Chapter 241
Outside Bolangsha, the Qin Army's guard of honor.

Ying Zheng was kneeling and sitting on a very luxurious huge frame, countless soldiers carried Ying Zheng's car, Zhang Hanxiao and Meng Mengtian opened the way in front, the golden fire cavalry was at the forefront, and countless troops followed.

If you don't know, you may think that this is Qin Shihuang's imperial conquest, not the east tour.

Meng Tian had already solved the frontier issue and returned to the team, leaving only Fusu to guard there.

In fact, there are not many soldiers in the center, and there are only about 2 soldiers in total. The rest of them are hanging far away. On both sides, behind, and in front, there are large groups of Qin troops.

If there are too many guards of honor, it will be inconvenient to open the way, so there are some important people in the middle.

Yingzheng is at the front, Donghuang Taiyi is behind the frame, and Luna is behind. Da Si Ming can only accompany Luna.

Zhao Gao stayed quietly under the frame, while the Six Swords slaves in the net tightly protected Ying Zheng in the middle.

The air is full of the public loser's mechanism bats patrolling, and some powerful mechanism beasts are also accompanying a hundred meters away on both sides.

Suddenly, a messenger came running from a distance, and whispered to Meng Tian who was walking, "Report to the general, the peasant rebellion has appeared and started to attack the left wing of the army."

Meng Tian nodded and said, "Understood, go and inform General Wang Ben."

The orderly nodded and ran to the back.

Yingzheng's car didn't mean to slow down at all. He was Qin Shihuang Yingzheng, and no matter what happened, he couldn't stop him.

Thirty thousand farm children, even under the leadership of Tian Yan, can't make much trouble. After all, no matter how powerful Tian Yan is, he is only good at calculating, not good at arranging troops.

This time Han Xin didn't accompany him. Did he know the strength of the army of these peasant disciples? Tian Hu sent out the weakest and most disobedient ones to meet the situation. As long as he is given [-] elite soldiers, he is capable of breaking them.

In the distance, Tian Yan and Tian Ci were observing the battlefield below. In this battle, the peasant disciples did not cooperate with each other. They were all disobedient to Tian Hu's management in the six halls, and he was directly thrown out to death by him as the righteousness of the common people.

Facing the fierce general Wang Ben, Tian Yan had no chance of winning at all.

Tian Yan sighed slightly, it seems that he will be under house arrest again, this time Tian Hu will definitely take the opportunity to suppress himself, and then gradually take over the power of Lie Shan Tang.

Tian Ci asked suspiciously: "Sister, why are you sighing? Who made you angry? I'll teach him a lesson to vent your anger."

Tian Yan forced a smile and said, "It's okay, Ah Ci, next is the battlefield..."

Tian Ci nodded, clapped his hands and said with a smile: "Yes, yes, it looks like fun, but why doesn't my sister let me go down to play?"

Tian Yan shook his head and said, "This is war, it's not fun."

Tian Ci waved the giant que twice in puzzlement, and believed that given him another two years, he would be able to surpass Mo Xie on the giant que, so what Li Xuan admired most were these geniuses.

After Tian Yan finished speaking, he continued to stare at the battlefield below. I am afraid that this war will not stop no matter how much blood is shed. This is because of the country...

in the battlefield.

This time, Wang Ben fully demonstrated his ability to pass on military affairs, and the battle formation advanced and retreated in an orderly manner. No matter how hard the peasants attacked, they could not break through his iron barrel-like formation.

The soldiers are like armies under his command, and he has wiped out nearly ten thousand enemies, but he has lost less than one thousand soldiers.

This is the horror of the battle formation.

Shaoyu's two victories in the previous battles were purely earned. If he met a general like Wang Ben, it would be difficult for him to win if he had an intelligence foundation and strong soldiers.

But although Shaoyu is not very proficient in battle formation, Shaoyu has an ability that others do not have, that is to fight tough battles. As long as Shaoyu comes to the battlefield in person, those soldiers will be as brave as fighting chicken blood.

It's a pity that the following are just some peasant children, not as good as Shaoyu's army.

The shouts from below were loud, and the peasant children had already started to retreat gradually. Their morale was gone. Facing the Daqin Iron Cavalry sweeping the world, they would have fled long ago if they had not had the supervisor behind them.

Therefore, fighting still depends on faith. It is a bit difficult to win this kind of war relying on supervising the army. After Shao Yu broke the boat, didn't the soldiers all feel like they were beaten with chicken blood?
It has to be said that Han Fei and others are a group of people with faith, and they can also be called terrorists. They will give everything for their ideals and great cause.

A smile appeared on the corner of Wang Ben's mouth. This is the hole card of those rebels. There are 3 people, and only [-] of them have neat equipment. Are the rest also called weapons?

It's too easy to wipe them all out.

No, it shouldn't be just like this. It would be a great achievement to rush directly into their lair and dedicate the head of their bandit leader to Ying Zheng.



At this moment, a loud noise resounded, accompanied by a dragon chant, shocking the entire battlefield.

Suddenly, there was a feeling of covering the sky and the sun in the sky, the trees were burning everywhere, the earth began to shake, and the dark clouds in the sky began to gather, as if there was going to be a sudden downpour.

What is going on with this miraculous celestial phenomenon?No, this is the birth of a divine weapon, with such a murderous aura, how many creatures have been killed to have such power?

Wang Ben looked up and saw a long model in the air with a huge mechanism beast of tens of meters flying. Except for the dragon head, it was completely human-shaped, but it was more square and its arms were replaced with huge wings.

The Mo family finally unleashed their true supreme weapon: Qinglong.

Ying Zheng raised his head slightly in the car, and couldn't help shrinking his pupils when he saw Qinglong, and said calmly: "Qinglong? It's interesting." Speaking of this, he said loudly: "Come on, let the public loser deal with this Qinglong. "

A soldier quickly ran to the back.

When Gongshuchou heard this order, he was a bit Spartan. If he wanted to win this thing, he had to use the numbers to stack up, use those air forces to deal with the air force, and use gunpowder to deal with the green dragon flying in the sky.

Gongshuchou immediately ordered: "Order all the bats in the organization to attack, and target Qinglong. Remember to bring enough explosives."

This era already has gunpowder, and Gongshuchou is someone who can use it alive. The power of homemade bombs like the fake Yinghuo Stone before is the masterpiece of Gongshuchou.

The soldier hurriedly said: "Decree."

After a while, countless mechanism bats surrounded Qinglong, intending to use the explosives on it to blow Qinglong into a pile of pieces.

There is no entanglement in the previous Ying Zheng opinion, since there is a way to deal with it, anyway, as long as it can be dealt with, is it just such a trick for those rebellious people?It is impossible to enter the Hall of Elegance at all, so just wait.

But why do I feel a little restless today?Interesting, could they really threaten me?

Thinking of this, Ying Zheng smiled, and felt that his thoughts were absurd.

(End of this chapter)

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