in the future. I will come to you often to play. You take it away."

After finishing speaking, Tianming sighed slightly. Although he had accomplished something that was difficult for others to do, he felt a sense of loss when he finished.

Although Wushuang can't speak, he also knows that his companions probably won't come to pick him up. They all have very important things to do now, and they don't have time to see if he has been repaired. They didn't give up on Wushuang and let him stay here He is already very satisfied.

Wushuang is a very contented person.

Shaking his head vigorously, Tianming continued: "I'm leaving, Big Bear, I'll come see you tomorrow."

After speaking, Tianming left here.

Luo Wang also arrived in Sanghai City at this time, and their leader is Zhao Gao, who is also a master in the late stage of the Great Heaven.

"The net of heaven and earth penetrates everywhere." It is the most true portrayal of the net.

The Net Assassin Group, the largest and most terrifying mysterious organization at the same time.

The core killer is Six Swords Slave, who forgot his own name. From the moment they got the ancient sharp blade Zhao Gao gave them, he will only have one name, and that is the name of that sharp sword.

The net is within the seven kingdoms, weaving an invisible giant net, attracting a large number of death row prisoners, wandering swordsmen, and cruel and bloody training.

Cultivate them into deadly poisonous thorns, like spiders lurking in the shadow of the Qin Empire, always waiting for the prey that falls into the web.

The current situation is getting more and more complicated. The influx of so many forces into Sanghai is not a good thing for Li Xuan and the Mo family. It is a pity that their current ability cannot stop the net. They can only lie quietly and watch the incident happen. .

Tianming cured Wushuang at noon the next day.

Li Xuan stretched himself. He slept very comfortably last night. He opened the window, looked at the pedestrians on the street, and breathed in the fresh air.

"Mr. Zhang San, Mr. Zhang San, I'm here!"

Li Xuan looked into the distance, and saw a fat aunt calling Mr. Zhang San.

Li Xuan was taken aback, isn't this Gongsun Linglong?

"Oh, get out of the way, get out of the way for others."


She tried her best to chase forward in the crowd, but she was too big to squeeze through the crowd, and gradually Zhang Liang's figure disappeared from her sight.

"It's all you guys who ruined other people's good deeds, hum!"

Zhang Liang and Tianming Shaoyu happened to pass by Li Xuan's window.

(End of this chapter)

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