Planar Causal System

Chapter 240 Gathering in Bolangsha

Chapter 240 Gathering in Bolangsha

A month later.

Bolangsha, the stronghold of the Anti-Qin Alliance.

This is a temporary stronghold, but the living room is quite large. It looks like a dilapidated wooden house on the outside, but the inside is magnificent.

The people inside are not ordinary people either.

Sitting in the east, Shaoyu was dressed in the Seven Seas Flood Dragon Armor, sitting at the side, beside him were Fan Zeng and Xiang Liang, and behind him were the four generals of Fenglin and Huoshan. Now Chu has [-] soldiers and horses, and each of the four generals of Fenglinhuo leads [-] Soldiers and horses are the main force.

"It's as fast as the wind" Zhongli Mo, with five thousand archers, is rare in the world who can match his archery skills.

"Qi Xu Rulin" Ying Bu, once the commander-in-chief of the Thunder Leopard Army of Chu State, now leads [-] mixed bow soldiers, long sword soldiers and cavalry soldiers.

"Aggression like fire" Long Qi, led the [-] Tenglong Legion, all cavalry, and also the most powerful force.

"Immovable as a mountain" Ji Bu, used to be the commander-in-chief of the Shadow Tiger Army of Chu State. It is said that as long as he promises, he will definitely do it. Rejected, so he has the title of "one promise, one thousand gold, immovable as a mountain", commanding the remaining five thousand mixed legions.

Commander Fan Zeng, commander-in-chief Shao Yu, and Xiang Liang were the lieutenants.

In the western position, Han Fei and Li Xuanwei Zhuang are sitting in the main seat, and the purple girl Xiaoyu Honglian is sitting behind the three, followed by all the members of Quicksand: Mo Crow, Bai Feng, Nong Yu, Han Bin, Wushuang, Mo Qilin, Hidden Bat.

Zhang Liang stood aside, symbolizing that he also belonged to this camp.

Han Bin commanded the [-] vanguard army, Han Fei was the commander-in-chief, Zhang Liang was the military adviser, and the rest were mobile personnel to deal with the masters.

These are the two most powerful teams of the Anti-Qin Alliance, and the rest is from the Mohist lineage. Those below will not participate in the war, but provide a lot of weapons and equipment.

The Taoist school was even worse, only Xiaoyaozi brought some disciples, and Shao Siming, the goddess of revenge.

There are only so many people left in the Anti-Qin Alliance. Tian Hu did not participate, and the peasant family formed its own fighting force.

There were [-] stragglers left, and Han Fei didn't take them to play at all. Their mission was just to harass the rear. If they couldn't perform the mission perfectly, then Han Fei was not a good talker, and he would definitely send them away. sold.

Although the "princes" of those parties are not as bold as Shaoyu and Han Fei, they can still see clearly. They know that they have to go if they go, and they have to go if they don't...

It's just that it is very difficult for "Guotai Min'an" to continue to recruit troops.

There is no way, Yingzheng's courage is too strong, as long as he is still coiling like a dragon, or lying down like a tiger, only the boldness of these people present will have such a crazy idea.

Shushan is not without accomplishments, they will launch at the same time, affecting a small amount of troops in Sanghai, for everyone, a little is enough, after all, there are few people in Shushan.

This time the plan to assassinate the Qin Dynasty was many times larger than before, and Ying Zheng's lineup should not be underestimated.

Zhang Han's shadow secret guards guarded Ying Zheng, the Golden Fire Cavalry led the way, Donghuang Taiyi and other Yin-Yang masters also accompanied them, plus all the killers of the trap, these people on the field were really not easy to please.

What's more, Yingzheng brought a full 20 Qinjia this time. They are all veterans who have been on the battlefield, and none of them is weak.

Han Fei walked into the field and said to everyone, "Since everyone is here, let's take a look at Mr. Fan and I and the deployment of ovary research."

The leaders of all parties stepped forward, and because the leaders of the Mohist school were a bit erratic most of the time, it was the clever Xue Nu who followed him.

Han Fei opened a huge map and pointed to a river on it: "This is the only way they must pass. As long as they pass through here, someone will definitely attack the farm stronghold. Now the farm rebellion has been exposed, and the location is still there. Conspicuous, I am afraid that the peasant family will be almost wiped out in this battle."

Everyone didn't speak, but the people of the Mo family looked at Li Xuan intentionally or unintentionally, and saw that this was Li Xuan's doing, even forcing his allies into the water, Li Xuan was enough.

However, Tian Hu was not a vegetarian either. He also knew about Daqin's plan to attack the peasants immediately, and he had already agreed to the Anti-Qin Alliance, and he would attack at that time.

About [-] farm children were dispatched, with Tian Yan as the military adviser, and some other farm leaders would also participate. Unfortunately, they didn't discover Han Xin's talent, otherwise the chances of winning would be higher if Han Xin led the army.

There was no other way, as soon as he rejected the anti-Qin alliance, Daqin declared him a rebel, and he even knew the stronghold of their farm.

Even if Tian Hu guessed with his heels, he knew that it was the anti-Qin alliance, but it should not be the Mohist family, because the Mohisthism is not that bad.

It has to be said that Tian Hu's guess was very accurate, even if he wanted to move, he couldn't escape the surveillance of Quicksand.

Han Fei continued: "However, if they are prepared, they may be able to fight off some people. Of course, 20 beats 20, and Ying Zheng may not only bring [-]. They are probably lucky to last a day."

It's okay if it's defensive, some places can last for a while with the advantage of location, but this time it's an offensive, there's no way to say that, the Qin army is the one that can destroy the enemy at a small price.

Although the farm family has amazing financial resources and a large number of disciples, they don't have that many weapons and armors. It is not bad to be able to truly arm 5000 people. After all, it is difficult to buy so many weapons now.

The rest are probably just farmers who took up arms, right?
Fan Zeng nodded, valued a position on the map and said: "At this time, the South Korean army attacked the Qin Army's central 0, trying to disrupt their formation and cause riots."

Shao Yu wondered, "What if it doesn't work?"

Han Fei said calmly: "That's where he died." Then he pointed to a place on the map and said, "Here, the four legions of the Chu army are scattered and attack here."

Shaoyu stared intently and said, "Ying Zheng's car?"

Fan Zeng nodded and said: "That's right, the Mo family will activate all the mechanism beasts, and add some traps, so as to give the assassins a chance to get close."

Tianming scratched his head aside and said, "This task seems to be difficult, who will I entrust it to?"

Li Xuan said indifferently: "Of course it's the three of us, Guigu. At that time, all the masters will attack Yingzheng's car together. You can't be careless. Anyone who comes into contact with Yingzheng must go all out."

Everyone took a deep look at Li Xuan. If everyone who assassinated Qin was close to death, then Li Xuan's mission is likely to be ten deaths. Although he was domineering before, he was willing to take this responsibility with him. rare.

Moreover, Ying Zheng was Gai Nie's original lord, and Gai Nie's character should not be able to fight Ying Zheng. I'm afraid it will have to look at Li Xuan or Wei Zhuang.

This plan to assassinate the Qin Dynasty seems a bit simple and crude, but there are many links in it, if you want to put all your eggs in one basket, you can only do so.

They don't know when Ying Zheng will die, so let Li Xuan keep this secret.

Half a month later, Ying Zheng will arrive here. At that time, there will be no conspiracy, only a fight to the death.

(End of this chapter)

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